Choose your partner!
Choose your partner!
I'll take futaba
weird shut-in girls are literally the only kind I want to be with
Sae is the right answer.
White meat is superior.
Which one gives the best succ in between battles?
Obviously Anne.
Fucking itty bitty titty committee over here, jesus christ.
Sae>Makoto>Sadayo>who cares
hifumi>makoto>sae>the rest
Does anybody else not bother with the non-party-members as romance SLs? Somehow I don't see the point if the main story only shows them in passing.
The fact that everyone has a different opinion here is indisputable proof that P5 has the best Persona waifus.
Can you actually date Sae? If so, then I'd put her either before or after Makoto.
Who is this peepee hippie?
Going off just looks alone Sae NIijima
You really should just romance everyone. Every side SL in P5 gets the same number of dates and opportunities as main party members for events.
Sae is the only one there that isn't romanceable. Her SL is automatic and progresses as the story does.
Why are they all so samey?
They all have the same general proportions. Just swap out the eyes, hair and clothes and you have a 'new character'. Pretty boring in a game that's a dating sim with jRPG elements.
>a game that's a dating sim with jRPG elements.
You'll be severely disappointed by P5 if you think the JRPG isn't the main focus.
i know right
christ persona character design have always been so boring and samey
they dont even have differing breast sizes
Tae seems pretty chill.
>inb4 Sup Forums loves sluts again just to be contrarian
>wanna fuck the nurse
>but really want Helel from Hifumi
Persona's come first, but damn I'll be missing out on that nurse.
Makoto, I'd also go with Sae but she's not romanceable.
God tier taste.
On another note, Sae is actually romanceable? I thought she was just a semi-antagonist.
I dunno. I've only tried P3 and I was put off by how basic the jRPG itself was. Is the gameplay itself more fleshed out in P4/P5? Or is it still just one big shitty randomized dungeon?
>Sae is actually romanceable
>I thought she was just a semi-antagonist.
She's an ally.
Sensei or Makoto?
>Or is it still just one big shitty randomized dungeon?
In P4 they're still random, but in P5 they're all handcrafted with the exception of Mementos, where you do side quests.
The dungeons in P5 are probably the best dungeons I've played in literally any JRPG; they're beautiful, huge, varied, and have top-tier music. It's fucking insane that this is even the same series as P3 and P4.
p4 is random
p5 isn't
p5 also has a fuck tonne more dungeon crawling in it, but to make up for it, the dungeons are actually good.
Sadayo, easily.
>more dungeon crawling
>handcrafted dungeons
I'm now much more interested in this game.
Ah, damn. I've barely wanted any streams or anything, so I just thought she was a detective after the protag's group.
Tae will be my choice then. Pity the teacher isn't more like Kashiwagi.
She's the prosecutor assigned to deal with you after your arrest at the start of the game. Initially she's cold, but you earn her trust as the game progresses.
Tie between Sadayo and Haru.
Sadayo is a goddess, but Makoto and Hifumi are also fantastic
thank you Atlus
power outage and you're escorting Makoto down the hallway but NEET sister scares her.
That scene was fucking god tier.
Possibly the hardest I've ever laughed at a video game.
Anne nude modeling was funnier. But yeah, the game has a great sense of humor
Boring, almost as bad as P4's girls.
>no robutt
>no NPC demonfus even though we got canon demons back instead of shadows
>no loli
>no creepy demi-human velvet room attendant
I know those last two are in the game, she/they're just not romancable.
B-but Makoto has god-tier character design. She just appeals to my dick in all the right ways!
A cake appeals to me even more tbqh.
Wait for the FES/Golden equivalent if you want to fug Lavenza.
I want that cute blond boy.
They won't let you fuck a Loli you dipshit.
pick a velvet loli
So what happens if you romance all the girls? I know this scene plays out and they get mad at you or whatever, but does it ruin social links? Do you miss out on their endings and they break up with you?
That scene is literally minutes before the end of the game. You lose nothing.
Harem it is, then.
Who's the most dominant, haughty or lewd?
That one.
The one with the twin buns.
Hifumi looks like a nice girl that you can bag up and eat at home later.
dunno, she pops out at me compared to all the other girls
She's your teacher though user. You wouldn't fuck your teacher would you?
Hifumi. Sae also looks very nice.
I've noticed that no one ever says Ichiko. Well there's always that one character no one gives a shit about I suppose.
I don't like her taste in lipstick, it's too strong of a color.
Nobody ever seems to say Chihaya either. Ichiko at least has a sort of christmas cake vibe to her.
>implying Japan has a problem with stuff like that
She's not even human. Also best girl not even close, stupid not-Igor split this perfection though I do love me some twin lolidom.
Chihaya gets me sad because her VA is ded.
Sae is can't have.
It's funny, because Japan loved the velvet lolis and Christmas Cake Sae so they're equally butthurt you only get high school girls.
Music is just okay, it's the main thing I'm disappointed about with this game actually.
Really? I heard Sae didn't really rank in character polls in a previous thread.
Meh. I prefer 5's soundtrack to 3 & 4 but can see how you feel that way. It's a far more subdued soundtrack.
However I was talking about the dungeon music which is genuinely good tier regardless of you thoughts on the rest of the soundtrack.
MC 'n Makoto are a fine couple etc, but will she want to deal with Joker's hidden alcoholic situation?
the entire bottom row needs a hot dicking
>Wanting to fuck literally Jonathan.
tbqh who wouldn't want to fuck him
what's your point
Which one has the biggest dick?
Yes and?
Futaba is cute!
All these girls have dog shit design, and I'm not even a tittylover. 0/10 would not fug
Girls named Makoto are always best girl, so I choose Makoto.
One of them is always smacking you with her phallic object.
You're correct, she is best.
>tfw I'll just dick all the darker-haired ones there
Who's behind P5's girls? They fucking nailed that type of character design, and the fact that they made half the S. Links variations of it is based. So superior to the previous games' waifu line-up.
Perfection harem here I come!
Makoto is best. In everything.
Soejima. Amazingly the same guy as P3 and P4's girls, who with maybe two exceptions I couldn't stand.
Futaba without glasses is kind of a heresy, but I'm never going to complain about fellow Futabaposters.
Are there any guys in this game?
If I wanted a game with all girls, I'd be playing Conception.
Yeah, like half the cast.
None are romanceable though because homosexuality is wrong.
You'd think they'd allow it to collect fujoshitter money.
The game has a large fujo audience as is. There is just enough innuendo for them to draw their own pairings. Just look at the fanart for the game.
My little NEET can't be this smug
Not enough love for the gaijin.