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Video Games #3588
Video Games
Can we please go 1 day where we don't talk about Kiseki?
Why are Sony fans so persecuted on Sup Forums?
What are you planning on playing in the comfy days ahead?
Why won't they nerf solider76?
Why are there so many blacks in this game?
Just put my preorder in for Final Fantasy XV
Why shouldn't I buy Tsubasa's game?
Play through SH2 and 3 back-to-back
Steam Giveaway
Is there something wrong with my aspect ratio?
About to play Final Fantasy (the original) for the first time. I have never played a jrpg
Top 10 games for 2016
He's coming back to Twitch!
Nostalrius Thread
Which 2017 video game release are you most looking forward to?
What do we think of Life is Strange?
Hello Neighbor general
No Man's Sky patch 1.1
So who should be in capcom vs shonen jump?
Why is this shit still $60 on Xbone and PS4
Hey Faggots
I play melee competitively
Can we have a civilized discussion about tank games without devolving into Russia VS Germany?
Game has 5-10 minute credits
Good luck finding a better vidya artist. You literally cant
ITT: criminally underrated vidya w.aifus
Can we agree that DX:MD is a decent game?
What's the point of Granblue Fantasy?
ITT: Times Sup Forums memed you into playing a shit game
I just got my money for refunding Dragon's Dogma on steam. What game do I buy now? I already own Gothic and Dark Souls
"That guy isn't here anymore. Except for the Kokiri, people who come into the forest end up lost...
Who is best Kagura and why is it Haruka?
It's an impending brutal custody battle-episode
Build bunnyman farm
Why havent you hacked your 3ds?
Want to play game
How do we stop censorship?
Hey guys what's goin on
It's like _____ but with _____ elements and a hint of _____
Who else /uninstalling/ hearthstone after this got revealed?
Beatable in 9 hours
Bought this on a whim and downloading it now
Why is she still untouched?
What went right
(no troll)
Hook cooldown increased by 2 seconds
Any other game where everyone loses at the end?
ITT we post video game characters who look like our current girlfriends
Why no one talked about this?
Seems they've put out their first big update and it actually looks pretty nice
What happened?
Name a better platformer from the 2010's
So Sup Forums, when do you think the next elder scrolls game will be released...
"Why did we go from fifteen to seven. Do the folks at square enix not know how to count?"
So we've been giving Mother, Metroid, Kirby etc a lot of exposure and merch recently, shall we release a new game...
Devs make the biggest flop of 2016
Let's build a roster for the inevitable Netherrealms horror classics fighting game
Yo, Cloud
Tales of...series
So what did you buy on Black Friday?
Game is beyond short (20 hours long)
Glitch is found
Find me an emulator that is more overrated than ZSNES,i'll wait
Undertale key?
What are some of the most timeless games Sup Forums...
Are there any games that let me be number one?
I might break my zero tolerance policy on preordering for this one
Sup ForumsGA Thread
You can 100% the game in 16 hours
Is he the best FPS protagonist?
My Xbox One S arrives from Amazon today
Is it ture?
This is a thread to mourn all the dead and gone MMOs
Name 1 (ONE) genuinely scary horror game that doesn't rely on jumpscares or use the "hide-until-scary-thing-leaves"...
Game has an evil route
Webm thread
Touhou gameplay thread
Pokemon Sun/Moon are fun, but does anyone else hates all the excesive Gen 1 pandering?
About Street Fighter and Ono
We have around 30+ days left for 2016 meme magic to make it happen
Take soulsborn formula
Can I be fucking real for a second?
How do i get good a R6S Sup Forums?
What was his problem?
Unpopular video game opinions?
Foolish Sup Forums, you will never play XV. I've just implanted you with KILLER QUEEN BITE ZE DUST...
Have you ever had an online rival Sup Forums?
Just finished Tyranny. Pillars of Eternity was great but this was complete shit. What happened to Obsidian?
Always try to play games "the right way"
Will you buy switch hd version?
Ornstein and Smough are the hardest dual bosses of all t-
It is good that you have never wondered what lay beneath her robes...
Mods for Fallout: New Vegas?
A support is the sluttiest
This game is fucking awesome
It says here you haven't preordered Sonic Mania. Care to explain?
This guy walks up to your gf, slaps her on the ass and says: SPRING HAS COME!
You're supposed to take a fifteen minute break minimum for every 45 minutes spent in front of the computer
Steam trading
Infamous Second Son
Yo, I feel like playing some Bomberman. What's the best Bomberman game?
