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Video Games #3590
Video Games
Have you ever fallen in love with a video game character?
Do you hide your powerlevel?
I have been here long enough to know that Sup Forums thinks all reviews are paid, but why?
Steins;Gate 0
So is this the best game in the genre?
Are there any games. "Besides Tomb Raider." That features Women choking or getting choked
What went wrong?
Say something you like about a game that you hate
FInal Fantasy
Games mini games are more fun than the game itself
Console-tan Tuesday
I'M SAYIN' 3, 2, 1
Blood shits all over both Duke Nukem 3D and Doom
You will never play the Silent Hill series again for the first time
Cosmog mooog!
Why was it so fun?
2 hours till the next Humble Bundle
I thought people said he was the hardest soulsborne boss
Bloodborne thread
This is the absolute best and worst place to discuss videogames
This game
What is the ULTIMATE comfy game?
Titanfall 2 Angel City
Sup Forums BTFO
I'm an extremely right-wing Brit who voted for Brexit and helped meme Trump into the presidency
/ctt/ console tan Tuesday
Which games did you nominate for the Steam awards? REMINDER: Today is last day. GOGOGOGOGO
Red Dead Redemption 2
When Nostalrius first began, the max amount of players it had was around 4,000 at launch. With this second stress test...
Who did buy WiiU? Are you going to get Switch?
I'm done with PlayStation
ITT Masterpieces that NEVER EVER AGAIN!
What you guys think?
What MMO are you currently playing?
Name a more worthless female lead
Cool vidya clothes thread
Chapter 3???
Why can't we have a good video game movie
This game single handedly ruined FPS genre
New battlefield game
Who is she again?
Reminder that today is the last day for backers to choose their platform of choice
Who's the best and why?
Are convenience stores comfy?
Shootout mission
Which was the bigger blunder?
Do you think he regrets shitting on FF15 now that this may hurt his career?
ITT games that taught you valuable lessons
FFXV fans can you please stop giving XBX bad scores? It had a 9/10 on Metacritic just yesterday and for months...
Enclave/fallout thread
Why did mods delete my thread about online toxicity?
How does this make you feel?
Come on guys, come and play. It's a bit sad that there's only 1 full server on PC
Turn based combat is always ba-
How do you imagine they taste, Sup Forums?
It shits all over first Quake as well as Doom
ITT games that didn't get sequels
An a-arrow ?! NANIII ?! *wrrgh*
I just got this, never played Terraria or anything
Let's have a game about visual novels
13 years and still no offline vana'diel game. For what purpose?
Make way for the true Final Fantasy game
Why did Battlefield 1 fail?
The fuck are those bullshit weeaboo graphics? Zelda is fucking dead
So, I now have a PS4, a PC and a 3ds. Am I covered for this generation?
Just admit this was the last good FF
You're not toxic are you, Sup Forums?
Is this site legit? I want to buy something on it but I never did before...
What games let me marry,have many kids and live the rest of my life in peace with another character?
What do you play when you are feeling blue Sup Forums ?
Has anyone here actually ever given a twitch slut money?
I don't get the hate. It's fun. Reminds me a bit of Crisis Core
Have you done your part Sup Forums?
Explain this, sonyggers
What was the purpose of this scene?
Should I buy
Universal's Nintendoland
Blue Reflection
What did your coffee tell you this morning, Sup Forums?
How you want your nintendo world family?
Tell me about the worst person you've met through steam
The nintendo switch leak list is confirmed
He's done
GOG is teasing something for December 1st
Explain how this happened
How long is the servers going to be up before blizzard shuts it down again...
Nintendo have not focused on VR Reality and it will sink their company for it
How come in most games pigs are evil?
Whatever happened to Fat Pikachu?
What does Sup Forums honestly think of this game. The recent updates have been fairly okay tbqhwy
Casual who only plays games on normal difficulty
Why is Dota the only ASSFAGGOTS where every hero feels different to play?
Buy super expensive $800 GPU
What did Sup Forums think of this and Chronicle?
Give it to me straight, how is this game?
The Truth about Final Fantasy 7: Remake
Zarya's design has kinda grown on me
4 hours into this, just killed Psycho Mantis - when does the game get good?
So why do they call it Moon Sugar?
Star Citizen appreciation thread
Leave Lillie to me
Why do people even compare something with even the slightest bit of difficulty to dark souls now?
Canonically, why is he so strong?
