Just downloaded Shadowrun Returns

Just downloaded Shadowrun Returns.
Any beginner tips?

Play the game.

Alternatively, google "Shadowrun Returns beginner tips".

Get through it quick so you can play the better ones.

Go full rifle, will make things easier in the end.

Dragonfall and Hong Kong are amazing, so keep that in mind if you get burned on the original Returns.

Yeah skip to Dragonfall and Hong Kong.
Much better games and they have no connection to each other.
For another your character handles all Charisma and assorted Speech/Int/Str checks in the first game so running a charisma of at least 4 or so is recommended even if you don't end up being a shaman. Decking is fun and useful but gets expensive as hell along with rigging.
If you have no idea how to build a character Street Samurai is a safe bet. Just make sure you have a shaman with Haste in your group and you are golden.

Thanks. I've heard the other games are better, but I still feel I should play this first. It's quite short for a RPG.

Shadowrun Returns was very much combat oriented.

I'd recommend a bit of proficiency with shotguns. The final area forced you to use a clown's cannon because fuck you that's why.

Play a mage and kill everything.

>that picture

What the flying fuck is this edgy shit supposed to be?

returns is the worst of them all,
Dragonfall is great
Hong kong is better gameplay wise, but suffers plot wise, esp in dialogues.

play decker in returns.

Why does everyone shit on Returns? I played it and loved it.

Probably every single Shadowrun OC.

>Special snowflake
>Bonus points for quirky hairstyle

I am not even kidding. I visit tumblr from time to time because of porn, and whenever I glance over at the Shadowrun tag, almost every plays a special snowflake female elf comparable to that.

>Just downloaded Shadowrun Returns.
>Any beginner tips?
yeah, uninstall it and never look back

Just go with a good combat character like everyone recommended. Returns is a bit more straightforward in that manner.

The devs were subsequently ramping up the RPG and dialogue with every game, so you'll perhaps enjoy Dragonfall and Hong Kong a bit more, if you are into that kind of stuff. After you move to those games I mean.

>full melee augments
>haste buff
>leg movement buff
>drugs AP buff

have fun running around one shotting/stunning everything. even better in hong kong where you get better melee augments

Play Dragonfall/Hong Kong instead

>Physical Adept specialising in rifles
>Counterstriking with burst fire or full-auto
This game is so much fucking fun

But wouldn't he technically appreciate DF/HK more if he played Returns first, which is obviously the "worser" one?

Dragonfall is the best.

OP here. That's my plan.

I'm actually playing Returns right now. Just started it and I'm not disappointed. I was between Street Samurai and Decker (they sound the most interesting for me), but ended up with a Samurai because it may work better.

Also, can I focus both in Ranged and Melee or ist it impractical?

Don't focus on both, you won't have enough points to spend

Level shotguns at some point.. You actually require shotgun skill to scrape through the final level.

I think it's for the best if you focus on one fighting skill the most, since the game has like total number of 230-something Karma points.

Especially if you are also rolling a charisma talker.

Skip the vanilla and play Dragonfall and Hong Kong

Vanilla is just a solid 5/10 but there's really no reason to play it unless you absolutely feel like you need to


Export the campaign to Dragonfall's updated engine and enjoy less headache.

>Hong Kong
>Physical Adept with melee weapons
>I'm just inferior Gaichu

Fuck. Luckily the game was still pretty easy even on hardest difficulty.

I actually like the idea of a melee Physical Adept in Hong Kong, thematically. Plus, you get those really cool swords. And being able to fuck shit up right alongside Gaichu is always fun.
>tfw took enough melee skill on my street sam/decker to equip the Emperor's Sword, so I could carry around that, my deck, and the AUG
How'd you go in Shadows of Hong Kong?

Decker last point is useless.

I liked the game, story was cliche but I liked it.

I played as brown femelf adept, can't remember the sword I used but it was one of the magic katanas. Stats were the usual cha+melee adept stuff.

Worst part of this build was that I couldn't use the party I wanted since I had to take the Somali decker. I wanted to run Gaichu+Rachter+Gobbet for maximum banter.

Gaichu and Rachter together were crazy strong and made the best bant and solutions for quests.