Be honest, what was the last time you used the stylus or the 3d or the cameras or the gyroscope?
Best deals I've found on the Steam sales:
So how bad was it
How was anyone supposed to know you could do this?
Will you play it when it comes out?
It's Sunday!
Robbie Rotten board
Are there any developers that still make pretty good games...
What games have magic systems that require effort to cast spells?
Just downloaded Shadowrun Returns
Are there any games with eurobeat soundtrack?
Post your Battlestation
Don't mind me, just on my way to page 10 with the true holy trinity of fighting games. You know...
Can you guys redpill me on Shin Megami Tensei? I'm new to anime games
Nostalrius Thread
What did he mean by this?
I can't believe this stupid update has got me playing this game again
Swapnote is back from the dead
Finally buy Undertale to see what the fuss is all about
It is a good life we lead, brother
This is photoshopped, right?? There is no way this is real
What does Sup Forums think of Twitch?
Why don't games use pre-rendered backgrounds anymore?
What's your opinion on other people enjoying video games?
Was Sega the Sony of the 6th generation?
1/3 In early 60's...
I am writing a book about "game feel" and inputs. What are some of the best FPS in terms of controls Sup Forums?
Steam sale
Name one (1) better vidya news show
What is your favorite voice clip from your favorite videogame?
Which one should I buy solely for exclusives?
Sup Forums - video games
Stop killing games
Most popular game in the series is the best one
New vocation for Dragon's Dogma Online: the spirit lancer
In one update No Man's Sky has gone from unplayable to fucking epic and legitimate GOTY contender and every NMS fan...
Is it true that Code Geass is getting a sequel?
So according to Wikipedia the Gamecube has over 600 games, yet off the top of my head I can name maybe 10
Why doesn't Sup Forums never talk about pic related?
What does Sup Forums think about the Far Cry series?
How does 1080p look on a 4k TV?
Buying a new tv and a ps4 pro soon, this is my initial wishlist, what do you think of it...
Is there a more based publisher in the industry?
No Mans Sky
About to play this for the first time
Okay so i'm having two big issues with my computer
Code Geass is getting a new season and they STILL haven't made a good Code Geass video game
Name ONE good american game made in the past 10 years
NPCs have dance animations
Have you seen my ring?
What video games are you going to play today, Sup Forums?
So is this game any good?
So are you guys looking forward to Shamanstone's upcoming expansion?
Why is this allowed?
1)the binding of issac
Tried so hard to save your sister with help of the girl you had crush on
Come play dammit
Let's air our unpopular opinions in a BIGLY thread
It's a comfy Sunday, so let's have a friendly thread free of anger
ITT:Games where the AI does not fuck around
50gb game download size
Hey user, would you like to join us? We could use a 6th party member
Code Geass Season 3
Just me is this game kinda bad?
Do you shoplift games, Sup Forums? how do you do it?
Which Zelda is best Zelda?
Is there anything good about pic related for a newvegasfag???
Be release date
Tfw no adorably awkward Tekken playing gf
Ok guys, how do I get fallout 3 to run on my PC...
Why is Artorias's sword so gigantic in this scene but he's barely taller than you in the DLC?
It's good, Sup Forums
Why do we rarely see Africans in online games?
Cosplay thread go
What mobile games do you guys play?
Type in your first name
Could Raiden beat Genji?
What video games does the MC fake their own death?
How fake was this whole thing. I'm playing it for 8 hours now and I haven't gotten to the dress part...
PS4 Pro does it again
Pass the controller bro
Vidya to roleplay Yoshikage Kira
Camera changes angle mid-combat/mid-platforming
Sup Forums says pic related sucks and to get Titanfall 2
Game features a religion
Jak X
Now that the dust has settled, what went so horribly wrong?
What are some good eshop games? Doesn't matter if they're multiplatform
Dwarf Fortress
Dark Souls
Choose your character
It has now been a little over a month since Battlefield 1 was released
Hey kid. Toll is $10. Pay up
Best Total War title
Santa Hat Thread: The Comfiest Threads on Sup Forums
Which one should I get?
That username is already taken
Enter character name
Shit in vidya that drives you fucking nuts
Boss revives himself
Are there any video games with hippy characters, Sup Forums?
Bonesaw: banned until 2018
Steam Port wishlist:
My PC is more poweful than your con-
I started playing this game 2 weeks ago...
What's a game where you get to play as the villain...
Is Reinhardt the least cancerous hero of the roster?
Filename thread
Can we discuss good TVs for console gaming?
