Why havent you hacked your 3ds yet?
Why havent you hacked your 3ds yet?
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the method now is retarded. Wait until mid December to hack if you're on 11.0
Is there any benefit to hacking if I already have a Gateway?
because I have a hacked PSP, which is way better, just with the PS1 emulator alone
because im on 11.0 but I still have access to emulators like snes,nes,gba since I have homebrew
Because last year after beating fire emblem I gave my 3DS to my 2 year old Niece
Just hacked my vita. Sky's the limit.
I didn't buy one.
I'll wait until emulation
the only retard is (You)
B-b-b-b-b-b-but I already did...
i already did it faggot, stop asking me that every day
if i order a new black XL on amazon right now what are the chances of getting hackable firmware?
I remember the days where I kept switching through Gateway for my .3ds games and Rxtools for GBA games while using the MSET exploit.
Good fucking riddance. Luma + a9lh is much more convenient.
Mines too updated to hack right now plus I don't really have a reason too until I finish all my current games since the only thing I really want out of it is the fan translation/uncensored version of fe:fates
100% if you just fucking message the seller and ask the firmware.
I did this until I found a 3DS XL with an old 7.0 FW.
Or get a 2DS, they all are on good FW.
I ordered the $100 3DS from TTarget and this usb charger from Amazon a day after. Of course the cable comes first. Got up love prime!
so i only got a shot with a used one you think?
Pretty much.
New models will definitely be 11.0
damn thats a bummer. no way to downgrade? will 11.0 ever be hacked? i was really looking forward to freeshop
I did just yesterday, now I'm working on getting Freeshop and CIAngel and figuring out how to use them.
December everyone is saying.
try getting a 2ds or use this link to see which model numbers are below 11.0
Already hacked my 3DS XL yesterday. Mostly just wanted to gen some mons and try out themes. Wish I could hack my new 3DS now but it's stuck on 11.2
How does one do this exactly?
I have no idea what homebrew is
You mean how do you get homebrew? There is a lot of ways smealum.github.io
I used Ocarina of time and a powersaves to get homebrew since im on 11.2 I can link you the video if you need it
I have v11.02. Is this still considered v11? I often see "v11.2" mentioned, but I've never been asked to update to it.
How long til I can hack mine without needing the system transfer method?
If I but a N3DS in-store will it already be unhackable?
I got my first 3DS this black Friday so I have to wait for them to figure out 11.0
What size SD card do you guys use? How many games do you put on it?
I use 32gb. I put 42 games in total on it, and there's still 5gb of free space.
I finally switched off of rxtools and onto luma
I'm not sure what that was supposed to do but supposedly its better
Why do I feel like a tool
64gig. i put on alot more than i could ever need
cause I'm not a poorfag lmao
My N3DS is on 11.2. My brother has a hacked N3DS XL. Can I keep my NNID on the N3DS if we do the transfer method?
Because literally no one on Sup Forums knows how to unlink a Nintendo ID account
tfw too scared of bricking
its not like i can just get another 3ds if i fuck up
Does this matter? I would like to know before I do anything stupid
Because I am not a nigger thief.
if v11.0 gets figured out, will that mean 11.02 is also sorted?
32 here, I assure you you won't need all the space
I have 11.0, OOT, and just ordered powersaves, is it easy to get homebrew going in order to wait for slowhax?
Would I be able to link an account? the 3ds is brand new
Because 3DS has no gaems
>Why havent you hacked your 3ds yet?
>only have 1 3DS (N3DS)
>don't have a spare micro sd
>don't even have a charger (thanks nintendo)
>firmware is on 11.0
>can't access eshop without a second 3DS
At this point I don't even know if it's worth it. All of my systems are modded. I have access to the entire PS3, WII, PSP & DS library and haven't touched any of them in months. I'm starting to think 3DS will be the same. I think it's time I left piracy behind and start buying games. Maybe that way, I can put time into games worthwhile because I'm spending money on them...
Well here is the vid on how to do it
Also link an account to what?
Since it's a brand new 3ds I can't make a nintendo network i.d. (NNID) without updating first, so I just made one on a friend's 3ds that's already on 11.2 and bought LoE so it would be tied to that NNID just in case
My question was, if I am able to get homebrew running would I be able to use my NNID or would it not be needed for the upcoming slowhax thing or what
I've been wondering this also.
Just got a new 3ds xl which is at 11.00.33 U
Is there anyway I can hack it?
Really wanted to get freeshop/ get free games
i really dont know go ask at /hbg/ (homebrew general) on /vg, maybe someone there could help
You can either hardmod or use another method which involves an already hacked 3ds
is there like a community accepted/approved guide to do it, with minimal chance of bricking it?
Don't be an idiot and get scared by the number of steps, all they are is literally spelling out what you need to do.
it's really out of stock isn't it.... ;________;
fuck best buy told me it was for a/the promotional sales/deals only no re-stock anytime soon... just like I thought/knew...
Hello phoneposter
walmart.com is still selling preorders for them a few times throughout the day. use nowinstock to sign up for alerts
No. There's a kernel exploit present in 11.0 and 11.1, but it got patched out in 11.2.
Your own fault for updating, dumbass.
Waiting for slowhax.
Hello he has a PC laughinggrirls.gif
Never, EVER, post video tutorials for hacking devices. Not only do they become outdated stupidly quick, they're also usually made by insufferable douchebags. Also that video is for 11.2, and if you tell him to update to 11.2 he will lose access to slowhax. Way to go, retard.
Follow this:
If you get homebrew running, you can use cfw-httpwn (currently the website that installs it is down, so you'd have to install a workaround backup someone made in the mean time)
Once you activate httpwn, you can back out to the 3DS menu, and use internet services with no issue, regardless of firmware version.
