Did you get one?
Did you get one?
yeah and infamous second son, overwatch, rayman legends, and a white controller.
apart from some clothes, that was all i bought during black friday.
>Buying outdated hardware
I hate shooters with regenerating health.
Am I retarded?
Same answer
Last year, still regret it to this day.
Yeah, but only because it was the cheapest PS4 I could find. Also bought Bloodborne. Couldn't give less of a fuck about dishonored, probably won't ever play it.
I got one last year. Except for Ratchet and Clank and Bloodborne, it's been mostly just a media player for me. Don't really regret it because it was cheap though.
It's still just a Bloodborne machine so no. Maybe next year.
Saw it at Costco today, $250 was a little rich since I'd have to spend another $30 for Bloodborne and there's nothing on the near horizon for the console that's worth it.
Don't you have a petition to make and indie shovelware to buy?
i wish i could get it for that price. here in canada its 378 after taxes. fucking hell
I don't buy consoles until I can pirate games on them.
>consolefag rationalises his bad purchase
>Standard PS4
Good job on buying a Youtube game and an obselete console I guess
Got one yesterday, enjoying it so far
>buying anything but a pro
Just wait until the honeymoon phase is over
Yes but I immediately traded in uncharted for cybersleuth
Been wanting to get one the past few days but all the shitposting regarding FFXV has left me feeling even more undecided.
Can you trade in new games to FUCKING GAMESTOP or just used ones? Was thinking of doing this.
No. There's still not a single exclusive I want to play other than Persona 5, and I still have my PS3 for that. I'm more tempted to buy an Xbone solely for backwards compatibility. I want to play Lost Odyssey again.
>there's nothing on the near horizon for the console that's worth it
>there's nothing on the near horizon
nigga all the games come out in Q1
shitposting from Sup Forums? literally who cares what these memers are going on about man.
Games PS4 has worth playing:
Games PS4 has coming out that look promising:
Games PS4 has coming out that might be worth playing if you're being really generous:
>The Last Guardian
Did I miss anything? There are good deals where you can sell the garbage bundled game(s) because console users actually lap up paying £40-£50 for a damn video game, but it's still not worth it just for this.
10k wants to get a shitty review score removed
>meanwhile on pc petitions
Yup, still haven't even taken out of the box or bag for that matter. Just tossed in my closet.
Fuck no.
prove it.
Yes. Uncharted 4 is great so far.
>tfw 3 1/2 years after release and still no ps4
I got one for 125$ with Bloodbourne, but that's the only worthwhile game since I have a modded PS3 & Vita.
>Did I miss anything?
I'm kinda interested in that "movie" game with Android hostage scenario
Yes, enjoying U4. Got hitman for half price too. No sale for Bloodborne though :(.
Problem is PC isn't much different with prices, even on the grey market key selling sites you used to be able to get new releases for $30, but now they are often $55-60
And the sales have become less good. Used to be able to get games 6-12 months old for less than $10 but now we have to wait MUCH longer to see those sort of prices.
We get all their indies.
Can't wait to play Owlboy thanks for beta testing Pcucks.
Are there any good games yet besides Bloodbourne and PS3 ports?
No western casual shit. (Uncharted, Until Dawn, My Wifes Son Of War, etc.)
You can trade in a new game but they're still going to consider it used and won't pay you a different amount or anything.
nope theres absolutely nothing, sony managed to sell 40+ million ps4s with just bloodborne and old ps3 games.
bravo sony bravo
Will keep my OG PS4 until Japan gets a special edition DQXI console and import it.
Hopefully it's the Pro version.
The PS4 is a very western/casual focused console, if you hate those games you won't find much.
If you have no decent PC, you could use it for multiplats, but obviously most of those multiplats are Western.
is the ps4 slim better or worse than the normal ps4. specs wise
At best I can only hope it's a MGSV situation where the story was lacking but the rest of the game I found solid.
He's not wrong though the PS4 Pro existing makes it even more outdated.