Why was he so like-able??
What games can you no longer play due to it reminding you of a bad memory/experience?
DOA Thread
TF2 is still the only FPS game where characters change facial expressions upon attacking and taking damage
Yoshi or Sonic, Which fanbase is more autistic?
Hannah or Irish?
Hooooly fuck, alright it's time for a music thread amidst all this retarded shitposting
There are currently less than 2,000 players playing Battlefront for the PC
Games < $1
Male Characters
Do you feel embarrassed that you like and play Nintendo games because your old?
This is Gourmet Girl
ITT Post below yours decided what video game you have to fap to
Why is does this game get so much praise? I can only think of the voice acting, Basch and bigbro judge
Path of Exile 2.5
Which one are u nigga?
Make a post
Titanfall 2
ITT: Best final boss themes
What are some games where I can play as an aquatic creature?
You can have one porn star of your choice sit on your lap and play video games with you
What is your reaction when you saw this part of the Overwatch Universe for the very first time?
Stop being bad at games
You don't need to leave Sup Forums in Januare because no one is going to post New Danganronpa V3 spoilers here!
Sniff it user
What's the best headset for PC that doesn't cost a fortune?
Do casual gamers have better taste than hardcore gamers...
Dad walks in
Games with great boss exploits
Bloodborne is the only good playstation exclu-
Literally just wandering around until you run into something important
What games let me beat up manlets?
Smash Sup Forumseekend
What games let me get my dreams crushed?
Story and setting feel like a comfy kung fu cop movie
What was the last game that kept you up playing all night?
Is female megaman a good game
Talking to insanely cute girl on OKCupid
Ace Attorney 6
Why is Sup Forums so shit these days?
Why don't triple A devs use prerendered backgrounds anymore?
How do you make yourself as comfortable as this Nintendo boy
How's that gaming channel going, senpai?
All hail muh boy chris
This is what happened to the remaining survivors
What's the best gamer drink and why is it tea?
Sup Forumsidya draw thread
Let's get this battlestations thread going
You DID cancel your pre-order, right user?
So Sup Forums, did you go law, chaos, or nuetral?
Final Fantasy XVI Speculation
So...honestly, people who got it early, is it a hot mess like everyone on Sup Forums is saying? not as bad? good...
The series starts pandering to SJW's
What are some games with androgynous protagonists?
Remember all the great vidya OC on early Youtube?
Okay user you can rent 1 video game, 1 movie, and i'll buy you 1 snack and 1 drink
Oldfags, how did you deal with such shit graphics?
Don't forget to support AA Games!
How do we fix him Sup Forums?
Playing jRPG
Deathwing thread for the closed beta
ITT: video game characters
Why don't women play video games?
What went wrong?
JP producers were concerned with the dubious quality of the translation and had to step in and tell Atlus USA to stop...
Who did it first?
About to play this for the first time
Seventy (70) GB
Are there any games that Sup Forums DIDN'T shit on when it came out?
Dude let me just throw out my hitscan doorframe lmao
ITT: Games with mouth watering food that you wish you can eat
Do you think there should be more videogames with yuri on them?
Have you ever quoted something from a game out in the public?
Is there any other game like old school runescape? I think it's near perfect if not 10/10...
Let's get this going Sup Forums
Why didn't gaming smartphones catch on?
Disgaea thread
Which Resident Evil Game had the best plot?
Overwatch, a complete trash game, is the most popular FPS
E3 2017
Vert just joined my party; when the fuck do I get to use EXE drives? I just died against the Forest Whale boss
Shit that ruins games automatically
No more mutants
Okay so I just bought the ps4 bundle with Uncharted and just started playing it and am a little lost because I never...
You Groove You Lose
We're you a DS or PSP guy? What games convinced you to choose? What games did you wish you had from the others' library?
"Where the fuck you been for 30 years?"
Haven't played Pokemon since gen 1
Why are young human males so obsessed with Asaris?
Dying Light
Guess what arrived in the mail, Sup Forums
Good. You opened this message. This isn't actually asari military command...
Thundercats video game fucking when?
What are some games that allows me to play as a lesbian?
FFXV review
Never forget
Is this thing gonna have as good graphics as the ps4 or will it look like shit like the wii u?
Name one (1) good vidya Metroid/Castlevania-like
What do you want for Christmas?
Gamecube controllers
Why don't game devs release demos anymore?
So, this game is just MGS2 all over again, even down to the marketing and popular reactions? Explain this
First review is out, the game got 85/100. It's over, lads. The dream is over. So...
