Uesaka Sumire is a voice actress of the last MC you played for

Uesaka Sumire is a voice actress of the last MC you played for.

What changes?

Other urls found in this thread:


Literally who?

The voice

The game becomes shit. Literally who.

i'll fight you op


>from plebbit

Get out.

I wish I could be a cute jap girl.
I wish I could tease white men all day
I wish I could fuck a korean dude as a cute jap girl

ching chong nip nong

So is this the JAV thread?

Theres 5 or 6 containment boards, crawl back into one of them


Fuck off /jp/

You have a whole normie internet you can fuck off to and complain about anime.

Sup Forums is clearly not the website you should visit ever again.

Fuck off.

Hope so

Kancolle, if that even counts as a game, then nothing would change.

Where's all the JAV with white guys in it? I've only seen one or two of them out there, but a whole bunch with black guys.

sauce ?


and you can fuck off to /pol faggot

I don't know but I fucking love cubic futurismo

I don't know who that is, but Kazuma Kiryu voiced by some girl who tried to act tough would be hilarious. Just played Yakuza 5.

Found it.
The video is deleted on every link I could find other than this.
If someone else can give a better sauce I'd appreciate it.


Huge weeb here and no idea who that is.

>because they don't know some literally who newcomer seiyuu

>newcomer seyiu

When a newfag is trying to fit in and fails miserably.

>Started in 2012
>not newcomer
Oh, I guess that's the year you started browsing too eh kid?

Sup Forums is no longer a website for weebs, and Sup Forums especially is not a board for weebs. You should go to your containment boards or fuck off to some weeb hellhole website.

>What changes?
not much, im sure she can pull off the whole ’偉そうになお嬢様' type character very well


Check my five(5)


>Sup Forums is no longer a website for weebs
yeah its for dudebros and xbots like yourself right


lol no
Get fucked kid

I wish I was a cute girl in general. Life is literally handed to you if you're a cute girl, it's the easy mode of life.

Butthurt weebs because their shit is no longer tolerated anywhere.

Reminder that Japan is shit, Japanese games are 99% shovelware and that you'll never be Japanese. Take your virgin tears elsewhere faggots.

Get out before you get banned, son.


>Guy is giving his all
>She is not even faced by it

That's exactly what I'm afraid of, my average dick is probably not going to do anything to the average slut that can take a horse dick in her ass

>Japanese games are 99% shovelware

How would you know that if you've not played any? Are you some kind of closet weeb?

That would be extremely difficult

The average weeb, an insecure faggot that doesn't even know how to pleasure a women. Also a virgin. Shamefur

I'll let you know once someone tells me who that is.

also, since the last game I played was HL2, not much. maybe get some kawaii uguu pain noises as opposed to manly grunting, I suppose?

And you're in one.

Does that mean potter kun gets genderbent, or are his "yoshi" exclamations when a skill levels up just more feminine sounding? Either way, not much.

Reminder that Sumipe is literally insane and people only her for her beewbs.

You're okay dude. I've got an average 6incher too and the length works just fine. It's just as easy to dick a girl to climax then to use your tongue too. I thought it'd be completely one sided, but no.

The only thing you really have to worry about is cumming too fast. But if you're a virgin this late in life, porn probably means you can't anyways.

>Reminder that Sumipe is literally insane and people only her for her beewbs.
Because she likes Russia?

Fuck off.

Even Yuu Kobayashi is more mentally stable than her.


nah kobayuu is crazy

now I know you're memeing

>source: my ass

Must be nice to judge people from your basement without having any actual personal contacts with them obviously.

Stop with the Japanese shit ffs.


I will marry Asakawa Yuu-san.

Should posted a seiyuu Sup Forums actually knows, like Sugita, Aoi or Sawashiro.

>seiyuu thread on Sup Forums
It's been a while, damn.
Is the user who had the episodes of Aoi and Misao in Guam and other places here? Have you posted those somewhere yet?

the first two of those are all hype nothing more

Actually no, but they are uploaded in Bilibili. Let met get the links for you.
I've been working on a sort of masterlist with links to Aoi-related events.

I wish you luck, from all the blessings in my shoulder.

Sounds useful. Hope you're not trying to make it a complete list because that'll probably take ages.

accept no substitutes

I wish I could hear her voice everyday, no one can compete

This is your date for tonight

Here they are. 8 volumes in total. If you want to download them just turn the "bilibili" part of the URL into "ibilibili".


What went wrong bros?

Sweet, guess I know what I'm doing tonight.

>implying I didn't play Witcher 3 with Japanese voice actors.

Geralt: Yamaji Kazuhiro
Yennefer: Tanaka Atsuko
Ciri: Sawashiro Miyuki
Triss: Aizawa Yurika
Vesemir:Ogata Mitsuru

>you will never play videogames

>I wish I could hear her voice everyday, no one can compete

>EOPs can't play Persona 5




At least my EOP friends don't have to turn off the audio when they get it now. I'm happy for them.

I actually played it like that for a bit just to check it out.

They really fucked up with Geralt's voice. Kazuya Nakai would have been a better choice.

>not being best girl in every series


Кpacивый кoмpaд Cyмиpe!!!

>want to listen to more 堀江由衣の天使のたまご
>700 plus episodes
S-someday I will binge them. I've done the same with radio shows on the 200/300 mark.