Fucking itty bitty titty committee over here, jesus christ.
Choose your partner!
Sae>Makoto>Sadayo>who cares
hifumi>makoto>sae>the rest
Does anybody else not bother with the non-party-members as romance SLs? Somehow I don't see the point if the main story only shows them in passing.
The fact that everyone has a different opinion here is indisputable proof that P5 has the best Persona waifus.
Can you actually date Sae? If so, then I'd put her either before or after Makoto.
Who is this peepee hippie?
Going off just looks alone Sae NIijima
You really should just romance everyone. Every side SL in P5 gets the same number of dates and opportunities as main party members for events.
Sae is the only one there that isn't romanceable. Her SL is automatic and progresses as the story does.