Hook cooldown increased by 2 seconds

>hook cooldown increased by 2 seconds
>self heal stops when taking damage
>hook fixed so it doesn't hook around walls anymore



Genji players are so obvious

>self heal stops when taking damage

Literally unusable now. It's like a self-stun

>I don't like this character so pls make him useless!

I will never understand you people. Don't you have any sense of empathy? Roadhog isnt even that bad for fucks sake

>self heal stops when taking damage
So he's a useless tank now, Literally all he had going for him tank wise was to eat lead like a motherfucking while healing, Like just increase its cooldown or something

I think you are pretty bad at Overwatch

I'm damn glad you aren't on the development team.

The game is shit at its core, nerfs and buffs aren't going to change that.

>roadhog is the least used tank but please nerf him into complete obscurity because I am a silver shitter

He needs a buff if anything

Its fucking bullshit I should be able to hook people around walls cus I'm strong as fuck

self shouldn't be nerfed because he doesn't have a shield

and now d va has the same if not more health than him which was what defined his character being a fat slow fuck with lots of health.

he's never even been that great just really punishes bad player like the shitty offense guys that decided to go lone wolf and then cry when they get hooked at one shotted.

he already has a lot of counters in the game and now they've introduced sombra that's another (soft) counter they've added.

Someone just got assfucked hard by a roadhog player huh?

lol your changes are shit, retard

I think the only fix for roadhog is decrease the rate at which his inhaler heals him

You're just nerfing him into oblivion so nobody will play him.
The only thing they need to fix is the corner-hook bug. The cooldown is fine, if it's longer he isn't a threat.


Let me drink your tears

said no one ever

reaper here

they said the fixed that shit, but it still happens. i get pulled through objects and corners all the time.

keep the ability to hook around shit, thats fine, but let me use my abilities while hooked. although that would probably just make things worse for him

Don't you touch my husbando

>Oh, let's brea
>Oh, hey hey.
>Left mouse click

>Tfw I have a 72% hoom accuracy and I feel that im the reason so many fags start these threads.

Im sorry you guys run in linear paths, especially so after you see a hog on the kill feed.

The heal nerf will be overkill, but they'll fucking fix it you whiny fags.

He'll be fine like this for a patch. If you haven't realized that Overwatch characters get buffed and nerfed according to a sine wave then you are probably still stuck in plat lol

If you have to change Roadhog (I don't think you need to), both Ana and Sombra fuck over Roadhog completely, so he needs a buff.

>from initial hero spotlight thought that Roadhog character will play hard guy/soft heart card
>he sounds like the creepiest kind of cannibal pedo

It happens a LOT less now, but it's still sensitive to networking conditions (having some packet loss/minor ping spike? You get corner-hooks, or if you're Roadhog, your hook throws your target behind you).

>but let me use my abilities while hooked

No, absolutely not. Doing this would make his hook pathetic, since Ana could just sleep dart him, Tracer could just rewind, Genji can dash out, McCree can flashbang, Dva/Rein can shield etc etc.

my only issue with the hook is that it's a guaranteed instakill on some characters. for example Lucio can boop him away, while Genji always gets shot before I can dash or reflect the shot.

>least used tank
>not d.va

Git gud
also here is your (You)

>my only issue with the hook is that it's a guaranteed instakill on some characters.

That's the point of his hook, it presents a danger to squishy characters, forcing you to adapt.
Without that danger, it becomes trivial and everyone stops playing him.

yeah thats why it would probably just be a bad idea, unless its just select skills. like, nothing movement based can be used, but certain skills can

i normally play pharah a lot, but getting hooked from a mile away is about as bullshit as zarya laser beaming you from a mile away.

both ranges are incredibly deceptive

>Genji always gets shot before I can dash or reflect the shot.

You deserve it.

>Anti-Roadhog players who don't understand people who actually play Roadhog have a chance of getting fucked over by their own hooks

>damage is the only thing keeping a tank relevant
yep nothing wrong here

Roadhog is fine.

>for example Lucio can boop him away, while Genji always gets shot before I can dash or reflect the shot
Not true. If lucio can boop after he gets hooked the Roadhog just fucked up.

>About to die as Roadhog
>See Lucio
>I'll take him with me
>Reaper jumps in front of him

>missing fastest projectile in the game with a hitbox the size of the moon
gut gid
captcha: siemen rise

>hook fixed so it doesn't hook around walls anymore
lol, before that they need to fix it so he doesn't hook people behind him or on top of himself

dont hook another roadhog or dva that may have ult
everyone else is pretty much free game

I couldn't count the number of times I've hooked a Genji while they were jumping around like an idiot and they started fucking crying in the chat.

