So which race in TES is the master race? Dunmer because they have had people actually become gods?
So which race in TES is the master race? Dunmer because they have had people actually become gods?
Every race think they are the master race, when they're all flawed enough that there can't be a master race.
Then you go to Akavir and you realise that the master race has been the Tsaesci all along.
They were Chimer you dumb little shit.
And no, fucking Mer are not master race.
They had Chimer become gods. Chimer aren't the same as Dunmer. Also, Breton. Just because of that racial bonus.
Dunmer because their game is still the best.
but chim is bullshit
The Hist has survived changing Kalpas, takes zero shit from anybody, and is the only race/creature to have any impact on the larger Elder Scrolls plot whatsoever.
Jesus, CHIMER is the race that was before the Dunmer. They were magically transformed after the death of Nerevar by Azura. This isn't Chim. Chimer were a race, with the remaining Chimer being the Tribunal.
>lizards master race
>giant trees
well i just realised vivec is half chimer and half dunmer
if anyone is going to be the master race its the mer
Almalexia is full and I think Sotha Sil appears as a Dunmer but that's hard to say considering all we see is his rotted corpse.
why does Sup Forums like redguards? i thought they hate black people
Nords are more like blacks than Redguards. They're based heavily on north African nomads with a hint of Japanese flavoring and black appearances. Meanwhile with the Nords
>Overly aggressive
>Rampant WE WUZism
>Disdain for education
it really makes you think
why do people think the hist are cool?
because the ESO the only Hist considered mad was the Hist that insisted on building with stone instead of sticks and mud
Sentient trees that have supposedly been around since before the dawn of time aren't interesting?
I don't think they're black, they're more like Mediterranean arabic/ hispanic
i dont get this
They nuked their homeland to the bottom of the ocean
>you will never suck azuras dick
interdasting. guess ill bring up the wiki
They all suck in their own way
High elves think they used to be gods, and think blowing up the universe will somehow make them divine again
Wood elves are shitty cannibal hippes
The only thing Bretons have going for them is their sight resistance to magic
All nords have is >muh talos
The Imperials' empire is crumbling
The Argonians are slaves to trees, and have to be hive minded to get anything done
The Khajiit just sit around tripping balls or being slaves all day
The Redgaurds have their soul sword shit, but last time it was used it fucked them. Also afraid of magic for no reason
The Dunmer keep getting shit on by things they worship and live in a wasteland
And the orcs are hated by more or less everyone and can are beaten by Redguards in the one area they excell
Hate niggers. Not black people. And as many others have said, Redgaurd are not niggers, not even real tribal Africans, but instead North African Moors.
Nigger goes to Nord or Orc.
>Real life Nordic people were white niggers too, so makes sense.
At first i thought the middle part of his loincloth was his dick
Sotha Sil was full affected by the curse and became a full Dunmer, Vivec become a half blood and only Almalexia remained as the last full blood chimer
> the 8 Aedra willingly sacrifice their divinity to create Nirn when they had the choice to leave
> Mer are salty because they don't agree with their decision to make Nirn
If you think about it they wouldn't even be alive of they gave up some of their powers.
Why did she get off easy when she was in on the betrayal?
It's just another loose end, a mystery.
An (intelligent?) tree-like being used magic sap to evolve lizards into basically humans, and somehow still has a connection to these people no matter where they are. Why and for what purpose did the hist do this, if there even is any?
There's a lot we don't know about it and the implications and mystery are what draw me to it.
Cause she's a woman.
chimer because fuck you.
All but 3 fucking suck ass. I'm not getting into all of the extinct shit, just the "ruins" ones.
Falmer got BTFO so hard they look like fucking NEET goblins.
Dweebers fucked up so bad they don't exist.
Ayleids were easy GOAT, then inbred too much and either became fucking retarded chimer, bosmer, or altmer, OR stayed in Cyrojungle and then got fucked raped by Alessians/spaces or Blacked by Bosmers literally to extinction.
>Also, Bosmer, wood niggers, confirmed worst race ever.
>Chimer, retards that fucked their God so much they got changed into dunmer.
>Altmer, high elves that are actually not retarded.
Nords and everything nord related is fucking dumb. Legitimate niggers of TES. WE WUZ JARLS!
Imperials are baby bitch nords that somehow over threw their idiot ass mer slave masters.
Breton are a race mix failure.
Khajit cat gypsys second worse race.
Scalies/Hist are so god damn tough they existed before time. Swamp hippies but not terrible. Too bad they look fucking stupid and lizard tits.
Orsimer, bastard elves with no magic ability created by a demigod eating another and shitting it out and having these blacked feather Indians be another byproduct. Big Tusk chief hue hue.
Redguard. Niggers who rioted so hard they burned down their islands into the water, then moved out of the hood into superAustralia and cleaned it up and became upstanding people.
I got to say, Redguard get it.
Since of the historical definition of "master race" it should be the Altmer.
>and have to be hive minded to get anything done
Yeah, this is true. Individual argonians are essentially trash tier. Hell, even hive minded argonians are trash, but because they have no fear and a single goal they can get shit done like closing oblivion gates and scaring the shit out of the daedra.
>They were Chimer you dumb little shit.
