Where do you think the next Grand Theft Auto will take place in, Sup Forums?

Where do you think the next Grand Theft Auto will take place in, Sup Forums?

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your tight little pussy

i unirinically fucking love that crop


Stop barney posting

pretty sure thats Umi from Love Live

Fuck off vendettafag stop harassing me

This, he really shouldn't be doing this

There is no purpose for it

Seriously fucking stop it

Hi Lee, how have you been?

There is no purpose for this

And this shit needs to end


Just stop making this thread, asshole.

It doesn't fucking matter, nuRockstar is cancerous.

I don't understand why people are attacking the OP. It's a simple question with an innocent, cute image.

Because OP's harassing me

And you can tell he doesn't actually care about the thread topic because he makes threads on other boards with the same pics and filenames

Ah okay. It's a good thing we've got an avid MLP fan here to help us identify cropped pictures.

Well, even non-fans can identify them through the proper methods.

this shit needs to die

This shit needs to fucking end

It really should

Can someone draw porn of Lee getting fucked in the ass by Barney the dinosaur?

it really needs to end

It really is

Ok, that's enough.
I've been lurking for years and I still have no fucking idea what Barneyfag is, who it is, where it came from and what it's purpose is.
Can someone fucking explain this?


He's just some retard who keeps making false flag threads

Literally never the case. You have no proof of it either.

GTA desperately needs a game set in the 1970s, and there's no location better for that than Liberty City.


I mean holy fucking shit, this shit needs to die