Pure girl thread

Pure girl thread.
Post the purest girls from their respective games

Come on Sup Forums.
You must know at least a few.


Why'd you post her then?





Eternally loli

>hangs out all day with horses on her isolated farm
You just KNOW

>le horse fucker meme xD
stop that

Fuuka is the purest!


>hangs out in her secret place with Wolfos and Moblins
See I can do it too





tfw purest character in League of Sluts by default

But you didn't post Sona

37 year old virgin, literally as pure as humanly possible




Pick one. Only boys are pure.

Sona's dirty pillows are too big for purity

Why can't homosexuals on Sup Forums just be normal homosexuals?

oh right

My compatriot

Can't you fuck off to your husbando thread?

What did you mean by that?

Well, on top of being gay, they are pedos

Why can't you just say that you like him and leave it at that? Why does it have to be a "thing" where you make it competitive and divisive?

I don't even care about that, I'm fine with him jerking off to a young boy in a dress, I just don't see why he has to act all superior about it.

>I just don't see why he has to act all superior about it.
Because it actually is a superior way of living. He's doing you a favor by letting you know.

post more pure

They act superior because it gets a rise out of people, which makes them feel better about themself and their sexuality. That's how bullying works.


why is link so cute

Fucking faggots can't let anyone have fun.

Why couldn't Hitler have gassed all the fags instead


You all could not possible be any more wrong


>torbjorn didn't fuck her anally constantly
Whatever you say, user

whats a normal homosexual?

thats extremely false tho


so what, yokai watch and megaman threads go outta fashion or something

dat long hair and dem spikes, they're magic I tell ya.

>Triforce of Courage
He'll try anything once

I've got news

I love Reisen!



I am going to make Link my wife

Still waiting for some pure girls, lots of cumdumps so far though so I can't really complain.

you know it's true

Pure as newly fallen snow.

you best not be calling link a cumdump



how so

anime but she originated from a game so idgaf

because she became a homeless prostitute and drug addict after she died

You realise she'd have to be completely on her knees to do this? or Torb would have to stand on a chair.
Point is, I'm doubting Mercy would be able to utilize either option without bursting into laughter.


Oh! A Lucina thread!

Also Hilda, she waited 1000 years for Alto's cock.



objectively correct
fuuka is shit
lmao no
pure af

Is Sylvie pure? She like a bitch in heat if she's even gone a few days without getting fucked.

But, the only man she would ever let touch her is (you)




Mercy has a thing for dwarves, it's well known she sucks his cock all the time.

Pure sex.

>Harmless thread for posting cute/pure girls in
>Derailing it for zero reason by spamming it with Link instead of just posting your own damn thread

Why are they so insecure?

Link is best girl

Fuuka is an angel though.
Reliable, smart and strong willed.
And like stated before, pure.



Shut the fuck up.


He started it.

Boys make the best girls.

Get outta here faggot

How is it gay its a girl.

>a girl

Get outta here faggot.

This is definitely NOT a pure girl.

Not the user posting Link, but straights do the exact same thing in gay threads except ten times worse and more obnoxious. Heteros are the most delusional and desperate group on the planet, make no mistake.

Not even a furfag

But its a girl now, that makes it a girl, you're not that insecure are you?

Get outta here faggot.

No, it doesn't. Boys are great because they're boys. Girls are shit and belong in the trash, they could never be as cute as boys.

>b-but it's totally a girl now!

Get outta here faggot

Fuck off, fag

fuck off

Isabelle a best.
But they're a girl, more loving and cuter than them! And they love anal! Best girls!
Someone is insecure of the cute.

Get the fuck outta here faggot

This man was the purest.
Did nothing wrong.
