What are you getting?
What have you got?
What won't you get?
What do you want?

Other urls found in this thread:

My wishlist. What should I get?

I might get Ori and the Definitive Edition. None other games on my wishlist are on sale. But I'm afraid it will be even cheaper during the bigger Winter Sale.

Some deals I've found:

Under 10:
>Raiden III
>Raiden IV
>Valkyrie Chronicals (it has tanks shut up)
>Azure Striker Gunvolt

>Transformers Devestation
>Assault Suits Leynos
>Darius Burst Chronical Saviors
>Red Out
>MGSV: The Phantom Pain
>EDF 4.1

>What are you getting?
Probably Tales of Zestiria and God Eater 2
What have you got?
Helldivers, EDF:IA and Iron Brigade
What won't you get?
A lot of shit
What do you want?
A lot of shit

What's the point of having this sale when xmas sale is coming in one month? Pure jewery?

What are some games with great multiplayer?


I mean...ok...I guess...

Because the games that are in this sale may not be in the next sales selection.

Also, if you get a deal of 80% off who fucking cares.

>all that shit
Narrow it down, unless you are a 195iq neet you'll never have enough time to play all those.

I already have EU4. Does anyone know if I can buy the package with the DLCs as a gift, gift the dlcs to myself and give the vanilla game to a friend?

This has come at the worst time for me as I have pretty much zero money until 1st December.

They're normally 60 dollars and are 50-75% off.

Is Cities: Skyline a fun game? I barely play games and I've played only a handful of games I've bought on sales but this seems like a good purchase. Only 7 yuros.

Bought Noire since it was under $8 and that's about how much I had from selling a few cards.

Ask the Steam support if you haven't already.


>steam sales

pls stop user. steam sales have been a joke for about 3 years now

are transformers war/fall of cybertron worth it for $15?

If I only buy one nep which is best?

the 'sale' is shit

No way lol. It was a free gold or ps plus game

>EU4 without DLC

well memed

mite get nep, haven't played it.

probably nothing else.

Is Dishonored with all the dlcs worth it?

Bought this lil' gem and been having a lot of fun with it so far.

Thanks for the recommendation, user from another thread!

Definitely, it has a lot of cool mods.

Neptunia rebirth 1, 2, 3, and Noire tactics.

>with all the dlcs
Weren't there only two of those?
Anyway, the trials DLC is exactly what it sounds like, a bunch of challenge maps. The witches DLC is actually good.
Anyway, it's a great game and you should play it. If it's on sale - good for you.

Rising Storm GOTY edition, like 4 yuros.

I have some of the dlcs, It's just that the package with the game is still cheaper than buying all the dlcs it comes with

It's pretty good yeah, worth it for the $10.

But, it'll be on sale again at Christmas - just pay the $3.29 now and if you like it, buy the DLC then.

I add any game that I have some interest in. I have no intention of buying these right away. It'll take me years to buy all these.

What're the best games I can get for $10?

I'm thinking Dragon Age and KOTOR II....?

Not sure if you saw it before the last thread archived, but I went through and recommended the games that I played.

Buy Transformers Devestation instead.

Evil Within
Valkyrie Chronicles
New Vegas

Nepnep Rebirth Trilogy, Nep VII, and Ori to start.

I was gonna get Total Warhammer but it didn'T go on sale. I got Mordheim and Vermintide instead.

Daily deals and flash deals are forever dead due to refunding, right?
I'm still in that mindset every time one of these sales happens.

Hows the combat in the Nepnep games? Been looking to play some weebshit

Got 30 bongbux on my account, which should i buy?

GTAV has the longest replay value.
>Well, GTA Online does, but it's part of a GTAV, for now.

I didn't even know this transformers game existed, thanks, i might just buy all three since i have nothing to play after im done with dis2

fall is decent, skip war. like that other user said just get devastation

Definitely going to pick up DOOM.

Does Wolfenstein TNO have forced stealth missions like RtCW? Or can I go through the whole game guns blazing?

Only thing I was looking forward to.

I dont think you know what greentexting is for, user

It's a good game. Just over priced and a bit short. Totally worth 16 dollars. Not worth 65 they originally asked for.

Wait a year for Dark Souls 3: Definitive edition.

That feel when you have the 500 games badge and steam sales are meaningless.

Life is Strange

That's it. I'm still wondering about Watch Dogs though, even if it was badly received

Today I found out that a lot of people are actually interested in Neptunia games, and this sale is the catalyst for a lot of people to start playing them.

Which begs the question...


It has stealth missions, but technically there's nothing stopping you from just picking a gun and going on a rampage.
Although I didn't like how enemies had hitscan weapons. It really makes playing on the highest difficulty unfun.

