Let's build a roster for the inevitable Netherrealms horror classics fighting game

Let's build a roster for the inevitable Netherrealms horror classics fighting game.

I'll start with some of the basics:

>Michael Myers
>Jeff Goldblum as a fly-thing
>Pyramid Head

Other urls found in this thread:


>no ash
one job, user...

>horror classics

jesus christ what a faggot


Ever heard the term "instant classic"?

I don't want to suck that movie's dick but it had the only decent horror creature from movies from the past 15 years.

You can't make a St. Bernard scary beyond actually sicking it on someone. I watched that whole movie back before everything was CGI shit and even then I just looked at the dog and just thought it was adorable.

>instant classic

yeah, and that movie is nowhere near it.

>only decent horror creature
It's copy pasted black phantom bullshit creature from every fucking haunted house film ever, how people find it remotely scary is beyond me.

The movie was stylistically alright, the acting was ok, but story, setting and that stupid fucking ending make the film shit.

It would be pretty awesome to have the shark from Jaws as a secret joke character.

brendan frasier as the mummy

THIS. Apologize, OP.

>It's copy pasted black phantom bullshit creature from every fucking haunted house film ever, how people find it remotely scary is beyond me.

I like its clownlike appearance and act when the woman's watching him in the TV. Plus he's intangible and not overexplained which makes him misterious.

It's set in a house, how does that impact the film at all?

Speaking of clowns, add Pennywise to that roster.

The Thing.

All of its moves are slightly altered version of other character's moves, and its appearance is picked at random with minor alterations.

Could work like Chameleon or Shang Tsung

Tucker and Dale tag team character.

Regan possessed by Pazuzu

>he's intangible and not overexplained which makes him misterious

no it makes him look like every other obscure monster-ghost thingy in every modern horror ever. Instead of designing a really cool and scary monster that you get to look at in abundance, all these directors do is hide shit with fast camera shots, and filters, and twitchi angles, and all of them have the same black robe, fucked up teeth and eyes, and you get to see them maybe for a full 30 seconds during a 120 minute movie.

Tell which of the movies of the corresponding villains that you mentioned have EVER done that? With the exception of Alien (which was still pretty present in the films all the time), all those other maniacs you get to see a lot of.

>how does setting a film in the most generic setting ever impact the film

Because the haunted house market is not only over-saturated it's about to burst. No one gives a shit about making a unique horror story instead of
>huh what was that noise?
>omg its a scary black robed dwarf
>holy shit it was in my head the whole time
>the end




Babadook is not at all a haunted house movie you fuck. It's about a mother's fucked up psychological state which manifests in a creepy monster. Which by the way isn't even supposed to be shown often exactly because the focus is the mother and the kid.

>hide shit with fast camera shots, and filters, and twitchi angles
>huh what was that noise?
>holy shit it was in my head the whole time
When does any of this happen in Babadook?

You can't have a METAPHORICAL monster be in a monster fighting game.

Can Lawnmower Man join?


Hold on, isn't Pyramid Head technically metaphorical too?

>its not a haunted house movie you fuck

Oh I sincerely apologize. It's a movie about a monster that manifests from a persons psyche in a house and nowhere else.

Completely different from a haunting, absolutely.
Not at all a haunting. Not even remotely. Nope.

>When does any of this happen in Babadook?

you just answered at least the last question yourself you retard

she's manifesting a monster because of her psyche, e.g. it was all in my head

as for the other points, they are very much present but you are keen on stroking the movies dick so hard that you don't even want to accept that it's nothing more than a mediocre horror flick.

instant classic my ass.


Coal Miner from Bloody Valentine
< this motherfucker that everyone seems to have forgotten about

Herbert West and the decapitated guy from re-animator
The German coroner and the zombieslut from Return of the Living Dead
Evil Ash or whatever he's called from Army of Darkness

Hastur, the king in yellow

>she's manifesting a monster because of her psyche, e.g. it was all in my head

It's not all in her head because the Babadook pulls the kid up the stairs away from the woman, you dumb fuck. Did you even watch the film or just pretend to know all about it by reading the IMDB tagline?

Scorpion DLC

Why are you so assblasted over a movie?
Your autism is showing annon.

>cherry picking the only event where the metaphysical goes into physical, which is a staple horror film trick 101
>meanwhile disregarding all the other point I made about how mediocre this movie is

whatever breh, i know you like babadook and that's fine, but if you;'re gonna suck its cock this hard at least get some perspective, watch some actually good movies.

great post dude, i like how you used the word autism, so rad

But the creature wasn't that important in the movie, it was just a crazy bitch beign paranoid.

Wanna play a game?

The Babadook wasn't real in the movie. If was an expression of her depression/stress/anxiety.

Did you even watch the movie?

I wasn't talking about the Babadook though. I was talking about Pyramid head.


This guy

Silent Hill can make your fears and all of that shit real and they can kill you, Pyramid Head is more real than Babadook.

Main Cast
>AoTD Ash
>Hellraiser 2 Pinhead
>BoC Chucky
>Jason X
>T1 Terminator
>Big Chap Alien
>Dream Warriors Freddy

Obscure unlockables
>The Thing creature
>Alien from Independence Day
>Julie from Return of The Living Dead Part 3
>Spike from Gremlins 2


A killer tomato.

Add a stage that's the SAW 2 house and it would be perfect.

Weren't they the ones that tried to screw over Terrodrome?

