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what gayme?


What is this?
Is that Bombshell?


What are the news OP

>The cylinder on that thing
Jesus christ.

>there will be a new, official Build Engine game in 2000+17
What the fuck are they smoking?

They should smoke more of that shit if it means more stuff like this.

>that area outside the window

prequel to bombshell
A proper oldschool fps made in a proper oldschool game engine

Blood sourceport when?


Looks gorgeous.

Blackroom is going to use UE4

Blackroom doesn't even have a demo.

Isn't bombshell fucking garbage though? how will this be any better?

Neither does the Bombshell prequel. What's your point?


This would be more appealing if every game Interceptor worked on wasn't garbage.

Bombshell is in the making. Blackroom is in the gutter with no updates.

So, retroshit that drops all advances in technology, digs up corpses of old FPS, then fails to add what made old FPS actually good?

'Cause it's just going to be Dick Kickem with a different coat of paint.

Forgot picture.

Romero has already stated that they're "quietly working" on the demo

Pretty sure they hired experienced Duke3D modders for this. Although I haven't looked into it after they announced it, so dunno how it went afterwards.

bombshell is an average topdown shooter
this is made by a team from who really know their shit
you mean Doom 4?

Oh you mean adding to it via more streamlined level design, handholding gameplay and having it be multiplayer and console focused? Is that your successful formula?

Cool, yet he promised a demo in 2 months after closing his crowdfooling project.

Don't fuck this up. Please don't fuck this up.

On the plus side, even if it's awful, the doom modding scene will have more resources to use for other shit

It was more of an estimate than a "promise", like the estimate that the beta/demo of the Bombshell prequel will be released in late 2016 (any day now).

at least post a better game OP

Man, Bombshell was fucking trash. Let's hope this one will be good.

babbies first tactical shooter

You're in my way, sir.

its from twitter, because op is a fuckin fag

Still better than most and has a great aesthetic + music.
Lead's a traitor!

>not repcom

Looks like...Build?

Hardly anyone considers that to be a tactical shooter. Long TTKs and revives instantly rule it out.

I'm not even going to bother with your with your roguelike vs roguelite bullshit. It's a shooter that relies on tactical command of squad members.
The simplicity is what makes it babby's first.

The mountains from that picture are the same mountains used as skybox for first episode of Doom. Nice little touch.

That's because it is and highly improved to boot. Looks pretty good.

intentionally going for old engine is retarded

What's wrong with having a crack team of designers that have extensive knowledge of an old engine and can make the most of it? I'd sooner take build engine over source

The important question is this: is the gore system and destruction at least as good as BLOOD?

>gore system
gibbing someone was a thing in every fucking FPS game

Holy shit, the madmen actually did it. I just hope it won't bomb. Can't fucking wait!!!

Like, settting things on fire would produce effects, TNT blowing up turned into chunks, machine gun fire made corpses. That kind of thing.

you mean gibs? I guess so
the sector transformations are a staple of the engine

There's a guy on youtube who reviews the gore of video games and he recommends some good ones. Soldier of fortune seems to be the best one, have you played that game before?

>that hair

fucking hate this stupid haircut every girl who has it is a cunt as well

It's just as tactical as bioshock infinite

Yea, it was brilliant, i grew up with that whole genre of bloodshed. Todays games are so god damn disappointing to me in comparison. No ragdolls, no body decal effects, everything just falls over with a shtity ragdoll and maybe a few bullet holes. I'd take death animations and gibs over ragdolls any day.

>I just hope it won't bomb.

Wasn't Bombshell really bad?

oh god is that the protag? dropped, I can't play this shit.

She's just pissed 90% of the time.

This is made by other guys. The idea of Bombshell goes back to 3D realms days, probablly even before duke nukem 3d.

yeah I'm not playing a game with anita's power fantasy.

What's this called? Trypophobia gun?

this,femdom is gayer that gay sex desu

>model main characters face after 11 year old molestation victim niece

18 bullets. More than enough to kill anything that moves

>it's an indie retro meme game

>when males are feeling threatened by you

only way I would play this is if I pirated it and it had a mod replacing her.

>obscure title for cool people such as myself
>hurr durr not going to give the actual name of the game because nothing

fuck off with your retarded shit, you're like that edgelord in high-school who was only in to unknown bands no matter how shit they were

The only problem I see with her is that she's the "don't need no man" type of character, but it's understandable since she's supposed to be a female Duke Nukem.
Here's a picture where she isn't pissed.


she looks like a bad tumblr creation.

You visit tumblr? How would you know?

He lurks on a website filled with trannies, shitposters, easily triggered special snowflakes, and loud angry people.

You know, Sup Forums

Does she fuck dumb men with her vagina because that's pretty much one of the best staples of Duke.

Like Cass from FNV but Duke Nukem.

because of the crosswinds.

Oh look, it's one of those people who only read the OP and then begin to post.

kill yourself, please, this shit happens way too fucking often on this shitty damn board

This is just as bad a the modern indie game 'retro' fad.

When will this madness stop?

If only the indie scene had actual work in art direction like this one...

Breathing toxic fumes is bad for your health.

What's just as bad? This is a 3D FPS, not a 2D pixel platformer that doesn't resemble actual old platformers. Jesus you people are retarded.

I see what you did there

This horrible "I was INTENTIONALLY going retro" excuse for shitty games.

Dev spotted.

Enjoy your 2k sales and downfall into obscurity

What makes it shitty? Because you were born in the 2000s and it doesn't appeal to you? We get it, you don't like anything that's not fully 3D or has older style graphics. Do you say anything you don't like shouldn't exist? Autism.

Not the dev, it's just a retarded reason for not playing a game. The push for graphics and voice acting are cancer, old games like Duke and Blood are better than a lot of modern trash. I'm not buying this because the protag is shit, but I just wish we scaled back on graphics because it's killing games.

how are you able to tell the games bad by a screenshot?

I'm 32.

Build engine = automatically shit


I love my strong womyn in my vidya.

I hope she has to save a damsel in distress (male)

Ok you've just got shit taste. Most likely a lying teen.

>Build engine = automatically shit

Oh my what an horrible childhood you had. Did big bad Ranger steal it from you?

This dude has a really long face
Looks longer than Felicia Day.

wait a minute that hairstyle

Did you just assume their gender?

Laura from SFV.

Nah, I've got superior taste not rooted in delusional nostalgia.

Childhood was great. Build engine games were good in the 90s, but making a brand new game on the build engine in 2016 is just lazy and greedy.

>doom-ish textures

>sharp shadows and 3D ceilings


So why don't you do it for 'quick' cash, guy who's totally in his 30s and not teens?


>tumblrina protag
I'm just gonna wait for blackroom
way to go fucking this up

>I never played a build engine

>waaaaaah you're not allowed to use anything older than me

kill yourself underage faggot