Cockroaches and ps4

so i live in a roach ridden apartment, apartment complex and neighborhood no matter how much i spray poison or pay for an exterminator they always come back
so anyway my ps4 was just fried because of those little fuckers, and i as wondering if theres a wire case or something that could keep them out of my next one
or do i just need a moat of poison in between them and it
any help would be appreciated

>any help would be appreciated
Stop being a slovenly poor person.

Do you live in Turkey?

well im not dirty i keep my room fairly clean, its the poor part thats the problem

haha but no, Houston in the ghetto

cum on the roaches

What the fuck dude

If your place wasn't dirty you wouldn't have roaches. The fuck do you think they're eating? Your filth.

That's unbelievably disgusting. Personally I'd move ASAP.

hey fellow houston here, not in the ghetto though

Well they drown themselves in red wine if you leave a container out, the smell makes them jump into containers that they can't get out of.

Other than that, you're pretty much fucked, they like warm appliances and if you are clean it's the first place they'll go.

You can't do anything when the whole building is infested idiot.

that pic isnt mine, but it is bad
give me a sec
i dont know what they eat in here, i dont eat outside the dining room and dont leave trash in my room

I assume they are German cockroaches, which are borderline impossible to get rid of.

The fact they keep coming back means the source isn't your house, they are probably spread throughout the entire apartment complex.

Maybe stop being a fucking asshole to us, and we won't fuck your ps4.


fuckin save your money and get a less roach ridden place. if you're poor move into a place with mice instead of roaches.

You have cockroaches because you're a disgusting fucking fatcunt pig and you don't clean your house and you leave food/dirty dishes around everywhere so they're all trained to come to you because you're where the food is.

You cannot have a roach infestation if there's nothing for them to eat. You're breeding them.

You disgust me.

Stop breeding faster than niggers and Indians then.

>wow who told me I wasn't supposed to ruin your house!

>calls someone else an idiot
>lives in a building infested with cockroaches in the ghetto

thats not how roaches work

>You cannot have a roach infestation if there's nothing for them to eat

yeah i know, i want to get a screen wire type material to line the vents with thats small enough so they cant get in but air can get out

Roaches eat everything from food to skin cells.

You could have the cleanest home in the USA, and they could still breed.


Just imagine that your ps4 is Germany and the cockroaches are turks. What would you do to stop them from invading?

Maybe you can create a stand for your PS4, google up some materials they can't climb and make the legs out of that. It'll be a pain in the dick but saves your playstation.

op here, that wasnt me, but yeah this building is old and the people around me are oogaboogas

fucking move, anywhere

What do they do, just go in there to starve and die? Do they eat each other?

t. idiot

Roaches will not live where there isn't food. If your house is infested because your neighbours are all slobs too, than the entire building needs to be brought up to mandate by the owner of the joint and made routine cleans and everyone has to dispose of food scraps and clean properly.

Roaches live where food is and hibernate and breed. All they require is crumbs at the least.

The entire building if it's an apartment that's infested has to be brought into line, any dirty tenants who refuse to change or straighten up are evicted.

A cockroach can live off a breadcrumb for a month or some stupid shit.

You lie down with oogaboogas, you get oogaboogas' roaches.

If genuine, I'd consider getting a raised, narrow base platform for the console. Shit, even a cake display stand would work, just make the fuck sure you keep it secure somewhere, even if it means screwing the thing into a table. Naturally, the smoother the material the better. Basically the narrow stem to wide inverted surface being made of a smooth, slick surface should stop the fuckers getting to the actual console.

Also consider getting some cable ties and try and arrange it so the cables are raised away from the floor somewhat. If you somehow have access to some stiff metal wire, consider wrapping the cable bundle in something bugs'll have serious trouble crawling over, almost like a small fence on the cable, and potentially do the same for the stem of the stand.

The roaches are there to stay then, they probably travel from your neighbors to your house via ventilation.

Invest in a different home, apartment complexes are trash.

We had german cockroaches in our house for years. Once our old pest control person died, we hired a new one and he fixed the problem immediately. So many years of suffering fixed by hiring someone else to do it. They were so hard to get rid of in our house, can't imagine it for a complex.

Don't leave your shit on the floor and cover the perimeter of your room with poison including all entrances like duct vents and then put poison traps everywhere
Had a small roach problem this summer at my house, a few gallons of poison in and around the house and trimming back some of the plants and the only ones I've seen since have been dead and I haven't seen one of those in months either

How did they get in your fucking ps4?

counter invade
this is helpful ill try to find something
true enough

>Do they eat each other?
yes, actually, and practically anything else


they move around, they can literally eat dust if they need to, they eat dead bugs they find inside walls, they eat each other, they can be eating stuff from another apartment and wander around when theyre not eating

they also dont need to eat for a month, they LIVE in warm places and will travel for food, so all it means is his apartment is warm and a neighbour is leaving stuff around and the basement/loft is probably damp

if you dont know any of this youve clearly never lived outside of your parents

Yes, but they can't sustain that amongst their children.

It's called fucking cleaning you fat americans.