On autism awareness day

The New Order can be played however you want to play it. I preferred going stealth more than running and gunning though

Bought Haydee. Feels odd to play but it feels like those old 2D overly animated platformer games that feel stiff but in 3D.

The fat ass is a bonus.

>Fallout 1
>Fallout 2
>Pillars of Eternity

Anything I should know before I purchase these?

TNO is fucking fantastic. Stealth is optional. Go for it

Dishonored might legit be the easiest game I have ever played even on the highest difficulty, if you don't mind playing with godmode permanently turned on it you might enjoy it, great art direction though.

Life is Strange is great but you have to have a threshold for hipster bullshit to be able to enjoy it.

Watch Dogs is trash, don't get it.

Should i get Watch Dogs? It's barely 10 yurobucks

Is senran Kagura worth it beyond the lewd?

We actually had something like that a few months ago did we not?

>supporting Ubisoft


also the game is fucking horrible

Ok thanks.

just light the 10 euros on fire and watch it burn away, more entertainment value than buying Watch Dogs.

Resident Evil HD Remaster
Resident Evil 0 HD Remaster

Can only get one, which one? I have never played any RE

RE 1

RE 0 is during the stagnation of the series and it's kind of a mess of a game. Only play for serious RE fans.

I've competed fallout NV 4 times on ps3 (without dlcs)
Is it worth copping it for 10€ just for the dlcs?

Get Sleeping Dogs instead. It`s 75% off, has dogs in the title and is fucking great. Well I really enjoyed it anyway. First time I`ve wanted to finish a game in a long time and clocked in about 21 hours.

>Valkyrie Chronicals (it has tanks shut up)
There's no reason to feel shame for wanting to play it, user.


first one, RE HD remaster.
Buy 0 only if you like the first enough

Is there anything that is not weeb shit?

I'm debating Deus Ex: Mankind Divided

I loved the first game and Human Revolution, how is it?

>Euro Truck Simulator 2 - High Power Cargo Pack
>Bit Blaster XL
>Enter the Gungeon
>Bullet Heaven 2
>Super Win the Game
>Stellaris: Plantoids Species Pack
>Europa Universalis IV: Mare Nostrum

I already paid for them minutes ago

Is.. that Eliza? O_o?

Its a medicore/"ok" stealth game at best and a not so great open world game

I'd say only get it if you can find it for $5

found anything interesting around five bucks or less?

I was thinking about Mirror's Edge, is it worth it?

It's pretty excellent.

All the games I considered:
meme streamer game with the typical flawed free4all gather and build stuff gameplay

>Grim Dawn
endless grind that will turn boring for people with out collection addiction

>Gloria Victis
buggy, mostly dead game would rather just sub to Mortal Online

Already beat most bosses on my pirated copy of it, properly not worth joining the pvp years after release

Haven't bought a game in months although I'd love to, but it's all shit.

Is Red Out good? Is it worth it?

Should I get the Fallout 4 dlc?

Oh god no.

I'm buying just Arcanum

If your looking to play a Deus Ex game for really good gameplay then yeah
If your looking to play a Deus Ex game for a really good story then nah

Not even Far Habor or Nuka World?

>tfw normie retards spend their hard earned money on single player games they could have just pirated
What's it like working 7 days a week for something you could have got for free?

Continue being the cancer killing video games.

>7 days

Nuka world is fucking shit
Far habor is the only okay DLC

not him
I remember when steam sales meant newish AAA games for like 5 bucks each. Am I the only one?

I've spent at most 200 dollars on Steam games. I only buy during sales. 200 is chump change. And the conveneince + online features are worth it.

What's it like being a NEET failure?

But what about those sick games with leaderboard?

Undertale, Dishonored, Arkham City and Arkham Knight GOTY, Torchlight 2, Transistor, FTL, Bastion, Hotline Miami, Crypt of the Necrodancer, Brothers tale of two sons, Antichamber, Orcs must die 1-2, Mark of the Ninja, Machinarium, Psychonauts, KOTOR 1-2, Jedi Knight 2-3, Witcher 1-2, Spelunky, WH40k Space Marine, Stanley Parable, Dead space 1-2

>mfw this entitled poorfag can't shell out $10 to pay for his own entertainment and thinking he's superior for stealing things.

Enjoy living in your mom's basement earning minimum wage for the rest of your life you neckbearded furry.

thanks user, pretty good list
checking it right nao

Got Psychonauts for a buck, hyped for 2.

Fantastic racing game

can give you recommendations if you give me a few examples of what you like in games, or what genres do you want to play

Piracy is not stealing

Get sleeping dogs instead.
Sun on yee muthafucker

While this is correct, you're still cancer for not supporting good devs if you can afford to.