I already have EU4. Does anyone know if I can buy the package with the DLCs as a gift, gift the dlcs to myself and give the vanilla game to a friend?

This has come at the worst time for me as I have pretty much zero money until 1st December.

They're normally 60 dollars and are 50-75% off.

Is Cities: Skyline a fun game? I barely play games and I've played only a handful of games I've bought on sales but this seems like a good purchase. Only 7 yuros.

Bought Noire since it was under $8 and that's about how much I had from selling a few cards.

Ask the Steam support if you haven't already.


>steam sales

pls stop user. steam sales have been a joke for about 3 years now

are transformers war/fall of cybertron worth it for $15?

If I only buy one nep which is best?