>turn based combat is always ba-
Turn based combat is always ba-
It's a great game but terribly balanced
Turn based combat is good, that game is ass though.
The only people who hate this game are the ones who can't into risk management.
>cucks believe this
This game is bad, the gameplay is flawed from the roots.
Honestly I wholeheartedly agree with this. A lot of the steam reviews and posts I see about Darkest Dungeon heavily criticize the RNG, but i've always seen it as something where if you learn how to deal with it or know what you're doing, you can minimize the bad RNG and potential unfavorable scenarios that stem from it.
It's by no means an excuse, but I sort of feel like that's part of the way you learn to play the game and some of the skill you gather later on once you've gone through a bunch of runs.
Sometimes I feel like those people click on every possible curio without using the appropriate item and complain when it bites them in the ass.
.t casual filtered
[Spoiler] Would you?
>No leper
Shit taste my friend.
>Sometimes I feel like those people click on every possible curio without using the appropriate item
>the appropriate item
What? I really have to learn how to play this game
The quotes from this game are so damn well delivered and good
Opening chests without keys, using altars without holy water, that sort of stuff.
Also, don't trigger items if you're on low health or on the brink of madness.
The wiki has a page detailing the possible outcomes when interacting with a curio or chest (50% chance to be trapped and cause bleeding, 50% chance to get loot, for example) But using the appropriate item ALWAYS guarantees a good outcome, save for like one or two objects.
When you interact with something you get the yes or no option to mess with it, but the rectangle in between the two options you can drag a supply item into it and see how it affects the object (each curio has only one item that affects it I think).
-d as fuck and should be eradicated from the face of humanity yes good thread and now post good action combat
>25 Stress
So my current strategy is to just use a bunch of throw away characters that I don't give a fuck about to build my town up and then later on dumping all of them and starting from scratch with a upgraded armors and weapons
Bad idea or good idea?
Darkest Dungeon is dogshit.
if it wouldn't a been grindy, and the devs could have introduced challenge in a different and more natural way, the game would have been much better.
instead they took their flawed game and said "let's make it hard". making it grindy was the only way to accomplish that.
still love the game however it could have been much better with more competent devs
Pretty much. It mainly comes down to people wanting to fight the RNG when, in fact, you want to stack the odds in your favor and go along with it. Yeah, sometimes you'll get fucked over, but shit happens. You hear the same complaints about XCOM as well.
>wtf i hate poker like ugh why the frick cant i win all the time like wtf why do i get these shity cards what do u mean im out of the tournament REEEEEEEEEEEEEEE
After you run a dungeon a set number of times you're forced to do the Boss.
Wouldn't work.
Videogames should not have RNG. If I wanted RNG, especially RNG that's stacked against me, I would go play a glorified casino game like CSGO.
Well, you can't upgrade a character's item past their level, so it'll be one hell of a grind.
This game had a lot of potential but turned out to be a fucking boring grind.
>playing for the first time
>going to fight the necromancer apprentice or whatever
>have a bard for the first time and realize stress is no big deal
>begin to question his usefulness after keeping party get to boss
And now I always keep my bard.
>Videogames should not have RNG.
That's a nice opinion, but you know what they say about assholes.
Get a boipucci.
It's the correct opinion.
Full autism.
Haha mlg memes are still funny right??
>Ad hominem
Not an argument.
Well memed. Someone please post the autistic bald man.
>Ad hominem
Still not an argument.
No, definetly not a good strategy
Thats like, your opinion man.
Also it's not completely random, it's controlled RNG.
You work towards having a better chance of success.
>XCOM Ufo Defense
>Have Rookie with a rifle
>Spot an alium 10 squares away
>What are my options
>Stand still but use all my TU for an aimed shot which is risky but might kill it
>Move to the fence (Risking reaction shot) crouch and do a snap shot
>Stand still and throw a granade
>Throw a Smoke granade so you can move up safely next turn
These might all fail or succeed, but its up to you to choose which one is less likely to fail.
Posting claiming your opinions as fact isn't an argument either.....
>Game tells you it's a 95% chance of success
>Miss the same shot 30 times in a row and die
RNG is videogame cancer.
