How badly is 343 going to fuck up Halo 6
Reach was perfect and the series should've died there. They better not fuck up Halo 6 or i'm going to send them a strongly worded email
>Reach was perfect
Yeah it was
It'll be just like with the Star Wars movies or Fallout. They'll never let it die with dignity and just churn out sequel after sequel after sequel.
After how awful 5 was, I'll never touch 6 so I won't have to find out.
Damn near was, did you think it was shit?
I wouldn't say it was a perfect Halo game, but I will give that Reach had the content and polish.
No it was not. It was horribly broken.
Well, it's a woman leading the development so you already know it's going to be shit. That's why Halo 5 is like Halo 5.
What fucking game did you assholes play?
Just because you don't know how to counterplay armor lock doesn't make it horribly broken
Reminder: sprint, loadouts, and armor abilities are okay ONLY when Bungie does it.
>sprint, loadouts, and armor abilities are okay ONLY when Bungie does it.
They're okay only when done right, which Reach did. You should form your own opinion instead of parroting what you see on Sup Forums.
>assumes he means armor lock
Halo 5 does sprint and armor abilities 100x better than Reach.
No, it doesn't.
>I've never played reach or 5, better argue about them on Sup Forums
Yes it does.
Reach's armor abilities are far more intrusive and fuck up basic Halo gameplay.
>I judge games by the company that made it and my nostalgia for them
Yeah just compare how much quality content Reach had vs the $60 shooters that come out today
>low fps motion blur out the ass
Where do you reach fags come from?
The land with good taste. You probably never heard of it
>reused mp maps in campaign
>half mp maps are shitty forge world maps
>bunch of cosmetic crap locked behind credit grind
> Play Master Cheif Collection online
> Everyone picks Halo 3
> People sooner play on Snowbound than Halo 4
343 industries is pure fucking dogshit.
>mfw reach is a pile of shit and wasn't even made by the real halo team
Reach is the best in the series
>xbox 360 users
>Not the best Halo 3 map
> Play MCC collection for the first time
> Recon armor is an option
> No one cared
I nearly cried. I finally haz recon and no one cared :(
Now you're getting it.
3 babbies will vote for Halo 3 over anything.
Ignore the redditors who came after 2010, they were 15 when Reach came out and unironically thought Armor Lock was OP, or complain about MUH BOOOOOKS.
The Library isn't a bad level
Being 15 is the only way you'd think Reach was a good Halo game.
Best campaign - Halo 3
Best multiplayer - Halo 2
Best "can reliably say its good without getting shit on, while in actuality does nothing very great at all" - Halo 1
Best forge mode - Halo 3
Best custom games - Halo 3
Halo Reach pissed me, half the maps in matchmaking (of the six in rotation) are floating forge objects in the sky of forge world, which they NEVER added more maps like this even though it could have been so simple.
Where were you when 343 had humanity's savior get into a poorly choreographed drunken brawl?
What's with all these halo 5 threads popping up recently? Just accept that it's trash and killed the franchise. Move on people.
Sorry friend. I would have agreed with you on multiplayer a few years ago but Halo 5 is the pinnacle of Halo multiplayer
I gotchu senpai
>Best forge mode - Halo 3
dont go dropping d-bombs on here please
>ce multiplayer
>not great
Truly CE is the greatest pleb filter.
343i is just bungie leftovers, how is that any better?
>Had sprint
>Ripped from campaign multiplayer maps
>Armor lock
>Motion Blur out the ass
>can't even sage
>thinks his opinion matters
yeah, and had the best forge content like racing maps, zombies, and all that shit, with the best maps for sandboxes just to build things in
all reach had was forgeworld and nothing else was good to play forge with
I'm returning my Xbone. Halo is casual garbage and you guys are faggots arguing about it. I made started getting 2.0 k/ds after a day of playing (this was across reach to Halo 5, 3 etc)
>Game is slow as fuck
>Halo 3 manages to make it slower
>Armor lock and jetpack are gay as fuck in reach
>Halo 5s pistol is grossly overpowered
>Grenades up the fuck ass everywhere inb4 "muh zoning"
Is shit let it go Bungie got lucky because they made a good campaign and that was it. You guys are just dick riding nostalgia.