Their fanbase died quicker than I expected
Did you get your hands on it Sup Forums?
KOF 14
Leave action rpgs to me
Watchdogs 2
What videogames do you like to play on Valentine's Day?
Will this be the next blunder of the century?
CS:GO just went full blown autistic. What's Sup Forums's opinion on glove skins?
Did anyone pick this gem up in the sale, its fucking awesome!
Don't worry guys, an actually good Final Fantasy is coming out next year
ITT: We feel old
Did they REALLY have to make Miranda's ass unrealistically big?
Just finished it. What do I do now? I never felt so emotionally atacched to a work before...
I'm about to purchase KF2 while it's on sale against my better judgement
Did a game ever caused you to have a paradigm shift?
6 Years later
The sun has fallen out of orbit and is about to collide with the earth
Leave the future of RPGs to me
How do we fix girl gamers?
Weebs got utterly BTFO'd once again. How will they ever recover?
Do you like me now?
Were you a Nintendo,Sega or NEC kid?
What the fuck is going on ????????
ITT: We discuss how Steam and Valve went to absolute shit
What are online games without Russian players?
Which game has the better representation of hell?
Stealth game
Vidya Confessions
Filename thread
Have you played this game? Did you like it? Why?
Why did Game Freak put this in the game?
This game is great. Who else likes this?
Trying to find a new game to sink a lot of time into during this sale. Currently deciding between:
No webm thread?
Whats up poorfags ? ;))
$25-30 for a skin, at the time their game is dying out and being taken over by Overwatch, which costs $40
What'd you vote for the "best use of a farm animal" award?
Yo yo, gangster "Bod Dowad" here or Little B on the streets. I heard of this sick new game called "Skyrim: Remastered"...
Just imagine spending all your time going onto an internet message board trying to convince yourself and others that a...
Is he /our guy/?
Can I get into this game if I have never played Final Fantasy before?
Sup Forums I want to go back
Street Fighter V thread
How do we fix Japanese video games?
How do memes in video games make you feel?
Rank from best to worst
FF15 it's a 10 hours game
Can a video game be good AND bad at the same time? I'm not talking about mediocre...
I just pirated this but I can't seem to play it on 4K@Ultra settings with my 1080. MSAA is off
Now that the dust has settled, what did Sup Forums think about this game?
Ds3 vs bloodborne
Good morning Sup Forums I have good news for you today
Best cyberpunk game
Mei is built for _____________
So first paid sprays with limited use, now fucking gloves
How do you like your mechas?
What does he say again?
Are you enjoying your New 3DS Sup Forums?
Bought my brother the alienware steam Machine i7. Listing price is like $750, got it for $400. Good buy or what...
Even Hideo doesn't want to play this shit
This is your mother tonight
/ctt/ - Console-tan Tuesday
Why are women 52% of gamers but literally none of them speedrun or play games like civilization or earn loads of money...
Now that the dust has settled, can we all agree that despite no longer being a RPG...
Can you imagine being sucked in to a tuba? And have it play a deep bass note, wouldn't that be fun haha...
You can call me Knuckles, unlike Sonic I don't chuckle
Anyone remember this one?
Releases in 3 days
Honestly, Marvel VS Capcom 4 makes perfect sense for Disney
Capcom: Are you ready for my new graphics?
How much gold do you have saved for the new expansion?
This is unironically the best game the musou subgenre has to offer the meaning...of life
Sup bros
What games have the best fishing?
Final Fantasy XV
What is the best physical version of this to get?
Why does Sup Forums hate this game again?
There's no way that this situation could be made worse
Anything else?
Would you manage to ring both bells of awakening by yourself?
He's Fast
Sixty yuro worth of day 1 DLC and a season pass
Well Sup Forums?
I'm so fucking shocked
Worst companion thread
So, which element is the best in any vidya?
So whats your GOTY?
What kind of video games do you think aliens play?
What level do you always dread doing?
Shadow Tactics
I know some of you must still play PSO online. What's the best server...
What is objectively the best game in the Zelda series?
It's getting 4/5 and 9/10 everywhere. I thought it was gonna flop Sup Forums. How about you apologize NOW
Is there any reason at all why every gun in the game had to be left-handed?
I've never played the original, what am I in for Sup Forums?
Noctis or Nyx
So Sup Forums, is pic related actually as good as the reviews say...
Undertale gets consistently shit on for having a few main characters be gay, one cringey gay scene...