So what can we do to fix her? Her dps and teleport is good. But her hacking ability...
This is the most popular incarnation of Link in Japan
Using cheats in single player is now frowned upon
I regret nothing
Wouldn't it be great if real war between nations was settled through an E-sports battle?
What would an Ariana Grande video game look like? What genre would it be?
What is the Sup Forums opinion on this series? main games only please, no sperging out over fucking chain of memories
Black Desert is 50% off. Is it worth buying?
Why don't indie devs try and imitate PS1 graphics? It would be easy and they're very aestheticly pleasing
Childhood is playing as Orcs and Elves and beast races
Game allows you to commit acts of violence against women
Why haven't you hacked your Vita yet, user? It's super easy to set up and you can get emulators, full psp support...
What does Sup Forums think about LoL vs Dota?
Thinking of buying it tonight, just not sure if the game is any good or if nostalgia is kicking in a bit to much...
What games allow me to assume the identity of a total badass?
Dragon's Dogma thread
Say one word, other people guess name of the game
A friend of mine told me that the Dragon Quest series has never changed or matured at all its entire existence...
Ara ara
How the fuck was I supposed to know I WASN'T supposed to call him "???"?
So what was the best Indie game this year Sup Forums?
Lets talk about one of the most controversial characters in vidya history
What genre of game you have never played?
Who and why, Sup Forums?
Post video game characters who could beat Goku
You Laugh, You Lose
Vidya tattoo thread
What games are you playing this weekend, Sup Forums?
Draw a girl
What do you think of Fuuka Yamagishi's role in Persona 3?
What are some games with Bees?
What went right?
When does it get good?
Trails of Cold Steel / Kiseki
Give me one reason to not go buy this right now
What are some video games with cute girls AND good graphics?
I can't fucking wait
Would you fuck a female khajit?
Source mod nostalgia thread
RE morphed into garbage
Why do we hate this game again?
Fellow Umbrella employees, our profits are down and stockholders are losing faith in our brand...
Why is no one talking about this game? It's fun
Nioh before Nioh
Is chess the most successful video game in history?
What games let you inflict non-fatal injuries and have wounded people on the ground after a shootout...
What does Sup Forums eat while playing vidya?
Character customization includes a breast slider
ITT: The most annoying enemies in videogames
Where were you when Star Citizen was BTFO'd by Ubisoft?
There’s a very good reason Battleborn’s latest hero, Kid Ultra, looks like a children’s toy. He technically is
Put this in the disc tray for the first time, what am I in for?
Buy new game
The future of the Playstation 4
You did pick best starter for Sun/Moon, right, guys? If not I suggest restarting your gamesave
Games you cried to
How's that car build going Sup Forums?
Choose your partner!
W Forward
Souls lore and shit
Grab 100 apples and get a 1-up
Watch the sky
Why is Nintendo the only one willing to go with risky new innovations?
Name me 1 (ONE) game more deserving of the Villain Most in Need of a Hug Reward than Undertale
Who here wii U/PC masterrace?
Stop preordering videogames
If he's a plumber, why dont we ever see Luigi plumbing anything?
I hate mondays
Did anyone feel bad about killing Silvio Caruso?
Steam Avatar Santa Hats
Dragon Age: Origins
Game was too easy. About 70 hours to do everything there is to do
What are some vidya e-celebs to avoid?
Who else suffers from shitty internet?
Did you get one?
Hello you, I'm Guru Larry, and welcome to Fat Cunt
Guardians that survive the battle with Sin, aka are not used in the final summoning...
So, where should i start and in which platform?
This game actually looks pretty cool. Why does Sup Forums hate it?
Awesome (official) art for games
Japan: "We want to play games with the original voices."
God Eater
Why is he so based Sup Forums
How can she be redeemed?
Good Licensed Games
What's your favorite betrayal?
Why do we hate Yukari again?
So how was it Sup Forums?
Ok Sup Forums this is just a lowly young knight trying to prove himself...
Start playing Skyrim
Post a screenshots summarizing how you feel right now
FFXV bosses
DX:MD is a good game
Which one did it better?
Is portable ops worth playing?
Where were you when the incompetent dev team behind Hearthstone killed the game?
Winston is EXTREMELY underpowered
Is 2017 the year of the PS4?
What went fucking wrong holy shit
Just started this shit today
Stop scrolling and tell me what bought on Steam this sale
Pokemon Super Mystery Dungeon
What would the gaming industry be like if developers were regular/good looking people and not beta/nu-males
Recommend a game to someone based on their favorite game. I'll start
2017 is Kingdom Hearts 15th anniversary
How do you prefer a JRPG to go about "breaking through your previous limitations"?
