Is there a board that has worse taste than Sup Forums?
Is there a board that has worse taste than Sup Forums?
/mlp/ Those faggots won't expand their taste beyond the main 6.
Sup Forums. But really, it's the same as Sup Forums, most of the people have trash opinions and half are normalfags anyway, but there are still people on both boards that actually like to talk about vidya and not just shitpost about whatever's popular.
Sup Forums
/lit/ is just fine.
Sup Forums
>Ayyy DAE worship the white race
>Let's support the ideology that almost destroyed it
>/lit/ is just fine.
Dumb frogposting
>bunch of Libcucks
>will never stop sucking Nintendo's dick
>90% of them are underage
Yeah v is pretty horrible.
Honestly no. Any thread on Sup Forums where Anons talk about what music, films, books (if any) they like are very revealing.
Make fun of metal garbage for autistic fingerless-gloved underage faggots on here and watch how butthurt people get.
Sup Forums and Sup Forums are "the less people have found it, the more we'll like it" the boards
At least Sup Forums generally likes some popular stuff like The Witcher
Sup Forums
If you drink OJ and then someone punches you in the gut for it, did OJ fuck you up or the dude that punched you?
this is the only board i browse
its all that i know
Did someone see an opinion they didn't agree with? That must have been very difficult for you
Sup Forums's taste in anime is that of a child whose only exposure to it is Toonami.
Sup Forums because they are a bunch of bigots
This thread never had a chance at being good.
Tv is the worst board
>I'm a fucking faggot who only reads children's books and think Harry Potter is greatest work of fiction ever created
You can kill yourselves if you like.
Personally I prefer Sup Forums, but it seems everyone who actually had anything interesting to say killed themselves after the election
Sup Forums turning on Trump is gonna be pretty funny. You can see seeds of it already.
Sup Forums is infinitely worse than Sup Forums in every way
>tfw you voted Trump but hate the frogposters
it's gonna be funny when they flip their shit