DOA Thread

Would they have been better received if Honoka had been small-chested as well? Then it wouldn't have seemed quite so much like Marie was a token character and Honoka just more of the same?


Who cares.

They ruined DOA.

wut, they were well received only butthurt fags that like characters that no one likes got mad

whatever, just post boobs



Can you explain how these two characters ruined their series to someone who has never played a Dead or Alive game? They just seem like two new girls to fap over.

Nah. You have the flattest girl and the biggest titty monster. They compliment each other and go well together.

They became immensely popular and pushed attention away from characters nobody cared about like Tina and Mila. The fans of the characters that were pushed aside are eternally mad and have carried out a crusade against them.

I'm surprised I haven't seen such an image where Honoka is made flat instead.

Christian image board

Looks like it's time to jack off.

Never played a DoA or the Volleyball game before, which is best for nude mods?

Currently, DOA5 Last Round for PC. They've even imported over some of the gravure scenes from X3 via the Vita version.

No but I'm sure marie rose wouldn't be so popular if doa had more flat chested characters. It seems she is only because she catalyzes the whole flat chested-loving crowd.

This said, I'm not saying I'd like more flat chested girls, but I admit she is cute, after all.

Jesus Christ how horrifying


If I get X3 will Helena tell me she loves me? Its important.

Yes user, you'll never be alone or unloved again.

Until you turn the PS4 off


They didn't "ruin" it, but they didn't do good to it.
One was the ground shaking first flat chested character ever, a blatant "we want the lolicon audience" and the other is a lazy and recycled character (she's a copycat fighter) at which they gave "the biggest boobs of doa history!" so that people would cope with her and not get mad at the facr that she's a blatant cash-in. Both of the characters (especially Honoka) didn't add value to the game but only made it look even more like a "game only good to fap", which is not true. Doa is actually an amazing fighting game, and they could have put more effort into those character, rather than doing a lazy job and make one flat and the other big boobed and lower the perception the audience had of the franchise in change of something that adds nothing of value to the gameplay.
If they were "standard" doa characters, no one would have given a fuck about them, like they did with Mila and Rig. The "new" team ninja really has to put more effort in his original characters.

On a side note, they did the same lazy job with nyotengu, which is a female reskin of an already existing character of doa 2, but in her case the base character was so original, unique and charismatic that the result was good (also, she's incredibly well done and designed, not the "let's just make her boobs bigger" type of character)

They have the blandest looking moe faces and are meant to pander to pedo shitters.

Those animations suck and doax3 is a lazy cash in

Marie is perfect because flat works well with her design. She's the most overtly femanine from the shoulders up. Making her oppai or the other girls flat doesn't work.

That does result in Marie being the most popular, having the most porn and the most fanart by a wide margin, though.

Despite being at the face of Marie and Honoka's release, I don't really care very much on how popular they've gotten for some reason.

Post Nyotengu.


She does look good, but she's so popular only because she's the only small chested character, hence she has no competition in the same field

Wasn't Honkers the most popular?


Outside of polls it's an even bigger margin, if you look at pixiv results and SFM Marie has like 5x more than everyone else combined.

That shit taste.

Honoka was the most popular in NA an Europe, poll-wise, anyway. Marie's uniqueness gives her an advantage in everything else, like said

>Marie is a loli

>US and EU

Their opinions don't count because of the insane perception of petite and smaller girls as being "pedo bait". Even if Marie was actually 15 should it really matter, she's 2D.

Look at the horse faced bitches western game companies put in their games. Their standard of beauty begins and ends at how big the breasts and ass are.

Marie Rose

You could have just said
>the west is cucked by fat women

Marie was in the top 6 in those regions as well. Universal appeal seems to go to Kasumi, Honoka, Marie, and Nyotengu, who are the only ones in the top 6 across all regions.

They didn't ruin it, but contrary to popular belief, DoA characters actually have nice backstories and arcade ending scenes that often just existed to flesh out the characters, even the Xtreme games fleshed out the characters in terms of relationships and motivations.

That was until Itagaki left and after trying to be serious with Rig and Mila, they ended up with Marie and Honoka who are basically parodies of what people who didn't play DoA thought that DoA was, so now the focus of the series ison Honoka and Marie because the fan base was flooded with secondaries who had no perspective on why long term fans of the series were infatuated more said secondaries who just saw tits and panties.

I know the feeling, but Marie is too cute and perfect to hate. She also breaks tradition in multiple ways.

Honoka is the embodiment of secondary bait, though.

Didn't they try to make the series more serious? What with the whole "I'm a fighter" tagline for vanilla DOA5, plus Rig and Mila and less emphasis on sexy and fetish costumes? I guess it didn't go over very well, because subsequent versions they amped up the T&A and added meme character like Marie, Honoka and Mai.

Mai is legit amazing looking in LR though

They literally replaced Tengu completely so they could have more tits.

Quick, I need a ps4 game. Is this good on PS4? Must know. Also is hitomi viable?

My beef with Marie has nothing to do with how she looks. Her hairstyle is nice, cute face, and the pedo argument is retarded as far as her looks go.

Her personality however is hot fucking garbage. She acts like somebody that knows better but still decides to act like a petulant child. This even extends to a lot of her moves and just the way she emotes in general in action and a bunch of her intro/outro/win/victory screens make me want to throw her out of a window.

At least Honoka is just dumb but well meaning. Marie is intentionally a terrible person.

yeh, and yeh

Tried to get into DoA with 5LR when it came out. Wanted to play Honkers from the trailers, she had cool exploding punches and huge tits so I couldn't say no.
DoA's like the only fighting game I've played that I liked less and less the more I learned about it. It was really fun on a "find some buttons and abuse them" level and beat up casuals in but the entire holds system combined with the huge varied sequenced attack trees and size of the cast just made me not want to try. Made it seem like a serious training mode rat game. Same reason I dropped VF. I like parries in games with conventional attacking but not "every button is a different Angel-sized rekka series."
Really fun to watch though. Very cool game but I'll stick to ones that are easier to learn through matches rather than grinding through a billion huge movelists.


Viable for what?
Fapping? Maybe.

Hitomi is viable in a great many ways.

But if you're talking about as a fighter, she's a nice easy character that a lot of people start out with.

If you get a few people that aren't super hardcore the game is still a boatload of fun to play.

I think that's one of the game's greatest strengths really. Anybody that's willing to exert at least a little bit of effort can jump in and have fun as long as there isn't a tourneyfag around to ruin the fun.


She mah fav in looks

They complement each other perfectly well.

dfcfags should neck themselves




I want to be Marie and slut my cute butt around.