>this board wants video games, their only hobby, to fail
what's going on here, Sup Forums?
>this board wants video games, their only hobby, to fail
what's going on here, Sup Forums?
Other urls found in this thread:
>Here let me bypass people's filter AGAIN by literally cropping my shitty niggerfrog.
You have to tear down the current system in order to build a new, better one.
I want to see the hobby that destroyed my life to burn.
you know, it's a lot like.. I don't really want to kill myself, but I'd totally be glad if the world ended tomorrow and took me with it
I understand what you're saying, OP.
But you gotta realise that gaming has been absolutely tainted by shitty standards and money hungry jews.
Yes it's always gonna be a industry that needs money but what we're getting now is ridiculous, games that have yearly releases, buggy games, shitty sequels that nobody asked for, DLCs galore, early-access..
I'm so happy that it's crashing and burning because I just want to play games made by people that enjoy games.
I fucking DOUBT that the people who put out those shit fests actually sit on their couches/chairs and play these games.
Sup Forums is essentially neurotics the site.
Old games and rom hacks will still exist
We don't want video games to fall, we want greedy publishers/developers to fall, which is sadly the majority these days.
Find what you love doing it, kill it, and let it kill you
>having only 1 hobby
the plight of the redditor
just fuck off you underaged retard
lol nobody cares retard. your loss for buying western video games you dumb nigger
>our only hobby
- Overpriced
- Companies never listen to fans, and fail as a result
- Instead of progression, publishers constantly spam us with unwanted gimmicks
- When fans try to do something other fans want to see, they are met with cease and desist orders from publisher's lawyers.
- Fans have lost hope
- Developers have lost hope
I more considering masturbation a hobby than video games as I've masturbated ever day since I was 12 but some times I don't play video games for days at a time.
I only want japanese game industry to fail
>implying I don't buy non-western games too
How quickly can you masturbate now
most of the games I play came out years ago
present state of the industry makes no difference to me.
Self hate
We need another gaming crash.
Video games have gone from a niche hobby to a billion dollar industry. Every big game is watered down and focus tested to hell and back to ensure maximum profits, with inflating budgets limiting the amount of risks that can be taken and stiffing creativity/innovation. We're living in an era where almost (if not more) money is spent promoting your video game than actually developing it/making sure it's bug free and ready for launch. Where greed has taken full control of the wheel, and now every major release comes out of the gate with 30 dollars season passes that are mandatory if you want the complete game you paid for.
Then there's indie games attracting a ton of hipsters who got into game development because they couldn't make it in other more respectable mediums, trying to either make their games "art" instead of making them good. Alternatively, the rise of early access and Kickstarter has made it so that any scam artist with a computer can flood the market with shitty, derivative indie games solely for making a quick buck. Often times, without even needing to bother completing the game.
All the while, the rise of both AAA and Indie gaming has snuffed the life out of (in my opinion) the best kind of games; the middle of the road ones. The kinds of games with modest budgets that allowed them to take chances, while still being polished experiences with decent production value. They're all but extinct now.
The passion is gone. We need to drain the swamp. If that means playing zero budget freeware games made by actual enthusiasts for a while, so be it.
I wonder who could be behind this post
bad games need to fail
good games need to succeed
that's literally it
It hasn't been my hobby for a decade.
>Reach working age
>Can buy anything you want
>Gen 7
>Literally the worst postcrash gen ever
>Kills my interest in gaming for good
If there were other mediums that'd be fine, but modern movies are horrendous, reading is for open homosexuals, thank god I don't need gym so lifting is a waste of time
At this point when I see situations like FFXV I see people desperately clinging to the shadow of what was once great, just to not admit their hobby is dead. In a way it's the other "u shuld plei indiis" when someone shits on modern gaming.
As far as the console market goes games are the cheapest they've ever been. On pc if you wait a couple months most titles are discounted down to 40$, if you wait a few months more they'll be 20-30$, or you could just go to GMG.
When are we gonna grow out of shitty frog images like we did with rage comics and trollface
There are no good games left in man
So what is your hobby.
How would you filter images?
Says increasingly nervous man for the 400th time since 2005
>this is what Trump voters believed
>lmao reading is for fags
Do the world a favor and kill yourself.
Then why are you here? What do you gain by going to a imageboard about videogames if you don't like videogames?
to troll
gen 7 started some bad trends that were concentrated in the current gen but at the very least devs actually made new IP.
Purgatory. I still play games, but less than 20% compared to what I used to.
The crash happened already, the same way it happened with mandrama, which ironically suffered a similar fate quality-wise: it peaked around 97-2001, saw its swan song around 2002-2005, completely died when shittier """"stars"""" like John Creeda, Batishock and Mass Orton (same literal faggotry) took the place of the actually great ones.
The fact something seems alive doesn't mean it is.
I like reading history, as in world history, I couldn't care less for fanfictions.
Why do you go out if people are boring and what they do is boring and what they talk about is boring and what they think is fun is actually braindead boring?
Most of which were utterly atrocious and overstayed their welcome after just one gen. The only good ones were from the mid-tier: Souls started as a shit-tier production and it got saved by its word of mouth, and as a series it has already said everything it had to, more of it will only make it worse. The reboots all sucked or half-sucked.
And who in their right mind still wants more of Persona is beyond me, I stomached through P3 and I couldn't make it to the end of P4
Why are all of Ronnie's comics the exact same?
>Haha wow I'm such a loser lol