Why is Dota the only ASSFAGGOTS where every hero feels different to play?
Why is Dota the only ASSFAGGOTS where every hero feels different to play?
I'll put my credibility on the line here, and say that Dota 2 is the best game of all time. By "best game of all time", I refer to artistic and technical production, and gameplay design iteration (since Dota is arguably one of the most iterated upon computer game).
From a technological rendering standpoint, it's visuals may not be king, but the art assets, overall art direction, and particle effects are the best that I have ever seen. The most excellently, tastefully produced art that I have ever seen in a game.
The voice cast is the best I have ever heard, Dota 2 has Duke Nukem (Jon St. John), Cortana (Jen Taylor), Nathan Drake (Nolan North), the entire L4D cast, the entire Half-Life 2 cast, the entire Team Fortress 2 cast, and GlaDOS from Portal.
Let's actually get down to the gameplay. No two games I have ever played have felt similar to the point of feeling rote. Each and every hero in Dota 2 is distinctly different from another, offering a uniquely encapsulated experience with well-defined goals for every single playable character in Dota. Because every hero feels so profoundly unique, every game that I play of Dota 2 feels fundamentally different in a way that League of Legends is not able to reproduce.
I could go on, and on, but at this point I might as well just make a video essay. Also, I have some Dota to play. Dota 2 is seriously a game I could play ad-inifnitum, and never get tired of. Why bother with any other game?
Why speculate about other games in the genre, and other genres, when the best game ever made is already here?
Let me simulate the next 400 posts in this thread
>playing assfaggots
All this bait in a single post
Ty for copy pasta.
Also get a bucket to hold all those (You)s you will get.
Is this supposed to be a pasta?
Because I unironically agree.
HoN is like that too
HotS, Smite and League all have samey stuff because they fall into defined roles made back at the design stage. You aren't going to be able to take a jungler they designed to be only a jungler, and make it work as support.
HoN was the superior ASSFAGGOTS, sad that Maliken went full fucking retard with it. $2 fucked up the overall balance with prerelease op heroes which were nerfed into oblivion after main release. The netcode was superior for a long time.
I may have payed for something like ~80 dollars to get into Dotka beta back in the days.
Most pastas are agreeable to some extent.
Bait everywhere
What the fuck did you say about me you little bitch etc
>playing assfaggots
It is pasta but the dude is right.
DotA 2 is utter perfection in every aspect. Gameplay is 10/10, not a single flaw, every hero is unique, meta is complex, the game has a ton of depth and after 2000 hours you just know the basics.
Art design and graphics are flawless, nothing else to say, but that's been the case for every Valve game.
Sound design and voice acting in particular is stellar.
NPC dialogue lines have a god tier writing (seriously, first time you hear "time grinds even mountains to dust" gave you a boner, admit it).
The game just oozes love and talent from everywhere, even the fucking logo alone when you boot the game is more epic that a lot of games out there.
If we try to be as objective as possible (which Sup Forums has no idea what that means), since the game is flawless in EVERY aspect, yes it's safe to assume it's the best game ever made.
Fresh off the boat, from reddit, kid? heh I remember when I was just like you. Braindead. Lemme give you a tip so you can make it in this cyber sanctuary: never make jokes like that. You got no reputation here, you got no name, you got jackshit here. It's survival of the fittest and you ain't gonna survive long on Sup Forums by saying stupid jokes that your little hugbox cuntsucking reddit friends would upboat. None of that here. You don't upboat. You don't downboat. This ain't reddit, kid. This is Sup Forums. We have REAL intellectual discussion, something I don't think you're all that familiar with. You don't like it, you can hit the bricks on over to imgur, you daily show watching son of a bitch. I hope you don't tho. I hope you stay here and learn our ways. Things are different here, unlike any other place that the light of internet pop culture reaches. You can be anything here. Me ? heh, I'm a judge.. this place.... this place has a lot to offer... heh you'll see, kid . . . that is if you can handle it...
i don't understand the assfaggots meme
Terrible moba
It's a fast way to insult something that's popular without having to actually think about it.
No, its shit
Icefrog tries hard to diversify things, void reworks speaks for itself and arc warden is the most unique shit I've ever seen.
>The most unique shit
>Dude two heroes lmao
So it's not specific to mobas?
I only recall it being used in that context
The term describes every moba
It is specific to mobas since it's abbreviation.
You do know what it stands for, right?
HotS's starting roster was all the same, but their newer heroes have had more unique gimmicks to them.
Of what?
It hasn't even got skillshots
because its the only good moba ever made. the only thing ruining it is open borders.
So it has heroes. But does it have sluts?
It has pure maidens
Mirana's arrow
I'd post 30 more but im already wasting my time proving you wrong.