Holy shit user the b8 is nonexistent here.
darkest dungeon is not a good game though
it's made with love, but very poorly thought out
>I'll take things that never happened for 100
Don't use a meme as an argument, it really doesn't help you.
This doesbt actually happen, you are just bad
Takes a lot more time, but sure.
Only if they keep their coats on.
I like DD alot. But I get frustrated with its RNG bullshit sometimes. Like enemies criting, or constantly spamming poison or bleed attacks. Or bosses that cast endless stress on everyone.
Its a great game, but I wish it was just SLIGHTLY less forgiving and difficult.
>Coats ON
The game keeps track of your high-percentage misses and adds a couple percent to your real accuracy every shot, to keep players from having exactly that happen.
It's impossible to miss a 95% shot more than three times in a row, and very unlikely to ever hit that eventuality.
also. your an retard.
Well, that is actually a strategy some people use. If they are short on cash, just get 4 newbies on a suicide run, loot everything in the first few rooms, abandon, and then fire all of them.
Clothes become more sexy the less they actually cover.
How do you "risk manage" a giant doing 100 damage on a crit?
>XCOM Internet Defense Force
>RNG Internet Defense Force
Kill yourself.
Kill yourself.
I mean you might as well fire the shitters, but why not keep and invest in the guys who got somewhat good quirks/no cripplingly bad quirks?
Kill yourself.
You'll consume item and curio by dragging though.
And there are multiple objects where multiple items can be used.
I think the RNG isn't that bad.
I do have a problem with how shallow the game's psychological character building ended up being as the concept had deeper goals.
Quirks are almost always good or bad.
Afflictions and Virtues are overwhelmingly bad or good respectively (With something like abusive giving 15% bonus damage as probably the most prominent bonus of a negative affliction and the others being minor tweaks to speed or dodge).
And while some diseases are double edged swords they are rendered rather toothless by a lack of progression.
And the only time a party member refuses to party up with another party member is because of the abomination and not for some interpersonal reason.
There also isn't that much interaction between the characters specifically aside from that one jarring instance.
And finally rather than there being some kind of unique escalation on 100 stress the only thing that ends up happening for each character is a heart attack at 200 stress, whereas only the MAA would really warrant this.
The result is that characters felt interchangeable to me, which may have been more conducive to the way the game is played but still felt lacking in the end.
>Taking him out first
>Stunning him
>Debuffing him
>Guarding the first two ranks with a meatshield or a dodgetank
>Running away
Stun him out if possible (it really should be for at least every other turn), spend the time healing the dude off of death's door.
Great conversation, guess who turned out to be proven the retard
us for taking your shit bait
The game's problem isn't RNG, it's just a lack of options. I rarely come into any scenarios where it's not patently obvious what the correct tactic is. If we compare it to XCOM, most soldiers have a ton of options, a ton of places to move, positions where they'll be at more risk or less risk, etc. If I'm in a bad situation in XCOM, there will be several strategies I can come up with to rectify the situation, and the decision between them will be complex, juggling risks, probabilities and possible plan Bs. In Darkest Dungeon, any given character has at most four moves, or they can move which is rarely a good idea. I don't generally stop and think about my moves in Darkest Dungeon because it's always easy as fuck to decide what to do.
Kill yourself (You)
Turn based combat is never bad, plenty of great TBS games have used it since forever, and different genres like DD, D:OS and X-COM make it fun as fuck, the only exception is D&D games like Baldur's Gate and Icewind Dale where it's a fucking convoluted mess of rules and shit.
What the FUCK am I supposed to do about that goddamn bandit boss town event
Is there a way to stop the bombs without being forced to tank the retarded retaliation damage on the bomb cache thing
I mostly agree with this. The thing is a lot of decisions happen in town, like who is best to actually bring and level up, who is more important to spend money on getting their stress down, etc.
That said I dropped the game pretty quickly
I used cheats to minimize the grinding.
Game was easy.
I can't wait for DLC, for new dungeons and new enemies. I want again to have this feel of being vulnerable, going into unknown dungeon and getting your shit fuckted up. I hope they will add new content to old dungeons. Lvl 1 dungeons are the easiest and don't have giants, lvl 2 have giants and lvl 3 have just stronger versions, would be nice for lvl 3 to have their own monster.
