Someone explain to be where hot girls cosplaying as videogame characters come from cos there's a gap in my knowledge about this shit.
Like all I remember are booth babes of the late 90s to early 00s then -gap- and then actually hot girls who (seem) to be legitimately into games cosplaying.
Some girls graduate high school, and realize that they would rather continue to be the biggest fish in a small pond, rather than a small fish in a big pond.
James Howard
That looks like the ExCel centre in London
Landon Moore
Because they are attention whores
Lucas Foster
Adrian Robinson
>(seem) Exactly. The vast majority of women like dressing up and attention. So naturally cosplay is literally the perfect hobby for them. The actual videogame aspect is secondary.
Josiah Davis
>putting that much effort into cosplay It belongs on /cgl/
Xavier Ortiz
Cosplayers only do it for attention/donations. Even the down to Earth cosplayers are only doing it for attention.
Genshiken infuriated me to no end for how fake it was.
Adrian Bell
Do these hot bitches actually make their own costumes or just get some friendzoned nerd to do it for them?
Isaac Anderson
>and then actually hot girls who (seem) to be legitimately into games cosplaying.
as games grew in popularity they saw it as a way to get more attention from both normies and virgin spergs alike
they can now make money just streaming their shitty gameplay and having virgin autists "donate" to them
Liam Lee
They used to make them theirselves, then as YouTube became more popular, they would just buy their costumes from lesser known cosplayers.
Landon White
Thinly veiled bad cosplay thread?
Hudson Flores
My dick doesn't think this is bad cosplay
Jonathan Rodriguez
Shut your FUCKING MOUTH norm, Japan isn't the same don't project your self-centered world view on the glorious holy land.
Michael Long
How about this one?
Joshua Moore
Adam Carter
Jordan Ramirez
my man
Logan Roberts
Logan James
Nathan Ortiz
Tyler Turner
truly AWFUL cosplay!
Parker Reed
I feel like I was either born just too late to find the legit geeks and just too early to ride the faux-nerd/geek wave that is going on right now.
Austin Hughes
Bentley Jackson
Brody Harris
Jace Wood
Hudson Walker
muh dik
Adrian Parker
Benjamin Hall
they're not into games, they just want the fucking attention.
why they want it from the shittiest, sub-human group of people is beyond me.
Angel Turner
Michael Phillips
>why they want it from the shittiest, sub-human group of people is beyond me. Because you have a perfect excuse to wear borderline fetish costumes in broad daylight.
Jordan Foster
Jose Martin
All cosplayers are attention whores and never give any shits about the things they're cosplaying
Aiden Foster
Damn, Ksenia actually looks sexier as Margaery than Natalie Dormer did. Her Triss cosplays are also fucking on point
Robert Anderson
Luke Bailey
Jeremiah Evans
I feel like I was born the wrong sex to capitalize on all this betabux.
Carson Evans
>>putting that much effort into cosplay
They're just having fun user
Jayden Mitchell
I'm not much for her Triss cosplays because in some pics she looks weird and in others it looks alright.
i dunno what it is about white girls trying to act japanese that really bugs me
Ian Peterson
Aiden White
Ethan Nelson
This is the most embarrassing thing I've seen circulating on Sup Forums
I mean how do you look at that and not think it was just made by a bitter faggot who was bullied for being a beta autist? Nobody makes fun of anyone for playing videogames, unless you're actually a fucking loser who would get bullied no matter what. If you honestly think you were ever bullied solely as a result of liking vidya then it's no wonder you were a target. You're a fucking idiot.
I really thought this image would be mocked when it was made but I see it posted over and over and now I realise just how fucking sad and deluded lots of people on Sup Forums really are. I mean are you fucking serious? Did you REALLY have girls laughing at you for playing videogames? Where does this happen? They laughed at you because you were ugly, not because you played videogames
And even if you DID grow up in some kind of bizarre alternate universe shithole where there was a girl actually fucking idiotic enough to laugh at you for playing videogames when you were 10 years old, maybe it's time you fucking got over it? Or better yet, hold onto that bitterness forever and ever and save images from memecenter 15 years later making fun of girls because you're STILL not over it.