Will we ever see another major competitor in the console market?
Would you press the button?
Mods nuked foot soldier thread
Xiaomi & gamesir controllers PC
I've heard that this game isn't a favorite among X fans. Why is that?
Just got this bad boy today, what am I in for?
When did the shill paranoia happen? I see people accusing every opinion of being a shill...
Part 2
Was it really that horrible on release day?
Itt your favorite skyrim quest
Itt: your reaction to the last game you played
How would you make a Superman game, Sup Forums?
Are you excited Sup Forums?
If Nintendo ever went third-party, how bad would the shitpost fallout be?
Are Titan's mechs even if their creators say they aren't mechs?
If a person who plays a 3DS in public is an autistic retard, what is a person who plays one of these?
Mirror Thread
PC """""""""""""""""master""""""""""""""""""" race
Pure girl thread
Steam sales
Is he our guy?
Hey user, I wrote this letter for you
Difficulty spikes
User, I want you to stop playing all these video games. If you want to make this relationship work...
How old is your Steam account?
Why aren't you buying anything on PSN store?
Dark Souls 1
Only two years old
Hey Sup Forums, what's your dream game? That one game that, if it ever came out...
What do you have against this game Sup Forums?
Are videogames the most pleb tier art form?
Saturday Night General!
Now that Final Fantasy XV is out of the way, it's time for Square to focus on the REAL good games...
You ever get emotional thinking about all the time you've spent on Sup Forums?
Why exactly is this so hated?
Dishonored 2
Risk of rain
Tell me your opinion about fighting games Sup Forums
Competitive pokemon is no more skilled than rolling dice. Try and prove me wrong
Complete the sentence:
Well Sup Forums?
The game can't really be this bad, right? 'Overwhelmingly Negative'?
Your favourite Vampire moment?
NES - 1985
Black Friday New 3ds
Best Witcher Armor reporting in
A team of the elite 1st company of the Dark Angels Space Marines, Equipped with terminator armors...
Sup Forums is this worth buying for 18 dollars? even if it doesn't have any of the season pass content?
Yfw some autist from gamespot gets it right about the decline of pokemon
Stop killing games
How will the foot soldier defeat the knight? Use videogame tactics to help her out
Well, yeah. Keys do that
Tfw you will never wait an entire day for the ragnarok online client to download just to find out that the private...
ITT: Enemies who don't fuck around
Warhammer Gen
You should play Thief tonight
Press L1 to time travel
I got the Uncharted 4 PS4 Slim bundle on Black Friday. Is Uncharted 4 really as bad as Sup Forums says...
Is he the worst GTA protagonist? Even Claude was better it's better to be quiet than to say something retarded
Bethesda writing
I just bought this, how the fuck do I get good at it...
Would anyone like the code from inside the case?
Is this the most fun mission?
Uesaka Sumire is a voice actress of the last MC you played for
I don't see any difference
Is this the best srpg ever made?
What's the appeal of western games?
Afterglow xbox one controller just freaked out
So what's Sup Forums's opinion of this game and why is there literally nobody playing CTF?
And I thought the Dishonored 2 port was horrible
What's the best console for someone who plays JRPGs exclusively?
Ace Of Spades (0.54) Thread
What are some games that were so good that some critics gave them bad scores because they didnt get it...
Game where the first level is also the worst level
Not really interested after 2 hours of playing it. How do I enjoy this game?
Daily reminder that this shit is finally coming out in a few days
Who is the objectively strongest Touhou character?
Is it really happening? I'm not even mad I'll probably have to buy a console to play it, I'm just glad it's coming...
Gamestop is offering these for 40 bucks
How is this legal??
I wish someone had told about this multiplayer earlier
Someone explain to be where hot girls cosplaying as videogame characters come from cos there's a gap in my knowledge...
Yfw the best looking PC game is a 7 years old console game
The big grey one is the PSX
User, do you prefer physical or digital?
This is Klonoa
Video games that are seen as 10/10 masterpieces when in reality they're about an 8/10
What games benefit the most from PC emulation?
Importing a visual novel is going to be pretty despair-inducing
Downloading this for the first time, what am I in for?
What can Bioware do to make this game good?
Whats your personal GOTY?
Smash (sm4sh) Sup Forumseekend
Thoughts on Niko Bellic?
So Sup Forums, is this game actually fucking good? At least an improvement over the RBs?