I live literally 200 metres from the local tip in my town out at the industrial estate. My place when I moved in was infested with roaches, because the previous guy was a normal shit slob cunt leaving crumbs everywhere.

Microwaves are what attract them. If you have a dirty microwave, you will never lose them until you clean it and shape up.

Haven't seen a single roach in about 4 years now.

Also, you need spiders and lizards like we have here. I brought in a bunch of gecko's and they hang around the place stealth eating bugs. Same with spiders. The little lizards also take care of the spiders when they get too big.

>any dirty tenants who refuse to change or straighten up are evicted.
considering cockroaches eat tiny amounts of fucking anything, this is basically impossible to enforce


is this even a thing?

I don't. I just know how roaches work because I'm not retarded like you.

Suspend it from the ceiling using cabling of some kind.

exactly right these little fuckers invade my home like its poland

>this is helpful ill try to find something

Oh and to test it, catch a little fucker, get a lighter and flick it on and follow it so he has to move up the leg.

If you provide them with nothing substantial, they get the memo and fuck off.

They're counting on that one day you slip up and leave a pizza box out so they stay.

If you maintain care and cleanliness for a couple months, you become cockroach immunized.


so what eats the lizards? enjoy your new repitilian overlords

In Australia it is.

At least we don't have a roach problem, Sir Kekimungous

Shit you are making me paranoid.

How do I know if I have roaches in my house?

bug infestations, especially bedbugs, are one of my worst nightmares and I'm pretty sure they'd break me down into tears
I've literally shrugged off being stabbed and falling off a waterfall fucking my back up but bug infestations man

Hobo spiders breed quick, don't know of any others though.

I've heard of de-bugging a computer but this is ridiculous!

I live in Australia and my whole bathroom roof was covered in baby huntsman spiders.

I didn't kill any single one, they were gone the next day

You'd know, you see them everywhere I assume, or atleast evidence of them

Bad Mojo Redux
Battle Bugs
Stop That Roach!

yeah thats you personally, you think a landlord is going to go through every tenants entire apartment looking for scraps of cockroach food every day?

you would know, these fuckers are big(ish), the smaller ones cant harm your hardware as easily

I had the same Germán cockroach At my depto and i tried everything but after a year only this killed them in 3 weeks or 4. Its very toxic so dont be a retard and use some gloves

Do you see roaches in your house? If yes, then you have roaches.

>insert Turk joke
I'm too lazy to think one up right now

do you live near a pub?

If they were serious about their property and wanted to fix their problem, they would do daily checks of apartments, and go through appropriate measures to ensure it's made simple enough for everyone to be clean.

If they don't give a shit about their property than no.

Leave the lights off for a while, turn them on in an hour.

Do you see hundreds of German roaches scurrying away, if so you have an infestation.

American cockroaches are different, they're the fat ones you only see once in a blue moon.

>I don't. I just know how roaches work because I'm not retarded like you.
I live in Florida, so I know how they work. I live next to a nature preserve and I still only get maybe one in my house a month, when it rains, keep your apartment clean and they won't have a reason to go into it. Bleach the tile, vacuum often, clean your sheets, pillows, clothes, don't leave food out, don't keep dirty dishes around, and get a garbage that closes when you're not using it.

Mount & Blade: Warband

I am being both ironic and unironic

You'll start noticing more and more kebab shops opening up in your neighborhood

>American cockroaches are different, they're the fat ones you only see once in a blue moon.

Not to be confused with water bugs

you'd need to do a prison-cell level stripsearch to find everything a cockroach can eat, which is the problem, they can fucking survive off enevlope glue

no, but there are several family run restaurants next fucking door

>American cockroaches are different, they're the fat ones
oh the irony

neither do i, but im actually aware of the world around me and problems that are likely to arise as a homeowner, sorry.

No. I only saw one like 6 months ago and it came from the window, I hope.

It was big as fuck, the most disgusting thing I've ever seen. It was like a mouse. Shit was so big I was able to chase it just by the sound it made. Ever since I've been VERY paranoid.

Got you covered.

>see roach in my garage one day
>oh fuck oh fuck
>never seen another roach since
>no droppings or anything

I'm scared

where did he go

Glad I don't live in a shit hole where stuff like this happens. I only see a small cockroach like once a year.


>inside you




outdoor cockroaches are different to the ones that infest houses by the millions


Get strong wifi router. It may be a coincidence but cockroaches completely disappeared in my apartment when I got wifi router and other wifi devices.

>Be aware of problem
>Never have problem
Kind of wasted learning desu

"Water Bugs" are Oriental Roaches user.
They're still.

>Go outside and see a human one day
>oh fuck oh fuck
>Haven't gone out there since

I'm scared

Is he coming for me?

You bring in a breed of chinese snake that eats said lizards.



I don't have words for the disgust I'm feeling

I'm deeply impressed and slightly unnerved
But I'm a total bitch about bugs
try making another fence

The American cockroach came from Africa, so blame the niggers.

This thread makes me want to play EDF


my ps4 sits like 4 feet from my router, so maybe coincidence

Reminds me of those British birds that slaughtered native birds in America.