Jack Richardson
I wonder if the person who wrote this the first time was genuinely mad and from tumblr.
Connor Ward
Nathaniel Harris
Christopher Ross
>weeb girls do actually exist >we'll never meet them because they're even more shut ins than Sup Forumsirgins
Grayson Brooks
More like hipsters and normies, just invaded geekdom and lowered our currency.
Look at cons these days, it's packed with normies. And stalls have jacked up their prices accordingly.
Bentley Bennett
Landon Flores
They're insufferable fujos anyway. You aren't missing out.
Logan Lewis
Took him some time...
Isaiah Hughes
They can't have been as mad as the person who wrote up the original pasta because he'd been bullied by little girls
Juan Ross
Aiden Phillips
That's mostly awful but mechagodzilla kid there is a baller. Bet he can't see for shit though
captcha: American LOGS
Landon Cooper
James Jenkins
Cringe to the max
Ryan Murphy
>we'll never meet them because they're even more shut ins than Sup Forumsirgins
No, you'll never meet them cause they're literally the female versions of Sup Forumsirgins. And no-one wants to see that.
Like I said, I'm not salty like that guy but it's just odd seeing this shit somehow get so popular, coming back to it later.
Tyler Davis
Colton Ward
>that BB8
Luke Davis
This, casualization of video games and ensuing monetization of everything surrounding it.
Adrian Cook
Nicholas Flores
That's a guy, right?
Wyatt Reed
I'd fuck both of these people
Adrian Hughes
>hot girl likes game or character >chooses to coplsay them or >hot girl wants attention
Either one of those. Pretty simple.
Michael Barnes
Michael Murphy
Some of us Sup Forumsirgins can blend in with normalfags decently enough. Although I guess if I met a femanon as high functioning as I am then I'd just assume she's actually normal rather than one of us.
Oliver Gomez
haha what a retard im probably smarter than that dog
Connor Diaz
Ayden Richardson
For work reasons I go to a lot of shitty conventions and I can tell you, 'cosplay culture' is the worst thing that has happened for many hobbies. It's invasive, destructive and you just can't fight it back. It's everywhere and draws the worst kind of people.
On the other hand, it's nice to see the occasional hot babe here and there, but believe me, it's not worth it.
Jaxson Bailey
Jayden Campbell
Most of the hot babes you can't do anything with anyway. They're either walking with their bfs or B) walking with their bfs.
Jacob Lee
50:50 shot. Going on the assumption that it would be random the dog would have been right. The human was just being a dick only doing left.
Jonathan Williams
Levi Flores
is that cammy anorexic? she's got twigs for legs
Nicholas Sanders
Ryan Barnes
>tfw she finally turned 18 this week.
Hunter Johnson
Oliver Lopez
Best way to put it really.
Julian Collins
You can look at them and some times you get the rare single cosplayer (easier targets in the world, I can tell you that)
But yes, the cosplayer + bf/manager combo is hell made flesh. I had the 'luck' to be forced to work with one of those bf/managers once and it was one of the worst experiences of my life.
Hunter Nelson
Zachary Bailey
Hot girls doing nerdy things get elevated to ridiculous levels. So it got popular among cosplayers/geeks. The more popular it got, the more attractive people started to be a part of it.
That's it.
Daniel Hughes
Matthew Cook
I think having them around girls actually makes them get less pictures. But the guys who come up still ask for them shamelessly, so it's probably not a big social deal.
Hunter Johnson
please elaborate on that experience for us, sounds interesting
Ayden Sanders
Josiah Lewis
Austin Ross
Henry Green
The feedback though is that now nerdy girls notice a trend of becoming hot. So it's sorta a win win. Then they get too confident and we end up with just more hot, cocky girls.
James Ramirez
I really want to cosplay for ax2017 as a boatgirl
Camden Edwards
>soon it'll be your grandma cosplaying >all the nerd hobbies have been invaded by normies and nigger celebs >all the movies and shows are pandering to geeks/nerds now >animemes are completely mainstream >people actually enjoy playing a worse TF2 just because Blizzard made it >ZIMBABWE XDD