Bought this on a whim and downloading it now

Bought this on a whim and downloading it now.

Am I in for a disappointment?




do you like running for hours in an empty world filled with the same couple damage sponge enemies? then you're gonna love it.

How much is it if this many people are buying it without researching? I thought people buying games because of a major discount only was just a joke.


You'll want to keep this image handy for future RPG threads. Welcome to hell.

It's a really hit or miss game.You might like it, maybe not.

It was one of my favorite games of last gen, hopefully you'll feel the same way. Just make sure you find a class you like, because some of them I've heard aren't as fun to play as and are better off being played by your AI partners. I know some people don't like warrior and mage/sorcerer in particular. I played fighter, strider, and assassin primarily on my character and loved it to death.

>Doesn't like hurling meteors at your foes

Story wise and progression? Yeah

Combat and gameplay? You might have a fun time

Refund and get it on humblebundle with 5 other games

What's with all the DD:DA threads recently?

To answer your question, nah it's not good. It's really generic with bland gameplay

So is your favorite game

Its in Humble monthly right now

If you were looking for a game with a deep story and engaging plot.
You came to the wrong place. This is your standard Man vs God story.

If you came for the gameplay. Than it is some of the most interesting and fun shit you can get right now.

I'm waiting for the inevitable Skyrim comparison that every person who hasn't playing this game makes.

There is always at least one.

PC or Console?

If PC, yes. Berserk stuff was removed in PC, it's there in console and you can treat it like a berserk game.

You can just mod in that shit though.

>pointless button mashing

>Berserk stuff

I see you don't play video games.

That's literally every vidya ever.

Griffith's and Gut's Gear is purchasable in the Console version because the game was released along side the Berserk movies at the time.

You can buy them in that shortcut cave between the main city and the forest after you clear it out of trolls and goblins.