People still can't accept that this isn't a decent game
Hey Sup Forums. I've been on an Ocarina of Time kick lately, and I've been reading a little bit about how it was made...
Is this game as bad as everyone says?
Hey there guys totally not todd howard here...
I hate to break it out to you but Salazar's dead
This is your healer (male) tonight
Really fam
Hey Sup Forums. This is my first time posting on this board...
Is there even a human being out there that wants an update? does it fix anything? is it even fixable?
2 years in development
This gay anime bullshit ensures Shadowverse will never be a serious competitor to Hearthstone...
What game makes me feel like at home, Sup Forums?
You're buying my game right user-kun?
Which would you buy?
What the fuck am I supposed to do with this thing?
So today is/was my birthday and since I'm a shut-in with no friends...
So now that the dust has settled
So according to the Outsider in Dishonored 2 Corvo ended Dishonored 1 in nothing short of a massacre
There's literally no point in buying Injustice now that Mahvel 4 is on its way...
White to move, mate in 2
What went wrong?
Leave RPGs to us
You have finished the Original Zelda right Sup Forums?
What games allow you to experience higher levels of existence?
Hey Sup Forums let's count to 3, I'll start
I just got my money for refunding Dragon's Dogma on steam. What game do I buy now?
I have literally never seen this discussed on here. What are Sup Forums's thoughts?
How'd this piece of shit manage to sell more and survive longer than the Dreamcast?
Have you ever been scared by something in a video game?
AGDQ 2017
What's the best metroidvania and why is it SotN?
Twitch Streams
"Ellie, we really are... The Last of Us..."
Kingdom Hearts III Thread
Did anyone know who this guy was before Melee was released? No joke...
Who is the perfect demon in vidya?
The game of the year was a vita game
Tfw everyone is playing FFXV and i just started FFVI
So why are people platform warriors?
Is this how you charge an Xbox One controller?
Disney Infinity (and its company) shut down
What is the Click of video games?
ITT: subtle vidya clothing
What went right?
Does PS4 pro play FF15 at 60 FPS?
Monster hunter will never not be held back by Nintendo's shit hardware
So I have been wondering...
Should I get a black or white?
Just came back from my local Gamestop midnight release of Final Fantasy XV
Is this game dead on PS4?
Enter your initials
How can a major release in such a massive franchise be so lacking in content even after almost a year of patches and...
PlayStation Experience thread
How do we fix the space game genre, Sup Forums?
Why aren't there more deep sea video games?
What is this called Sup Forums
This game is too long. 30 hours in and that's only disc 1. Why must JRPGs be this long...
Is magic viable in Dark Souls 3?
Why did Soul Calibur die? Is it because they inexplicably killed off all their cast...
/ctt/ - Console-tan Tuesday
Releases at midnight
Post video game characters that can beat Hacker at his game
Casual Shooters
How do i install the busty smash bros mod on my 3ds? I have a link to the mod...
Games where you play as the bad guy
What went wrong with dark stalkers? Why no new game?
And it's out
Go here
ITT: Vidya characters that remind you of yourself
Why havent you hacked your 3ds yet?
So apparently this thing passed Steam Greenlight and is actually a game that is happening
So this is the power of Final Fantasy 15
Since the latest patch came out this game has been generating alot of positive press...
Steam Sale thread
ITT: Worst characters of their respective games
Who is your favorite Street Fighter and why is it Yun?
Shoot an NPC
PCucks are excited to play Watch_Dogs 2
What are the BEST stealth games in terms of gameplay and mechanics?
Why didn't you tell me that this game was amazing...
Have a steady job
La Mulana
Looking forward to a game
Have you already seen the verdict for Final Fantasy XV? The west's top reviewer has already given it a 40/40...
Cockroaches and ps4
What games let me be a photographer?
Christmas hat thread!
Serious thread
Welcome to my house Sup Forums!
Wow, this game was surpeisingly good if you ignore the Absterho-shit
Are there any video game devs known to hate their fanbase?
Final boss is a regular enemy in the sequel
New SCP thread last one got archived
Didn't see a mass effect thread in the catalog. Are you looking forward to biowares swan song?
The player character has a girlfriend or a wife
What's your favorite 360 game Sup Forums ?
What games let me bully tomboys?
Is their any way too be good at video games with a iq of 79?