>enemy stack's 5k player does some arc warden cheese strats
>i buy heaven's halberd and keep disabling the illusion whenever he cheese pushes our towers
we lost but i got 4 commends anyway for some reason.
Is that a joke? Crystal "are you still so blue behind that armor" maiden?
is that vivian?
>losing to arc Warden
>losing to push
Because it's Valve quality.
Esports "games" aren't real games. Dota2 is the best example of why modern gaming is complete and total shit.
Aeon of Strife Styled Fortress Assault Game Going On Two Sides
Dota 2 does not have actual graphics.
well, i was penis bird and his double heroes with attackspeed bubble wrecked me pretty hard every time i tried going for egg.
go back to those autist please
Uniornically agree with this , but Sup Forums will shit on the game anyway because le memes and >ASSFAGGOTS
Grow up , faggots. a videogame being good? shocking truth.
The only thing that ruins this game , and its only fatal flaw , is the community , and valve not caring at all lately , since the only thing they do is casualize the game even further with each patch and jew out hats every week or so.
6.83 was the peak of Dota 2, everything after that went downhill
>not continuing the game after your ancient is destroyed
Always use the flame stuff before going egg, that way he can't take you down.
based ayesee
somebody post the pasta
>winning feels like nothing
>losing is fucking annoying
nah. half the people who play this game hate it and try to justify how good it is because theyve already wasted thousands of hours
not enough against arc. He has the attack speed buff from his stupid bubble and he's agi hero anyway.
Thanks God this meme genre is already dead
Smite player here, while a lot of characters are similar you can actually run almost anyone anywhere, the one exception being as you stated junglers who can only solo or jungle or carry (but the enemy team has to be stupid to let you do that). Granted a lot of the game is balanced around the more tdm modes as admitted by the designers which may hold the game back as way too many characters are not viable in the main 5v5
Not gonna lie once you have the basic meta down the game does get kind of boring so a lot of people run all sorts of comps that look retarded and then destroy with them
Granted this is the only moba I've played besides awesomenauts (can't into rts controls) and they're both pretty easy to get into
people argue over how shitty the term moba is, so someone came up with a better term, Aeon of Strife Style Fortress Assault Game Going On Two Sides aka ASSFAGGOTS
Even that ass cant save a dead game.
I dont think the active playercount for LoL and Dota actually went down in recent years
Is Smite any good? Does it need you to invest loadsa money?
>loli pugna
this meme needs to die
>praising the voice cast without mentioning based TJ
>Hating on Loli-pugna
Mad skywrath cuck detected.
Dont you some banished spirit skank to wank over to?
You can pay 30 bucks to unlock all characters now and future ones, or you can grind maybe two hours a day to buy one a week (that's with daily bonuses and quests). Everything else is cosmetic and they give out free game currency bonuses once a week (not a lot but it adds up). The skins are all mostly LOL REFERENCES but there's some cool ones here and there, but you don't have to spend anything
If you were to get into it they're doing their yearly big odyssey event now and you can earn free items by doing a quest a day but I think it ends in January; still you could build up a nice small starter collection of free stuff
That`s the dude that did Skywrath and Timber, right? If he is, he's a godtier voice actor.
Don't you ever speak ill of Shendelzare ever again!
Lina, pls
Plus Bristleback, Abaddon and now ""Underlord"". He's still the best actor in the game but I was a bit disappointed he too started to samevoice with Pit Lord.
Still miles ahead of shit like Sam A Mowry who samevoices every fucking character he does.
HoN was GOAT as you said, but didn't icefrog work with them for some time? Also they clearly understood what made dota great, at least for a year or two.
Fuck off , Lina.
CM is best sister
>he hasn't played Abathur
inferiority recognized
I can't disagree with what you're saying, that's the sad part.
However, I can't get back into this game because of how toxic the community is and how easy it is to fuck up and throw games.
to be fair, HotS has certainly made an effort to have original and unique hero mechanics, abathur and cho'gall are both pretty cool
Can't we just agree that both Lina and CM are pretty good?
Its certainly the deepest and well kept free game ever, think of all the dev time/labor of love that was done on DotA1 and HoN and even Dota 2 Beta before the hat store was implemented.
"Toxic" Thats just code talk for having thin skin, either get good to the point you cant get stomped or stop being such a little child and deal with it
>Sup Forums never could get good at mobas so they desperately cling to calling it casual and shit
Dota genderbender time? Dota genderbender time.
When is monkeyman coming?
I'm happy
Some of these will be DotA instead of Dota 2, but I'll just assume no one has any issues with that.
With how fast valve is releasing heroes, next year after 5 battle passes
Hey casuals
Hey casuals
actually the dates been announced, the 12th of december
"Our next update will come at the tail end of fall, on December 12, 2016."
does this game have any cutey girls (male) i can play as?
Templar Assasin.
you know the game is shit when people call others casuals
that casual courier kill
because icefrog is a god