You'll have to go through your means of activating CFW every time you turn on your 3DS though, at least with OoT3Dhax, so keep your OoT cartridge handy if you take it anywhere.
Thanks fellas
I did, but waiting for more good games to come out is once every couple months.
I wish 3ds got more third party support like GBA, instead of having a second Mario Party game and countless Art Academies.
You're dumb it works for below 11.2
Don't confuse the poor bastard. It's ctr-httpwn, not cfw. CFW stands for custom firmware, which is what you'll be working with once slowhax is available. As long as httpwn is activated after you turn your 3DS on (open OoT3D, load oot3dhax, start httpwn), you can do everything a fully updated system could do without update nags. That includes making an NNID and buying Legends of Exidia.
One thing to be aware of is that exiting the System Settings app reboots the system, so you will also need to redo ctr-httpwn in that case.
Yes, but not ON 11.2, you stupid fuck. Slowhax takes advantage of an exploit that no longer works in 11.2.
what is slowhax
i'll pay one of you $25 to hack mine and install freeshop
I'm on 9.7
What options do I have
I'm really glad that I did. What the best way to change themes to custom? Also, what are some nice themes?
A currently unreleased hack method that takes advantage of an unsigned process ID. By spawning and killing millions of small processes, slowhax gets that process ID to overflow to 0. Any process with an ID of zero has elevated system privileges, so it stops there and uses that process to load hax. Since it has elevated privileges, it can utilize a kernel exploit present in 11.1 and below that allows the DSiWare NFIRM downgrade, which in turn allows full system downgrading to 9.2.0, which allows the installation of custom firmware.
gib mony plox or i repot u
What system version is it on?
Start there, read on.
How does online stuff work after hacked.
Right now I can't do anything since I don't want to update?
Is there anyway to downgrade a 3ds on 11.0+ WITHOUT having to get a dsiware game?
Forgot to mention. The reason it's called slowhax is because it takes 20 minutes to actually get that process ID to overflow, apparently.
No, there is not. Fieldrunners, the cheapest option, got taken down a couple days ago, so the only other options are 4 Swords Anniversary, which was available for free back in... 2012? That or Legends of Exidia, which is still up, but might come down soon. Get it while you can.
what do i need to use slowhax
I'm still on RX myself because theres no fucking guides that explain how to install A9 when you already have RX instead of some other shitshow emunand. Sorry I was using the better hacks at the start, fag. At least I can use 11.2.
You can update the CFW Emunand and play Online with that all you want. Just don't update your Sysnand
Thanks, fampai
Thanks user
user, it's possible, but you would need another 3DS on CFW which is even more expensive and troublesome.
Unless you have someone with a CFW 3DS, your best bet is to get Legends of Exidia
Do I need a spare microsd card to do this or can I use the sd card that comes with the 3DS to put cttr-pwn files?
You can update sysNAND just fine with A9LH+Luma
What keyboard is that?
So when the CFW is installed I can still connect my NID to my system and do everything normally?
Fuck when can I get off of 11.0
who $99 N3DS XL here
CHMM2 is best, in my opinion. There's also the Howling Theme Tool, but the selection for that is a bit thinner.
As it's still unreleased, no one really knows. I don't believe it's a cart-based exploit. You will still need, bare minimum, a copy of Legends of Exidia post-slowhax, and a download of Steel Diver Sub Wars, which is free.
There's an explanation further in about how to transfer EmuNAND to A9LH. Follow the guide from your SysNAND, which should be on 9.2. I'm sure you can figure out the rest.
Don't listen to this fuck. EmuNAND is deprecated. The guide I posted above will modify your SysNAND and remove the need to boot an EmuNAND.
The System Transfer method still requires one of you to own a DSiWare game.
ctr-httpwn is lightweight. The included SD card should be fine. Once slowhax is available, you should probably invest in a bigger one.
the reciept says this was in 2015
Best Buy had a misprint in this year's BF ad that said that the new 3DS XL was $99.
>all those GBA games
>all those 3DS games
>none of those DS games
This is suffering. And I know the moment I cave in and buy a flash cart they'll have figured it out.
Oh man I didn't know about this. Why wasn't this on the last few homebrew threads? I was asking those assholes before if RX is safe to update to 11.2 for Sun/Moon online features and all they did was laugh at me for still being on RX.
Thanks random Sup Forums user.
Thanks user, really appreciate it.
I'm gonna follow this guide on reddit and get this done before I go to bed.
Should I be good to go? (Black Friday 3DS on 11.0)
Oh, 1 final question. How am I supposed to purchase LOE? On the 3DS or can I but it online (visa/debit/etc)?
I thought that too. Just get an R4i card they're like 16 bucks.
Hurry up and buy it so they get it out sooner.
Nah. It's never getting done mate. I bought an R4 a month ago after caving in to the same logic. They didn't figure it out then, they won't have figured it out by the time you get one.
Basically the guys working on it admitted that even if it DOES ever work, it'll likely be slow, and with bad compatibility for a LONG time. Save yourself the headache and even more waiting, just get the flashcard.
Looks good to me.
It seems like you can purchase LoE on a computer, but either way you're going to have to download it to your system, so just do it on the eShop. Still supports credit/debit just the same.
>a copy of Legends of Exidia post-slowhax, and a download of Steel Diver Sub Wars, which is free.
How do I get this if I need to update to use eshop?
And is legends of exidia free?
Plum 108 electrostatic capacitive pro (35g). It's topre-clone switches with mx-compatible sliders. Bretty good for a price (a bit over $100)
Read the guide here:
Exidia is $7.99
thanks guys. hope you have a good night :)
Got an XL
How hard is it to go from Luma to al9h? Heard it was much easier on a N3DS but I don't want to shell out the cash and the new ones are 11.X+