Heroes of the Storm
ITT: Games you played as a kid, but never learned the name of and can't find now
Any interesting MMOs that are out? I'm stuck in FFXIV
Half Life 2 sucks
What is your opinion of Tali
You have failed me completely and utterly
ITT: Real human beans
I'm a mom from the 90s
Playing vanilla M&B
Who is the best Resident Evil character and why is it Leon?
ITT: Unexpected bros
People buying cheap games on Black Friday they're planning to play
Name a recent game with good shotguns
I have a 4K TV, 120 refresh rate, but no HDR
Platform Masters thread
Hey Sup Forums
Final Fantasy 5-10 and FFT aren't the best JRPG's of all time
Remake is worse than the original
Got some money. Should I get Dark Souls 3 or Dark Souls 2 SOTFS?
After everything, this is the top selling game on Steam right now
Rate 1-1 run
Username thread
The Legend of Heroes: Trails in the Sky
Why aren't you playing Paragon, Sup Forums? It has actual graphics
If pokemon was real, which one would you capture and keep as a pet?
F-Zero Thread
Fix this series in 3 steps Sup Forums
Japs have failed twice in making open world triple a games [MGSV and FFXV]. Will this game break the streak?
She's dying Sup Forums... why won't you save her?
After Lisa snaps your neck in PT you can hear the sound of her tearing through Norman's flesh...
FFXV Art Book
Hi Sup Forums. Just bought this game. What movies should I watch to understand? I'm new to Alien
'Member when Square made great games?
ITT: Upcoming Games Only You Seem To Be Hyped About
I know I'm late to the party Sup Forums, but I just bought this
Huh? You've never seen a pair of breasts before? And you're HOW old?! J-Jeez! Ahahahah! W-Well, we'd better fix that...
Steins;Gate Zero will be released tommorow and there is no psn page yet
Ok, seriously
She's dying, Sup Forums
Will there ever be a game that tops this?
ITT: Those we could not save
Final Fantasy XV “Mystery Disc”
All I want to do is play PS2 games but my PS2 is busted. What options do I have?
Is it worth it on sale? Please respond
MGSV was suppose to be Tortanic
Is there a better 3D platformer?
How do we make this area harder Miyazaki-san?
Game is a piece of shit on release
GTX 1060
Will video games be censored later on?
You're a man, aren't you?
Which group did you like better?
Which game is better? I can only pick one and never played this series before
This is an in-game screenshot of The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt Expansion Pack: Blood & Wine
I'm a huge RTS fan and there are no good RTSs in years
Powerful, compact, beautiful and durable
Restock inbound bois
Dark souls in fun they said
What are some other games where if I kill another player in pvp I get all their hard earned items?
You can only choose 1
Why does censorship exist in a world were games literally have ratings to warn you of the content?
Tales of Berseria
No Mans Sky update
What does Sup Forums think of James Rolfe?
ITT: "villains" that ACTUALLY did nothing wrong
Why do korean/chinese animu games give you such over the top looking weapons and gear?
ITT: Signs that someone is a flaming faggot
I'll just leave this here
I'm about to emulate The Thousand Year Door, what should I know going in?
When you want to play a game online but the multiplayer is dead
What is The Who of video games?
Pirate Fallout 4
Can we actually have a logical discussion about this without just bandwagonning on the hate train
One of those threads
Dude poison lmao
Who is the most overpowered character in SFV?
FFXV is officially good
Portal PS2 emulation
What's up with Conan O'Brian?
Another UmJammer Lammy thread deleted due to Barneyfag's spamming
Have Dementia
I'm shit scared of dinosaurs, especially when big ones like pic related chase after you
Buckle up, Sup Forums. I said the other day I was gonna take you on a ride, and I intend to make good on my word
Playing games that have a metacritic score lower than 90
Ten years
What are some video games with a lot of quotable moments?
What are your thoughts on soma?
Push to talk
This fucker's weapon is awesome
ITT: Casual Filters
Sup Forumsidya draw thread
Our governments have limited power by design
It's been sixteen years, and Perfect Dark is still the greatest FPS game of all time...
Square made it their mission to push Final Fantasy XV as their biggest masterpiece since Final Fantasy VII
What game is the Sam Hyde of RPGs?
Has Sony ever had a good shooter exclusive?
Did I make the right choice?
Stealth game
Give me one good reason why videogames should have stories
Admit it hes the only good thing about this game and probably the best final fantasy antagonist of all time with a real...