It's like they think it's witchcraft for someone to hit a moving target.

The only thing that needs to change is the hooking behind walls. I've played enough "This is Ilios" on Arcade to see how absurd it is.

Increasing the hook cooldown is enough. I'd go so far to nerf it to a total of 4 seconds.

It would force Roadhogs more into midrange to use their M2 instead of entirely relying on Hook one-shots.

You can still hook them when their escape is off cooldown.

If other heroes have to play around his hook cooldown then he can play around their defensive cooldowns. Seems like a perfectly reasonable compromise to me. Right now he can just walk around uncontested deleting a hero basically for free every few seconds by looking at their general direction and pressing shift. These sort of one shot abilities that offer no counterplay really shouldn't be allowed.

It's beautiful, Genji players are always so mad when they get hooked

>main D.va
>memehogs hook me
>especially in 3v3

No. An actual balance change would be to reduce his shotgun damage and increase his hook damage. It's too easy to get kills just spamming the scrap gun in addition to hook instagibs. He should be able to combo 200hp heroes from full hp but not 250.

What I mean is sometimes hooked enemies won't always land directly infront of you.

You can guess accurately where they are about to land by looking where the chain is going on after the pull begins.

>hook fixed so it doesn't hook around walls anymore

I see people bitch and cry about this CONSTANTLY.

How would you fix this, user? I mean how would you PHYSICALLY fix this? I don't need you to write the entire code out for it but at least explain more than "It just shouldn't happen."

>hook enemy
>he tries to run behind a wall when the rope is still loose
>still get yanked
What's the problem? That's how it works in real life.

He needs his right click removed or the mechanic where it explodes into pellets completely changed. Its fucking gay to get 1 shot from full to zero just because you happened to be at the "sweet spot" range. Its bullshit to have that on a character who can already 1 shot you in another way with the hook combo.

I'm surprised that no one understands this

It only does 225 absolute max. Quit being a pussy.

It's a projectile, there's no problem with it. Just don't get hit.

Plus rmb is the only thing that makes Hog useful against Reinhardt.

Gold shitter

All he needs is a melee delay the same as his fire rate since everyone hooks > quick melee > shoot > quick melee

make the hitbox not so large that it hooks people who are 1m around a corner

if/when roadhog shitters cry about how underpowered he is, undo that and make it so you need to keep your hooked target on your screen for the entire animation or else the hook releases

D.Va is used in every game in 4100+ SR.

>hook stuns
lol its cuz u r still running ya stupit

Tanks are pretty well balanced at the moment, at least relative to each other. They all see play. I don't think a single one needs a nerf or a buff.

>>least used tank
>>not d.va
You do know she was just buffed, right?

Also if you are a retard that thinks Roadhog needs a nerf, change his heal from 300 to 600 so he self heals more and charges his shitty ult instead of giving charge to his support

Spotted the bronze shitter.

Right Click > Hook > Left Click > Melee is the proper combination but you wouldn't know it.

Oops wrong pic. Whatever, I'll leave it

>July 23-24

>Tanks are pretty well balanced at the moment, at least relative to each other.
but not t everyone else
>They all see play
yep, 4-6 see play everymatch

You could make it so that when you as a player collides with an object, the hook gets cancelled and get dropped right there. But that change can't happen because of another dumbass problem Blizzard either can't or refuses to fix: stuns not stopping momentum in the air. If you put it in, then everyone would knew a hook was coming would just camp a corner and hop in and out of it shooting him. If a hook landed on them outside of the corner, they would continue traveling through the air around it to cancel it.

I say "refuses" because then McCree's stun would properly work to counter Genji, which would promptly cause all of the "mains" to abandon the game, which seems to be about 90% of the player base.

is this shit even accurate? or was the world championship just a farce?
Ana was in just about every match and mei saw a lot of game time too

They said they were reworking the hook so no more through walls and behind cover when your target isn't even visible shenanigans or target landing behind roadhog. They probably won't increase the cd because that's where most of his threat comes from but it will hopefully make it a less frustrating ability for everyone and the hit box not the size of a moon or even accurate to the model so it's still dangerous but you have to actually know how to play him to be effective

Ruined the character. Another example of Blizzard not knowing what they are doing.

Now no one will use Roadhog. The character wasn't even that good to be honets.
Only 4 shotgun rounds and they are only useful at extreme close range. Even Reaper shotgun has a higher reach.

Not to mention how big Roadhog is. A big target that can has his hp melt like no other.
The only good thing about him was the hook and regen health.

Take that and he becomes useless.

