>we dressed up this corpse
Who cares
>we dressed up this corpse
Who cares
Other urls found in this thread:
Too little, too late.
Also the CE still hasn't shipped.
Surprised that they hadn't gone bankrupt yet.
>sells house built without a foundation
>pours concrete under it later
lol, why even bother?
the people who didnt get refunds already uninstalled and moved on months ago, and there is no way this brings in new sales.
the hello games brand is already permanently tarnished, so there's no point in rehabilitation. they should really just have closed up shop and quietly gotten new jobs, like the bloke who jumped ship to star citizen.
pls no trips
So what was the real story behind the "NMS was a mistake" twitter post?
Hacked account allegedly.
>we worked hard so you must enjoy it!
not how it works
Tb.h it does look alright, pretty good even. Maybe after 30 updates like this one the game can be playable
You should just be thankful for being allowed to live these last months Sean.
These guys haven't lied or screwed anyone over before- right?
I wonder how many people are going to bite again. It always surprises me how easily folks go right back.
How the hell is base building gonna change anything? That's not the game's main problem. That's not even on the list of the game's big problems.
>if you lived or lives for the past few months, you'd know how meaningful this is....
Typical nu-male empathy begging. Pathetic.
Apolgize Sup Forums
What a pitiful little man
So they turned it into Minecraft.
Except they forgot to add multiplayer, again.
>motion blur is being praised as a feature
none of this would have happened to them if they hadn't have agreed to all that Sony money.
sure, it's tough to turn loads of money down, but they knew what they were getting into when they accept that kind of marketing for a game that I'm sure they knew was a Steam early access title.
Not to mention they put out false trailers.
I don't feel pity for them they way they seem to want everyone to, they made their bed.
Just like Minecraft in the beginning.
What is the point in base building if the whole point of the game is to keep further and further exploring the galaxy?
I predict a sizeable bump in population for the first week just because of how well-known this game is by now (for being a trainwreck), but I seriously doubt it will last any longer than that.
You don't release a horrendously shitty video game, lose all your population immediately, and then hope to convince them all to come back later. As the very worst (a la the AAA industry), you release a mediocre video game, bleed population for a long time, and then fix enough shit fast enough to stop the bleeding at an acceptable population level. Games don't sell much at all past the release date, these idiots blew it and they blew it hard.
>nu-males trying the tumblr way of saying "THIS IS SO IMPORTANT RIGHT NOW I MEAN WOW I CAN'T EVEN."
>Temporal Anti Aliasing (TAA) removes jagged edges effectively and has been added as an option to improve visuals clarity
I always felt jaggies made lines more visible and noticable / easier to keep track of where I am in the game world
No Mans Sky is back baby!
How will Sup Forums ever recover?
Having your own freighter mite b cool.
Based Sean
who cares about population in a single player game
It's very indirect passive multiplayer. But I'm talking about population of players in general, the numbers you would see on Steam charts.
>lying con artist
get the fuck outta here
Is this a joke?
They could at least pretend they aren't just desperately ripping off Minecraft.
god, why are they talking like such fucking pussies? it's repulsive to me, seeing men behave in such a pathetic sniveling way.
Because the world threw its worst at them.
>We're the victims here!
>spend hours building a base on a planet
>as soon as it's done, fly away to different system, never using that base again
>there's no multiplayer so no other players will use that base either
lmao, ok. like i give a shit.
No, they committed fraud and suffered no legal issues and choose to act like babies about it.
>updating the game with shit that should have already been in the game
What the fuck is this, Starbound?
in my country there is a saying
>hope is the mother of fools
fits perfectly with nu male sky devs
I don't know about you guys, but it looks pretty good to me.
It's a pretty bad rip off of Minecraft then, considering NO MULTIPLAYER
Fishing for sympathy from their nu-male audience
lol do you think that minecraft is good game. are you 12 years old?
Where did I say that?
Hope is the first step on the road to disappointment.
The saddest part is that it will work, like battered wived reddit will flip from hating nms to believing that they've changed.