To me what took a lot out of the game is that the only cost to fucking up big time is that you get set back a few characters and have to grind some more up to reach level x/y/z to take on x/y/z difficulty.
Reddit tier humor
Just curious but does anyone knows the name of some kickstart characters? Also, do these characters make any difference?
Sup Forums tier poster.
>almost 2017
>still using Windows
There's no excuse.
This meme is bad, stop. To stay on topic, turn based combat was never bad, people just have different preferences and need to fuck off pushing their preference on others.
You either have to destroy the barrel and tank the damage from it, or tank the damage from bombs and focus on taking down Vvulf or however was he called as quickly as possible. One thing that makes this battle easier, is the fact that when he activates protect on one of his goons you can damage him by attacking the protected goon, making him hittable from basically any position.
But yeah, this mission fucking sucks, I got right after my first Darkest Dungeon run, when I didn't even have 4 lvl 6 characters available.
You could get so many games with good turn based combat and you decide to go with dice roll grind fest?
Have they told anything more about the DLC by now, or is it still just the title and one promotional image?
debating whether or not I should refund this on Steam, picked it up on the sale and raged when I went to a starter area after a couple weeks, all my attacks missed, and the monsters took out half my team's HP in their first turn. Then there's stress and how utterly annoying it is to manage.
There is a full list I think on the official wiki
Best quirks for characters?
I've got a guy with Photomania, Steady, and Ruins Explorer, gives him -50% stress in the ruins, but would it had been better to lock in others instead?
Just kill the barrel in one hit with a high damage character, it won't retaliate if it dies. If you're having trouble getting there, a plague doctor can push up your damage up to where you want it.
I killed him my first go without knowing what to expect, but I lost a level 6 vestal and Leper in the process (Dismus and Reynold made it out ok though), it was a close fight. I'd recommend a man at arms for it though so you can absorb a lot more damage, and probably character with flexible attacks and high damage after that.
>Risk management
>One dominant strategy early game is to throw free units with no supplies at level 1 dungeons
It's shit, there's no tension because you can't actually lose. It's just a game of how much bullshit you're willing to put up with and for how long.
I was about to cheat in 500k gold, but I can't bring myself to do it. I just want to finish the final dungeon.
I have masturbated to the graverobber multiple times already.
No regrets.
You can lose now. 25 hero deaths or 100 weeks.
Woohoo timer is a loss condition, it's a lazy solution to a poorly designed problem.
Make recruiting fuckers cost money.
This makes no sense when there is an achievement for reaching week 104.
Fun game, but poor balance for classes.
I was having fun until Champion and Darkest difficulty dungeons where every enemy has so much dodge you're almost as likely to miss as you are to hit, and one of your heroes gets crit into death's door nearly every encounter.
And now I'm forced to do a darkest mission every few weeks because of those bandit cunts.
I love the game but I have so many gripes. Like party order being designed more to fuck you up and add to the tedium than anything, since even shitty melee enemies can hit your back line if they feel like it.
They also really aught to put more effort into the """animations""". The crusader's smite sprite hurts my soul
The whole stress system also needs to be redesigned. A giant superslam smackdowning a hero for 30 damage is surely more stressful than a retarded maggot critting your Man at Arms for 3 damage.
All in all it's a pretty fun game. I bought it 4 days ago and have 36 hours already.
I would never lock any of those in. Stress is rarely a problem for me from midgame onwards. Sometimes I leave dungeons with less stress than I entered with.
I suppose it also depends on your playstyle. I try to hit hard and fast and don't turtle with stuns and shit unless it's really necessary so I generally go for chars that have one or more from +ACC/Fated, +speed +DMG and sometimes +Crit. Evasion is nice for something like Jester or GR.
>these niggas dont Weakening Curse and laugh and Giant and Swine King cucks who think they can do damage
He just needs to apply himself, nigga
Wasn't the thing with X-COM caused by a bug that basically meant that unless you moved it didn't reroll the hit?
Seems like a pretty stupid example of why rng is bad desu.