Thundercats video game fucking when?

Thundercats video game fucking when?

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The reboot tanked, so never.

I actually liked the reboot for what it was.

Compared to toons nowadays?

I loved the 2011 series. Still not over the cancellation.


The very first time I fapped was to cheetara.

mein neger

How would it work anyway? RPG? Gameplay similar to X-Men Legends?

I did too. Why did Sup Forums get so triggered by it?

RPG for sure.

And Sup Forums hated it? Fucking figures. Tasteless shit stains.

Sup Forums has bad taste.

I still don't know why "Man of Murder" is a thing.


Snarf snarf

When Lion-O stops getting cucked.

Fuck off, Sup Forums.

The 2011 series was written by a guy who self-inserted as Tygra a little too hard, and for some reason despised Lion-O.

Tygra got the girl, constantly one-upped the protagonist, and was just all around shown as a superior being. It got really fucking obnoxious when episodes revolving him actually had better looking animation.

By the end of the run, you just felt bad for Lion-O. He got no respect, his father died loving Tygra more, had his entire race genocided, got cucked twice, once by his brother, and another by Mumm-Ra, and basically was an all around failure.

>Thundercats video game fucking when?

Four years ago and it was fucking garbage.

Who's the writer and which episodes did he write?

The new crossover with He-man is pretty cool

At least the reboot got a second season

rip symbionic titan

IIRC it involved the character designer being a bitch