>Pyramid Head
Only one I would have a problem with. He is more of a video game character than movie monster. Silent Hill should RIP.

If they did have a SAW stage it would 100% be the bathroom from the first film.

He was in 2 movies.

Does this mean based Koopa gets to be in because he was in a movie?

Sure, why not?

Lads, we got ourselves a game.

Shit, I'd go for it.

The Xenomorphs were in several video games, but because they originated from movies, they are known as movie monsters.

Pinhead, Dracula, Frankenstein all originated from books, but are still considered movie monsters.

Implying the Creeper isin't the secret boss character

It's heavily implied in SH 2 that he existed long before james visited silent hill.

I'm still mad they put Freddy in 9 and Jason in 10. just put them together. that's the fight people want.

I think the argument would be what medium they're most famous in. Take Dracula, he's a movie monster due to the status he has in old cinema, Pyrimid Head would be vidya due to how iconic he is in Silent Hill 2. The Xenomorph has been in many vidya but people don't say "hey it's the monster from Colonial Marines!" when watching Alien now do they?

I'm going to need a source on this because the Silent Hill that James visits is entirely formed by his guilt and personality, the Judges being James himself as an attempt to punish him for his actions.

a lot of King movies just came off as comical. and they're usually very different than the books. for instance the boy dies in cujo but not in the movie.

Good point. I guess my butthurt comes from the image of Konami treating the series like garbage for many years and seeing the character in another game treated like a 'horror icon' (as if they ever had pride towards SH) would just irritate me.

I'm mad that Leatherface got special treatment. Each style has a different look from his films but Jason? no we just get his modern look for all styles and the Xenomorph barely changes too.

Satan Claus (uses Fran Drescher's screaming head as a flail)

Hannibal the Cannibal


Cthulhu - because it's not horror without him


Grey Aliens (mix in a bit of the cryptid Rake...)




Corn Kids (think of Custom Combos from SFA2 - each would attack in rapid sequence)

Sand worm things from Tremors

Killer Tomato





Jack Torrance

Mother Superior




Gillian Bellaver

Stirba (list needs a werewolf bitch)

Mitsuko Kawai

Gah, forgot Ash and Deadites.

oh wut. I havent gotten around to X yet but that's complete bullshit. especially on Jason's part. he has some many awesome variations.

who the hell doesn't know dracula came from a book?

damn, me and my brother were talking about how badass it would be to have him in MK, glad to see we aren't the only ones that think it would be kickass.

we'd need creepy characters too

fester from the addams family
edward scissorhands

Nobody wants to touch this property anymore, since the creator of jeepers creepers is a huge kiddy diddler

Here's the list you plebs

The necessary characters
>Michael Myers

The filler/would be cool, but might not be added characters
>Pumpkin Head
>Sam from Trick R' Treat
>Reagan from The Exorcist
>Lipstick face Demon from Insidious (Fuck you the first one was cool)

Joke characters
>Killer Klown from outer space
>Tar Man
>The Crypt Keeper

The "gotta get the pleb babies interested" characters

actually what you're referring to is the Universal Studios depiction of them, which is where the ''big forehead retarded frankenstein with two bolts on his neck and can barely even speak'' came from.

Stephen King is the worst fucking writer in history, so it makes sense that every adaptation either is poking fun at his repulsive writing or is overwhelmingly better than the original product.

>The "gotta get the pleb babies interested" characters
You make it sound like the aforementioned characters' movies aren't bottom of the barrel schlock and are only iconic because they were popular 80s movies, especially fucking Jason and Pennywise.

>is overwhelmingly better than the original product.
I can only think of The Shining.

Exactly, that was the only one that was actually better. The Mist to an extent.

replace that ''or cult''.

>NetherRelm, a WB owned studio, getting access to things like Dracula and Frankenstein which are a Universal, a rival companies, characters.
Gotta keep it in WB for the most part and their horror roster is rather slim.

Yes Frank and Drac are public domain, but there's no way if they where added that people wouldn't be clamoring for those interpritations or the Hellsing versions because they're shitters. Ed would need to cook up quite a few original takes as well as monsters.

BloodBorne hunter as PS exclusive

then what does the one that he directed himself fit in?

I never watched that and I refuse to even contemplate the act.

>BloodBorne hunter as PS exclusive

Oh god that was horrible. Worst addition in this thread.

I think it's pretty obvious he's making fun of it.


>no Thing
>no Tall Man

>bloodborne hunter
Take away the PS exclusive and you're golden.
On a related note, what other characters from horror vidya would work well in this game?

>no Ash
>no Herbert West
>no Ripley
>no Pennywise
>no Thing
>no Tall Man

Shit list, faglord.

If we're ignoring movie studio and game developer IP lines, Jill Valentine and Pyramid Head would be good bets.

The fact that Alien and Predator are in and Jason is sitting there waiting for Freddy is the worst. And with the variation system they actually have a chance to do something interesting with him unlike their previous disaster.

They are currently making a new one.

>fatality is committing suicide

I'm kind of surprised this hasn't happened yet, and would definitely play a fighting game like this desu.

>not picking Tarman

>Every move is an accident.
Make it happen!

look up Terrordrome.

What about cabin?
Talk about iconic characters.

oh yeah, can't believe I didn't think of him. This guy would also be pretty fun to play as

>No Patrick Bateman in any of these lists

because American Psycho is not a horror movie