This Black friday in Greece we had the xbone with gow 4 at 199E
Unfortunatelly the ps4 was at 250+Euros
don't listen to nerds on v
i got one yesterday and it's been really fun to play console again
Could care less about Uncharted because the series is mad overrated (speaking as someone who played through the main trilogy) but I grabbed one and Seige and got Ratchet and Clank for free as the Gamestop BF bonus (cared little about either R&C or LoU Remastered but I haven't played R&C so just went with that one)
buyers remorse
> get PS4 for £120 (after discount + selling shit bundled games)
> just realise that outside of bloodborne and FFXV theres nothing else to play until several months (ni-oh/persona 5)
> everything else I am interested in is already on PC so might as well wait for those to drop in price.
Buyer's remorse, but oh well at least i paid a price near enough to 2nd hand just for being a dust collecting weeb machine.
Awesome was thinking of doing that.
>don't listen to nerds on v
Dumb phone poster.
Its literally the same hardware just smaller.
>all these faggots regret owning a ps4
do you retards not do research when buying a console?
>Will always be a white argentine living in a socialist country full of taxes
PS4 with uncharted for 250$?
Fuck you guys, it's almost 600$ here.
What are the PS4 must haves?
I bought mine on the assumption it would have good games, since Sony & Nintendo usually do.
Buying 8th gen consoles was a terrible idea, they're all shit.
Isn't this why F2P PC games are so popular in south america? Heard consoles are expensive as fuck in most countries down there.
>being this autistic about slashes
2017 will be the Year of PS4
Bloodborne? All the best stuff is coming out early next year.
>white argentine
Yep! Am playing throuhg bloodborne now, am enjoying it a lot. I've missed out on PS3 shit too so I got the uncharted and lost of us remasters, I'm set for a while. Can't wait to play them all!
sure, soon you will say 2018 will be the year of the ps4
face it, Sony is just Microsoft now and Nintendo are just some retard in the corner nobody understands what he is doing.
Just look at the games coming out for PS4 Q1 of 2017
Go ahead and post your shit list, I'm sure you have a few saved like a fanboy.
Then we can play the game where you pretend Persona isn't a ps3 game and isn't fucking loser shit for virgins and that Nier 2 and Berseria aren't on PC and that Horizon isn't made by Guerilla who has never made a good game and this doesn't look just like a boring Ubisoft open world shitfest.
Any of you fags have FFXV already? Is it fun at least? Don't know if I should take the plunge and buy a ps4. Is this shit even worth it at this point? I have a pc already btw
>No western casual shit
There is a bunch of weeb shit yes
Would recommend Gravity rush.
>look at the games coming out for PS4
Is there a good sci fi racing game for ps4?
I bet you nintendo won't even release f-zero switch
Yes. I'm not sure why. Kinda wish I saved for a Pro instead.
Nope, Wipeout & F-Zero are dead.
Framerates are all inconsistent with games with pro support though.
I got a pro, don't really see much point in buying a slim, I don't particularly need the extra space
Seriously why do video games keep getting more shit?
Seriously considering just buying a ps2 and as many games as I can and pretending it's 2004.
Not him but i'll gladly do it
The Last Guardian
Gravity Rush 2
Yakuza 0
Kingdom Hearts 2.8
Horizon Zero Dawn
MLB The Show 17
Persona 5
>Will probably get release dates at Playstation Experience
Gran Turismo Sport
What Remains of Edith Finch
Drawn to Death
Now this is the part where you tell me about how all these games are either shit or don't count
Have you considered Fast Racing Neo?
>white argentine
>go ahead and post a valid list of games that proves my 1gaem meme retarded, and I'll use arbitrary reasons to disqualify them
How about you kill yourself.
>Just wait until you're miserable like me
He's not a pcunt like yourself.
this is me.
shit man i thought i had it bad
Wanting a game is at least understandable and less pathetic than trying to remove a review.
Not him but most of those don't interest me. Not gonna call them shit but maybe 1 or 2 are all I would personally get.
You enjoy that one, user
>Drawn to Death
Stopped reading there
Tempted, but no Optical Out = No Buy.
How much do those cost?
Same here in brmonkeyland