What do you think about Um Jammer Lammy, Sup Forums?
Wah they shafted nomura!!1
Well Sup Forums?
MGS V is bad meme
Remember when Treyarch made a James Bond videogame?
"JRPG's are better than Western RPG's"
Last guardian thread
Meanwhile, in No/v/igrad
These figures are coming out this week, I hope you preordered them! :)
PC Build
What if he dropped his pants and fucked the bear instead of riding it?
What are some good JRPGs on Steam?
I'm about to buy a PS4, and these are the games I'm getting with it. Am I missing anything?
What does Sup Forums think about Ori and the Blind Forest?
3x3 Thread
What was his endgoal?
What didn't go right?
ITT: we describe a game's title using images and others have to guess it
Playing Assassins Creed
How do you feel about the SCP video games Sup Forums?
Oldfag vs Youngfag
What did he mean by this?
Rainy city at night level
Final Fantasy XVI
New zelda gameplay footage
Black Friday New 3ds
Sup Forums plays Soul Nomad & The World Eaters
Has there ever been a likable female NPC in a western videogame?
VICE: Murder in VR Should Be Illegal
Where did it all go so wrong, MMO genre?
What went wrong?
Super Mario Run
Why wasn't there a single good DCAU game, Sup Forums?
When are they going to stop with this childish meme?
ITT: good expansions
Looking for good mmorpg
Well, Sup Forums? Which do you choose?
What are Sup Forums's thoughts on Deathwing?
This is my wife D.Va, she is so cute. Say something nice about her
Just joined the PC master race. Recommend me some vidya Sup Forums
Who is Sup Forums's favorite Senran?
You haven't forgotten about me right Sup Forums?
Thoughts on this game? Should I play it?
You have 10 seconds to explain why you don't use 2 monitors
Which side did you choose?
Final boss in FFXV is literally a QTE
Choose your partner!
Is DSP gonna quit Youtube soon?
Post games with cute animals
How mad is he right now?
Undertale is the best game of all time: prove me wrong
Why aren't you playing the best multiplayer game of 2015?
Confess your vidya sins
Murder in VR Should Be Illegal
You guys ready for thus uncultured dudebro dumbass to tackle FFXV?
Doodleswap Thread
I got FFXV for Xbox One on Black Friday and I just beat it. Ask me anything
Play Overwatch with controller on PC because I am a casual
Tekken 7
Which shall I buy?
Doom sucks
Out for delivery
Why does Sup Forums keep getting proven wrong?
This is a video game, folks, it's a game
So which race in TES is the master race? Dunmer because they have had people actually become gods?
Katawa Shoujo
Overwhelmingly Positive
Nu-Doom has so few enemies on the screen, original threw entire hordes at you!
What do you think the christmas costumes will be?
What video games would animals play?
It's the weekend
Bring a Horse to Water
ITT nu-fun games
This is not real life... woah
People say the controls are bad
Hey nerd boy
Been playing some war thunder British ground forces recently and I just unlocked my first 17 pounder (the achilles) and...
Where do you think the next Grand Theft Auto will take place in, Sup Forums?
I just uninstalled TF2
Best game mode: Attrition
Literally almost as accurate as a mouse
Do you miss him yet?
Sup Forums BTFO
Well, Sup Forums? Do I do it?
Oh boy all that killing in madden
Is there any reason not to play the enhanced editions of BG1 and 2 over the original...
I want to say I'm surprised there's not a single thread about the update finally delivered to this game...
This is the last time i listen to you guys
This is a high-cut leotard
Pick one
The times when Metacritic was just right
Super Mario Sunshine
What should the sequel be called?
Characters don't gain exp if they are not in your main party
Stop pirating games
What games do you want to see for the Mini SNES?
It will die within a week!
Post yfw GTA VI is set in 80s Vice City with synthwave, vaporwave, retro shit, a e s t h e t i c, pink and lightblue...
Why are they so shit now? I feel like they took a nosedive in quality soon after New Vegas was released
This is Nep-Nep. Talk about her games here
Best FPS of all time list
I bought a ps4pro (I know) for ffxv (i know...
Teammate has an anime avatar
Pls help
What do they say again?
Voldo is literally the most challenging character in any fighting game
ITT: Post a game you've liked for at least 10 years
There are people here
How good is this game?
Modern vidya shit
Sup Forums BTFO yet again
Kingdom Hearts 3
Make Love, Not War
Game you loved despite flaws
Hey janitor
This has got to be the biggest disappointment of the year. The game is clunky and unstable...