>Halo 3 Construct beats Halo 2 Zanzibar
H5 forge is objectively superior to H3 forge.
>Halo 5s pistol is grossly overpowered
Halo 3*
Problem I had with Reach is that they designed levels and expected them to work with campaign, firefight AND competitive multiplayer when the maps should be individually designed for that purpose. There's a reason why everyone says Reach had the worst maps in the series, they were designed for all 3 use and weren't good for any.
Fucking this, holy shit. I knew there was a reason I downright hated Reach and this is fucking it.
how? ive never played it yet
It can do everything H3 forge can do plus way more.
I like the forge. The file share/browser is garbage so it doesn't even matter though.
If 343s halos are "good"
Why did MS release Reach as BC and not make 343 break it as part of the piece of shit MCC?
Even MS thinks 343's Halos are so shitty they give xbox users an option to play the worst bungie halo(still miles better than 343's) on xbox one.
Lo fucking l
Also, frankie take a fucking day off with your halo 5 shilling. Its a shitty game no one likes and isnt going anywhere for competitive gaming.
Does halo 1-3 have the promethean weapons? No.
Does halo 1-3 have the mantis? No.
Does halo 1-3 have warzone? No.
This is why Halo 5 is better.
Invasion was fucjifn great
These are all reasons why Halo 5 sucks lol
Recon hasn't meant shit since vidmasters
Sorry for typo. Many xan'd
>halo 5 sucks because of the mantis
>Best campaign - Halo 3
Halo 3's campaign is short and is shit. 2's was way longer and better even if the ending sucked.
>Best forge mode - Halo 3
Halo 5's forge mode not only gives you way more options with way more relaxed limitations, it lets you fuck with shit like weather and different screen filters as well. It also has like 200 weapon variants and most of the iconic weapons throughout the series (Halo 1 pistol, Halo 2 BR). It also lets you edit maps on PC instead of a shitty xbox controller. It also lets you run custom games with your friends on your custom maps or the in game ones, and lets you do that with PC controls. You can also just play custom games on PC and not create anything for free if you want.
>Best custom games - Halo 3
See above point.
Because Reach sucked. If MCC wasn't a broken mess we wouldn't even need ODST.
>try for weeks to get the vidmaster on Halo
>Online person online is friend and the younger cousin and brother of two other friends
>Fuck it. Might as well try with them.
>12 year olds actually know what they're doing
>Make it really far and close to finish
>Middle schoolers start getting in a bitch fit over middle school drama
>One starts crying and quits
>I will never get the last Vidmaster because fine middle school fucking Bitch texted other boys than her boyfriend
FUCK you Haylea Camfield
The only thing I don't agree with is Forge, Halo 3 may have started it all but Halo 5 perfected it.
>Why did MS release Reach as BC and not make 343 break it as part of the piece of shit MCC?
It's the master chief collection not literally who spartan III collection.
Odst is in the MCC.
Come back when you're mom gives you another xbl card for your birthday
ODST was only thrown in because the groundwork was already done when they ported over Halo 3.
They probably were planning on charging for it despite this before the backlash from how shit MCC was came about.
Only got added later and it's a glorified dlc for Halo 3 not a separate game.
You mean the $60 "dlc" they sold on the 360?
Microsoft being jews and/or Bungie labeling it a game to fulfill contract obligations doesn't change that ODST is glorified expansion pack/dlc for Halo 3.
ODST multiplayer is just Halo 3 bundled with dlc maps.
Imagine if Bethesda released Shivering Isles as a spin off game.
Damn I'm old.
Reach has too many features and it would make MCC more of a programming mess than it already is, while ODST was just another campaign that was built on the H3 engine.
Reach has Forge World. Any argument against is invalid
Forge World is the greatest thing the Halo series provided for community
And that's supposed to make Reach the best in the series how?
>What a shit game
>What a piece of shit
If only
suck a dick, you're pure cancer
343 was a mistake.