>game is C O M P L E T E L Y sold on muh exploration
>fail to deliver on that
>make fucking base building, anchoring you to a planet for extended periods of time and discouraging free exploration
>make farming, which anchors you to a planet even longer
>oh wait! let's add freighters!
>brilliant! now they can combine base building, farming, and exploring right?
>what? no, where do you think you work? it's just a glorified storage expansion
the real kicker is that there still isn't shared exploration is there? those bases would be an actual amazing addition if they were ditched when you were done, then left around the galaxy for others to find
>If you could have lived our lives over the last months, you'd know how meaningful this is.
>Abloobloo! We scammed all this money. Woe is us!
Jesus Christ.
>mfw I got my PS4 super cheap on Black Friday because it was NMS bundle and the shop just wanted to get rid of them so much they even bundled another game with it
Thanks Sean, I guess.
Didn't he straight up abandon the dev team?
oh god
>buy one unit(probably real life money)
>need two million units for a cozy cabin
>game still looks like shit, look at that ground
Did they really make much money though? Wasn't there fucktons of refunds? I suppose off of physical PS4 versions maybe
I'm sure those 200 peak users will have a blast with this update
Thanks famallama
>Refunded the game
>Won't be able to play this glorious update
Can you mercilessly zap space monsters in this video game? Can I make a space gun, fly to a planet full of harmless jiggly monsters and unload into them before leaving?
Fuck it, I might pick this up used once they roll out a number of updates
Still not giving them money though
But can i play with my friends?
They didn't take money. Sony offered Sean boatloads of dosh, and he turned it down in exchange for a spot at E3
I assume these poor fuckers probably had to no life it for the last couple of months just to shit out this update for few people who still play it.
If they had just been a little more honest, delay the game to put some actual content in it and not go into hiding when a bit of criticism goes their way I'm sure people would be more understanding
>hundreds of comments praising the game with hundreds of thumbs up
I'm reminded why I never look at youtube comments
Is it now worth pirating?
Five more patches like this, and the game will be finally worth something
Upvoted just to SPITE you
Kill yourself, redditor.
I think we should instead bully Saun until he kills himself.
Imagine the tittles on FOX News
"Infamous hacker known as Sup Forums drives game developer to take his own life"
Suicide isn't funny, it's a serious problem.
You mean it solves problems user
looks pretty cool
heehhe we r LEGION!
>people want to live a fake life and maintain a virtual world
I never understood the appeal of games like this.
holy fucking shit, why don't these retards open a book and look up the greek letters they're using. this shit looks retarded. bet they act like smug intellectuals online too. laughable
Realistically all they have to do is go out and apologize for lying.
Kindof neat update
Sean's still a lying pathetic coward and his dogshit game's only worth 10$ max
It's a start tho
Looks cool! I can't wait for update 1.2!
real life sucks
take your upvote and go xDD
Doesn't look that bad, heh
>Biome specific resources
Wait, this was never included in the original version? What the hell is the point in even going to different planets/environments then?
>a foundation of things to come
So now they're promising a promise.
all they have to do now is add dungeons and this will literally be GRAV only three times more expensive
Trying to get someone to commit suicide is actually very illegal which is why you guys should stop telling people to kill themselves whenever they see an onion they dislike. Please Sup Forums I don't want any of you to be tried for attempted murder just because you shitposted a little too hard.
The greater the hope, the greater the disappointment and despair.
If all off this shit was in the game right away it would have been passable. But no, they had to rush it out and fuck up. Btw, has the patch improved performance?
>Hope is the mother of fools
Is it really a saying user?
lol we do not forget we do no forgive xd upboated
It is in Poland
He's just saying.
not him, but what is the original phrase in polish? never heard it from my family
>lying con artist
Who's an honest con artist
>Sup Forums pass
I don't like you "badasses" any more
[s]nadzieja matką głupich, gdzieś ty się uchował że tego nie słyszałeś? podlasie?[/s]
family's from katowice, but I'm born and raised new york, guess the occasion's just never come up
Todd Howard's son got $36 million.
>waaah poor us we released and shit game and got called out for it
Go suck seans 2 inch cock and tell him it's ok