"Oh right, that pokemon exists"
Why are there so few video games that cover the American Civil War?
Mario Parody
Name ONE memorable character from this game
I think we reached the point of over design
If Overwatch is such a "casual game" then why is there a pro scene and why is there professionals?
Opinions on emulation filters? Emulator thread
Which one Sup Forums?
Tfw you realize that the only good Final Fantasy games are the ones with "tactics" or even-numbers next to the main...
Find a flaw i dare you
Now that the dust has settled and the final dlc has dropped with the last 2 characters...
Should I go straight to Disgaea 5 or just borrow and play Disgaea 4 VITA first?
Can mods fix this?
Thoughts on my shirt?
That one guy that has over 10k gamerscore
Thoughts on Pokemon XD?
Go into a room
I'm finally getting through Dragon Ball Super, can we have a DB vidya thread? I'm looking for recommendations
ITT: Things you always do in Vidya
Made the biggest book franchise of all time
Santa hat thread x3
You guys told me Nintendo doesn't do bullshots
>b-but Zelda U is EMPTY open world, hahaha
What did Sup Forums think of Max Payne 3 when it came out?
What happened to live action cutscenes in video games?
Slav maded tank games
Black Friday/Cyber Monday
Overwatch Thread
Play with some random guy
Not having an IPS Monitor
Non-lewd game has lewd scenes
Is there a board that has worse taste than Sup Forums?
Wake up see this what do
Which one did Sup Forums choose?
Anyone wanna play some Jackbox 2?
Which one are you going to main?
Why doesn't Sup Forums ever have 3x3 threads?
Sup Forums on suicide watch
Why is this game so awful, like a horrible nightmare?
Bought pokemon moon
Game only has heterosexual romance options
Which Lara was best Lara?
Halo 3 custom games
100% Orange Juice
Mega Man Music
Foundation Update Incoming, Hello Games | November 25, 2016
Well. Here you go
Catherine or Katherine?
Piracy arguments shitposts and possible discussion
ITT: video games you feel nostalgic about
Space Hulk Deathwing
ITT: Game series that haven't gone down in quality over the years!
Graveyard level
Sup Forumsidya draw thread
Who is the best robot master and why is it Pharaoh man?
What will happen to him and his videogames after his mom dies?
Brock got a Lot easier when you choose Ghastly as a starter
What games feature mermaids?
Why do modern developers feel the need to nanny social interaction nowadays?
You know the drill
Who is the best boy in all of vidya?
Buyer's remorse thread
Anyone know of a way to ban gay visitors to my park...
How come Sup Forums never talks about Hotline Miami? It's a pretty good original game
Filename thread? Filename thread
Geting banned for words
Dat controller
What's the Sup Forumserdict?
Dialogues & Cutscenes: The Game
The kinds of people that like Skyrim are the same kinds of people that wear MGS shirts and get Tri Force tattoos and...
Want to buy a Nintendo 3DS
Siliconera interview with Uchikoshi on ZTD
Overwatch - Lore
Vr cuckold simulator 2017
How would an Evangelion game work?
Ok, fixed it
Breath of the Wild is going to be a good video game
Wired or wireless, Sup Forums?
Nostcucks are blowed the fuck out
Can we all agree that Xenoblade Chronicles X on Wii U is the best looking open world game this generation?
Why is this not in PS4 yet?
Name a better opening for a game
Implying the entirety of Kingdom Hearts isn't just a fantasy...
What should i do in this situation? wukong says that i should go bot and ashe says that shes solo
Deus Ex Mankind Divided - CPY
What video games do Turks play?
Now look at this Nep
Why does Eliza give me such a boner?
Just ordered pic related. What am I in for?
Last threads
New Social Fap Thread
Quads in thread: I push the lever, cut off my dick
This my cat Mousey say something nice
Be me 18 y/o Turk living in Germany
What loli part is best loli part?
Op here of kristin ama
It's Caturday, post cats
Got a girl solidly passed out on my couch in my apartment, wat should I do to her anons?
I love being a stripper. I make $300+ a day (after tip out), I can come to work and leave whenever I please...
Rekt. Lets do it
Wwyd thread be brutal as you want
Whats the best way to insult a german
Does the busdriver notice if i steal
Hot for teacher thread: candids preferred or in general clasroom pics; only real teachers pls
Texas thread. Bonus for 903
If you were paid 200000 a year to be permanently naked- would you? You would have full immunity to any legal trouble...
Sup Forums
Television and Film
Video Games