Which one should I get?

I can only get the standard edition of Doom 4 or Fallout 4, I'm not sure which one to get help me Sup Forumsirgins before black friday sale ends

Nice file name

DOOM all the way. If your PC is good enough to handle it at 60fps.

FO4 is actually garbage, with and without mods


Pirate both

Doom. Even if doom isn't what you want it to be, it fulfills it's purpose, which is to make you have fun

Doom is super concentrated fun. Fallout 4 is small bouts of fun inbetween monotony.

FO4 sucks shit and is the opposite way the series should have gone. At least Doom is heading in the right direction despite some of its failings.

you know what to do

Doom if you like old DOOM games. Fallout 4 if you like bad games.


obviously doom 4. fallout 4 was total shit.

Doom4 if you actually like having fun.

Fallout4 if you want a broken, buggy, boring, barely a sequel piece of shit.

Your call OP

Just pirate both...?

All my friends are casuals and love it on their consoles. Which is sort of a bad sign since they play normie games. Bethesda removed karma, dialogue is dumbed down, base building to cater to young minecraft fags, shit graphics and optimization. It is nothing like fallout 3. I been watching reviews and I more confident that Doom is better.

Why between those two games? Are you a Bethesda shill?

(Get Doom and wait for F4 GOTY)

No matter what peeps say, 250 hours in FO4, 8 hours in DOOM

Such a great metric.

Also, buying Doom will help guarantee a sequel. F4 will get a sequel anyway

I don't really care about hours more about how much fun it is

completely different games.

if you want to mindlessly shoot aliens with big guns and see shit explode get doom

if you want to roleplay like a fuckign faggot and walk around a map for fucking hours on end get fallout

its really that easy

Removed karma, but instead replaced it with a much more in-depth wayof affecting the world around you and how people treat you.

Dialogue is dumbed down, compared to what? Previous Fallout games? Lol

Settlement building, which you can use to generate much needed caps, materials, weapons, armour and defence.

Shit graphics, but obviously an improvement from previous Fallout games.

Let's be honest, you've never played Fallout 4, nor Doom have you?

> normie games

Just reconfirming my opinion that people who hate on FO4 are wannabe edge lords who like to go against the grain.


> when you have no means to actually reply to irrefutable points

download the live dismemberment mod and more blood and bits mod for Fallout 4 and just play survival mode

>Just reconfirming my opinion that people who hate on FO4 are wannabe edge lords who like to go against the grain.

Or just burnt out Fallout fans who are sick of seeing Bethesdrones shilling a game that they all know is eh at best.

I already got Doom, too late. I'll get GOTY edition when it comes out.

Titanfall 2

Goiz I need advice
Should I get 7 days to die or The Forest

I don't personally believe anyone enjoys Fallout 4. It is genuinely that bad. It looks, runs, feels and plays like shit.

>Buy Doom today


they are both great games. both have flaws but they both can be very fun

if you have lots of time to play buy fallout. if you are more time limited buy DOOM. it's pretty much that simple


nani shimasu ka

Smart Ass.

Do you like screaming skeletons?

Get the one with screaming skeletons.


why the fuck are you posting this thread multiple times per day?
fuck off


I haven't been on Sup Forums in ages so I don't know if this is a regular post.

Fuck you too

Actually based on personal preference, i'd tell you to pick up FO4 because it is still fun

Don't be a faggot. Get fallout. Doom is uninspired and gets boring quick.

this, it's as fast as Doom and even more fun

I got Titanfall 2 earlier today ;)

Seconded. FO4 is alright, but DOOM is a god damn masterpiece.

>shit graphics
>nothing like fallout 3


lord ripntear