Yoshi or Sonic, Which fanbase is more autistic?

Yoshi or Sonic, Which fanbase is more autistic?

Have there been any good Yoshi fangames?

Is this even a thread?

>[sub-category of furries] or [other sub-category of furries], which fanbase is more autistic?
It's the same fanbase, no point splitting hairs over it. If you really want to, Yoshifaggotry is probably more concentrated autism but Sonicfags are more numerous


There's romhacks
Yoshi's Strange Quest
Yoshi's Quest


>trent razner

Depends how you mean. Sonic fanbase is larger so by proportion you will have a larger number of autists. Yoshi fanbase is pretty niche so the autist you do have are extreme dedicated.

Yoshi doesn't have a fanbase, just autistic homosexuals obsessing over vore and egg laying.

Sonic has a fanbase.

why not both?

Sonic an at least be taken as a serious character outside of the Furry fandom.

Even on the best of days the only nice things people say about Yoshi is that he's cute.


>yoshi holding chaos emeralds

Anyone who doesn't put Yoshi's Island in their top 20 video games list immediately gets the "retard" stamp

Can't say the same for Sonic 2

Yoshi has one good video game.

Sonic has a lot of shitty and a few okay ones.


Sonic, the autistic Yoshi fan is a Sup Forums meme


is that a...OC Yoshi?

yes, notice his stylish sneakers and unique music symbol

>unique music symbol
You mean his cutie mark?

Congratulations, you've realized that autistic people like simple ideas of self-expression, such as symbols.