I'm wondering who is giving this ideas to Blizzard. They are making this changes according to feedback. What kind of people think this sort of shit are a problem?

>Played the open beta
>Wipe the fuck out of people as Roadhog
>"Hmm, I probably shouldn't buy this since they're going to nerf him to shit."
I love being right.

She's the least used one after the buffs too.

>he wont do any damage
he's a tank, he should be tanking
and no, getting caught out of position and feeding enemy ults is not tanking

Take a look at the date.

Misfits did show that you can make single tank comps work too.

>You can still hook them when their escape is off cooldown.

But that simply nullifies his threat level, and it's not a viable argument, since you have no way of knowing that their escape is on cooldown.
It only sounds like a reasonable compromise since it benefits you, while it is a detriment to Roadhog.

>Right now he can just walk around uncontested deleting a hero basically for free every few seconds by looking at their general direction and pressing shift.
>These sort of one shot abilities that offer no counterplay really shouldn't be allowed.

He's supposed to be, if he wasn't then the wouldn't be a threat to the squishies. If you're having a problem with him, then SWITCH HEROES, that's what the game is all about.
Mei is tough and self-sustaining, and can tie up Roadhog easily, Reaper is THE tank-killer, and can survive his hook+shot combo thanks to his escape, Widowmaker can pour shots into him from long range with impunity, Junkrat, can lob grenades onto him from outside his LOS. The list goes on.

You counter-play by picking a different hero, not by sticking with your own. That's like trying to win against scissors as paper.

>It's a 'Blizz will never be able to not have Lucio at 99% pickrate no matter how hard they try' episode

the fact that they needed to "show it" and it wasnt already apparent says enough

Because he's a literal walking dispenser.

He's also the fastest character in the game and can wall climb indefinitely. He's probably the most overpowered hero in the game but no one complains about him because he's a support.

>what are headshots

Its not even the damage so much as the mechanic. Its just another "lol so randumb" thing that plagues this game.

Too bad you weren't right. Roadhog hasn't been nerfed.

That's not what overpowered means lmao

>overpowered = damage

Okay user.

I just wish he wasn't so boring to play.

I'd seriously much rather play Mercy than play Lucio, and usually do if Zenyatta isn't available or viable.

>All these salty Genjis and Tracers


>Lol so random
>an inanimate projectile shot from a video game shotgun is now "lol so random"

Please don't have children. Save the future from more people as stupid as you.

Lucio is worthless now, his healrate is so low there's no point in even using it over speed boost.

I prefer Ana + Zenyatta myself.

How's bronze?

>no point in even using it over speed boost.
but speed boost is goat

His heals are not good, but people only use him for movespeed anyways. Just give other healers speedbuffs. Harmony orb increases speed of person it on, Mercy blue beam increases, etc.

ITT: Shitters can't hero switch

L2P and hero switch.

>Reaper tears through him and has a perfect escape
>Junkrat can piss him off by staying out of LOS
>Widowmaker gets a giant target that's impossible to miss
>Hanzo gets a giant target that's impossible to miss
>Zarya gets free ult charge + particle beam cuts him to shreds
>Dva can harass the shit out of him, and easily cuts him down due to continuous fire
>Mei can easily freeze him and has her ice block to heal and ice wall to cut him off/block him
>Genji ninja flips all over the place making him a hard target, and his shurikens have no damage dropoff
>Sombra hacks him and has high DPS
>Ana nullifies his heal, can sleep him, and has deceptively high DPS
>Phara can stay out of his range (if you're not dumb) and consistently land rockets on him

I'm not saying the projectile itself is random you dumb faggot, I'm saying the mechanic of "exploding at the right distance so that every single pellet connects" is essentially random because of how precise the conditions have to be for it to happen. You can't consistently get your shots to hit this "sweet range" because it has travel time and the other player is also moving. If the outcome can't be reliably controlled, then why the fuck is it in the game? Its little better than just adding a crit chance to his right click.

>when you watch a Genji get HOGGED

>Genji ninja flips all over the place making him a hard target

Spotted the faggot that can't aim with a mouse.

Because it's so hard to stay away from him, right?
Or ambush him at point blank range as Reaper?

You're the same type of person that complains about the AK not having "perfect accuracy" on the first shot in CS, aren't you?

Has there been a character that you fags haven't whinged for nerfs yet?

I'm just not a fan of 1 shots, especially a second one on a character that already has the most notorious one.

Why does he deal so much damage? He's supposed to be a tank, not an offense hero.

If he didn't do any damage why would you ever need to kill him?

Dva, winston, reinhardt and zarya all deal more damage better, with better ults.