>graveyard level
>developers's names are in the tombstones
Graveyard level
Other urls found in this thread:
>Published by EA
>easteregg is some clutter item
>you won't get the joke unless you've browsed the official forum for years
>developers are just nonames and get fired anyway
>Graveyard level
>Tombstones are enemies
>developer team makes a cameo as enemies
>secret dev room where you can talk to the devs as NPCs
>ashes found in 3 crypts with the usernames of three people who died before the game was finished
>Graveyard level is the starting area
>You are undead
>the starting dagger is actually a key to enter a secret room where you have to fight chickens named after the devs to get a machinegun that shoots chickens
>you save the developer and fly away with a plane with him
>real life level
>your name is on one of the tombstones
>suddenly the npcs don't acknowledge your existence at all
I wish devs would stop doing this shit.
>tfw you carried the ashes for in-game months because you thought they're needed for some quest
>there's a shrine ingame honoring someone who died during development
Looking at you, just cause 3, fable, and alienation
>Kickstarter donators' names are on the tombstones
So... Dark Souls 3?
>Museum level is the starting area
>You are an exhibit
Medievil 2 is pretty good too
>old game
>they are actually dead
I want to pet this cat
I Live