User wake up!
What are some games where you can fight with spears?
I've never been this CONFUSED in a GAME in my entire LIFE
What is the one gloved finger for?
Is VR a meme or the inevitable future?
Whats better a N3ds or N3ds XL?
Name a series with a better modding community
Latest vids only get 500 views
Boss can rewind time
Is she our girl?
Post weapons you'd like to see more often in VIDEO GAMES
What point did you realise TPP wasn't the game you wanted it to be?
Game has story
Is there any video game character who could beat him?
Can someone explain me the whole TES lore?
Santa hat thread?
Heroes of the Storm
Is it too late to buy this now?
Is this game really worth 60 bucks on the eShop? Or I could order it physical for about $40 but I hate the wait...
Do you play games on easy, normal or hard?
I'm finally FREE
Why is SH4 not as fondly remembered as 2 and 3?
Is anyone else here pumped for Deathwing?
Games that were ALMOST awesome
How do we fix Twitch?
What games let me play as a cute female magician in skimpy clothing?
What was his end game?
Leave Final Fantasy to me
Why do some people take issue with sexy women in video games?
Why is this game so much fun Sup Forums?
Teach me how to shitpost Sup Forums. I don't know what a vidya gaem shitpost is
Survivors cannot be escorted
No one cares about Darkstalkers because no one bought Resurrection
Almost 18 years
Eve online is now free. Why aren't you playing it?
Risk of Rain
Whats up poorfags ? ;))
Your thoughts on Street Fighter V
Should the government tax streamers and e-sports?
ITT: Things you love in vidya
Tfw you finally understand what Dragon's Dogma is
This is Samus
Oh shit son
PSX General
How do you go from this
The great debate
Is it possible to play the witcher (2 or) 3 without having played the previous games? Or will i be overwhelmed by lore?
Anyone hype for the remake?
And what would you like for Christmas, Sup Forums?
Now the dust has settled, what went wrong?
ITT: games that actually look like fun, but Sup Forums would never admit it
What is it about this pic that is triggering janitors and mods so much...
About to start this
New patch is out!
Leave the future of
First boss theme is the best fucking boss them in the entire game
Been playing far cry 3 for days on my own in my room, tame game, nothing suspect
Well, Sup Forums? Which do you choose?
ITT: We laugh at the shills
Have you ever fallen in love with a video game character?
What vidya series has the most cumulative words?
Why can't people just boycott this abomination of a company
Black Friday weekend
I want a new PS Vita game. Something I can just pick up and have some fun...
Anyone else hyped for the new No Man's Sky update?
Tfw hated this game because Sup Forums keeps parroting how shit it was
Pick your RPG class
"AIDS is a fag disease"
Hurry/v/ ! Claim your weaponfu !
Perfect games don't exi—
Time: ‘Final Fantasy XV’ Is a Glorious Return to Relevance
Are you excited?
Just started this, what am I in for?
A fucking math autist
Want to play my first final fantasy
Why was his world so shit
Should i buy this?
No webm thread?
Fishing lvl?
Are you going to buy Fate/Extella?
What does Sup Forums think about this game?
Redpill me on this game, Sup Forums. I beat it, but I didn't understand the story
Epiku japanesu animu! cutu loliu fightu monusteru! upskirtu pantsu!!!!
Team Fortress 2 or Overwatch?
This board wants video games, their only hobby, to fail
Name an RPG with a better final boss:
Ye olde Star Fox thread
Vidya catgirl thread?
I didn't get the amiibo I wanted so I'm going to complain about how Nintendo is bad
Last threads
New Social Fap Thread
Quads in thread: I push the lever, cut off my dick
This my cat Mousey say something nice
Be me 18 y/o Turk living in Germany
What loli part is best loli part?
Op here of kristin ama
It's Caturday, post cats
Got a girl solidly passed out on my couch in my apartment, wat should I do to her anons?
I love being a stripper. I make $300+ a day (after tip out), I can come to work and leave whenever I please...
Rekt. Lets do it
Wwyd thread be brutal as you want
Whats the best way to insult a german
Does the busdriver notice if i steal
Hot for teacher thread: candids preferred or in general clasroom pics; only real teachers pls
Texas thread. Bonus for 903
If you were paid 200000 a year to be permanently naked- would you? You would have full immunity to any legal trouble...