CHIM and Chimer have less in common than you think.
ur mom n my cock have less in common then u think but opposites attract amirite? XD
o fug god me XDDD
They could choose what they looked like because of the god powers they got from hearth of lorhan. That is why Vivec is both. Sotha embraced the curse and Almalexia is a bitch. Oh and i guess she wanted to look like a chimer.
>muh gods
not an argument
Imperials made all the other inferior races their bitch
>High elves think they used to be gods, and think blowing up the universe will somehow make them divine again
This is true though and Kirkbride confirms it.
The Thalmor did nothing wrong.
>Master race
Enjoy sucking that scaly dick
Not just swords. You see, master Yokudan swordsman sworded so hard they couldn't use ordinary swords.
So they mind sworded.
Comparing Dunmer to Chimer is like comparing Swedes to viking-age Scandinavians. They are a retarded, degenerate tribe of cursed mutts.
I wonder if we will get Maormer in a Summerset Isles game
Norse were better nippons than the grorious nipponese. They folded their blades a thousand times, but then they realized that metal folding is really fucking limited and moved onto crucible steel.
Guys, how does one CHIM?
They have literally limitless power if they were not so retarded.
Stops listening to Sup Forums and/or following their behavior
>Gets btfo by argonians
>Master race
wake up.
Can't wake up.
Can't wake up because not asleep.
But still in a dream.
Achieve chim
You realize daedra exist beyond morrowind right?
Dunmer > Argonians | Khajit > Imperials > Snow Elves (not Falmer) > Altmer > Bosmer | Orcs > literal shit > Nords > Redguards | Bretons.
This is objective.
That was Mehrunes Dagon's Dremora
Dagon's a bitch anyway
Left handed elves >>> all
Dunmer>Altmer>Khajit>Bacteria>feces>dirt>rest of races
Fuck off faggot, Dirt is the greatest race of all time. Feces is literally shit.
Yes but without manure dirt is useless
Snow elves is just shit people bring up to be lorefags. Fact is snow elves Were tricked by dwarves into eating poison fungus and devolving into falmer. Basically even is some are still around they are dumb fucks.
>Not liking Redguards
What a fucking tool.
Because the hist are trees that dont move and need protectors. That's pretty obvious
Have an ego the size of the universe.
They only took the poison because the alternative was death by Nords.
Maybe to farmers
Bretons > Nords > Clovoian Imperial > Redguard > Dunmer > Altmer > Nibenese Imperial > Bosmer > Skaal > Reachmen > Orcs > Falmer
Nords because both Nerevarine and Dragonborn were nords and they were OP as shit.
Source: My savefiles.
Pretty much this.
Biologically it sounds cool as fuck. Always wondered if the sap made lizards into argonians imagine what it could do to an elf?
Nerevarine had no level cap though. Meaning he could be the most powerful thing in elder scrolls.
We got them in ESO
Dragonborn is literally Lorkhan though.
They're supposes to have transparent skin with chameleon abilities. What is this shit?
Cyrodiil was supposed to be a jungle.
Talos or someshit happened
>transparent skin
Where were you when the Dragon Broke?
that doesn't defend TESO breaking the cool shit in the lore, which Todd will suck up like the retarded kid he is
>The Maormer are known to possess blank, white eyes,[6] and a strange, chameleon-like skin[7] that is entirely colorless, as if their flesh were made of some white limpid jelly.[6] Their chameleon-like skin is an involuntary process, similar to the forest-coupling skills of the Bosmer[7] which allows them to walk into the shade of a single tree and vanish.
sounds pretty different from colorless
no he isn't.
Dragonborn has a fraction of Lorkhan power. A power all the dragons already have. Also dragonborn is mortal, while Nerevarine will live forever.
>sounds pretty different from colorless
>that is entirely colorless
Uh huh?
>Oblivion happened
When have you ever seen a bosmer do chameleon shit?
And Alduin only has a fraction of Lorkhan power, but he is still Lorkhan.
Bretons are best. Best of both man and mer.
Generally most racial abilities end up being voluntary powers.
>ignoring all those other words because words are difficult
are you a nigger or just 15?
>Dunmer because they have had people actually become gods?
The only reason the grayskins are on the map are because of their oath breaking fake gods. Morrowind is a fucking shithole worse than Black Marsh without its fake gods.
they're describing them as looking like they're made out of white wax or jelly with colorless eyes, in other words, pasty white altmer, which is what they look like.
Did you want something like this, or for them to look like the T-1000?
You could say every living thing is a part of Lorkhan but the only thing 100% confirmed is that he is dead.
don't talk to me or my vivec ever again.
Telvani are actually the most powerful wizard on the continent except maybe Psijic Order.
Telvani are also the only ones to figure out how to close oblivion gates from the outside.
The Dreugh
>trees that dont move
They do move though, there are literally Hist spaceships too. Valenwood also has moving trees, though they aren't Hist, but there's certainly a precedent.
I want to burn those stupid trees to the ground.
Anti-CHIMfags everybody
And an argonian shaman almost killed the entire continent.
Why didn't Telvanni hold the Ministry of Truth from crashing into Vivec.
Didn't the Dragonborn more or less changed the entire cycle of destruction and rebirth of Nirn, including the Hist, or some shit like that?
Well, I suppose the DB could have been a Argonian controlled by the hist.