>characters don't gain exp if they are not in your main party
Characters don't gain exp if they are not in your main party
>character dies during the last turn of a boss fight
>everyone gains a level but them
>all party characters gain the same amount of xp even if you leave them out of your party the entire game
>Playing Persona 5
>Find out my benched party members were getting exp
Seriously? Nice
>only the party member that lands the killing blow gets exp
>last boss
>you can bring your whole fucking party
>free switching
>Everyone is uneven now
Reload from last save
Every SRPG ever.
>this happens
>quit game and reload
Is that the new animu meme girl of the month?
Not true, Fire Emblem and Stella Glow.
>jumping requires pushing two buttons
fft kinda
>Characters don't gain experience when they're not experiencing anything
much like real life
some day i'd like to play a game where you don't have to bench people
just like "hey this guy needs his ass beat, why don't we take everybody to do it"
wow....she is rly cute *blush*
hehe anime girl are cute i want to make sex with her kawaiiii
Chitose is a dumb slut. Cute, but dumb.
I hope her next anime debut flops.
name 2 games that do this
Double dragon 1 and 2
>game forces you to use a party member you haven't leveled at all
>Only the characters that are alive at the end of the battle gain exp
>All of them dies except your main character
>this happens all the time
>40~70 level gap
I feel like a fucking babysitter now.
>game locks you out of the equipment shop and class changer for more than half of the game
They did that with Star Ocean 5, and just look how that turned out.
>all characters have different exp growths and their exp never ever matches up until the point they hit cap
It's very therapeutic. You just can't care.
Digital Devil Saga does this, name X games-kun.
>last boss makes you use every party member
>you didn't upgrade everyones equipment or level skills
>game has a route split
>the good characters get split up 60:40 and the protags are on the 40 side
>the 60 side fights larger armies
>No matter what, you don't have enough good units on either route to deploy
>game kills all your party members
>you turn into a futa
>fight is scaled to level so it doesn't matter
>game takes your only healer away for like 1/3 of the game
How did FFX get away with this, seriously?
>You can hit your own party members to gain XP
>have a bunch of characters you never use cause fuck em
>late in the game theres a battle where every character you're not using has to fight waves of late-game enemies
>its not scaled to level
Fuck you dragon age, I don't care about Sven and that faggot elf.
>game keeps you from using/leveling a party member for a long ass time, then forces you to use them in some of the hardest parts when you get them back
Shit mechanic. Have them autolevel at a few levels behind instead, capping catch up grinding to 40min
>Game has party members come and go through the story, making it impossible to keep their levels remotely balanced.
>stats auto-allocate on level-up
>Depending on how often you do this it can give you multiple bad endings
Fucking Disgaea 1
your favorite character on ironman dies to some bullshit 5% crit shot from behind cover
>party member leaves
>takes the awesome equipment they had equipped with them
This pissed me off so much that I would save constantly, reload if someone left, and strip them of all their stuff.
>post game
>force s you to level everyone to level 90
>Stats are randomly assigned on level ups
>You can even get a level up with no stat increases
Fucking fire emblem
>Leveling up in SMT: Nocturne can sometimes get you killed
>comes back later with different equipment
>have everything lined up perfectly
>important party member leaves because of plot related reasons
You were my qb you traitor.
>Party splits up 4 ways
>Main character keeps all the items and cash
>Other characters only have their equipped items
Game was still really easy, just fucking annoyed by it.
>spend resources and money equipping good gear on character in party
>he suddenly leaves
>spec character for certain role
>gain party member that performs the role much better
>can't respec
>forced to have gimped characters or restart
>Get into new town
>Grind some dosh to fully equip party with new gear
>Find a bunch of the items you just bought in the next dungeon or after it.
S'cool user now you have stuff to sell for the next town to stay atop of the equipment game
I made the thread because of your pic desu
benched characters not gaining exp works in some games but in DT2 it's just a pain in the dick
>bring character you like to every fight to level them up
>story requires them to die 2/4 of the way in
Have you reached Floor 25 of the Tower yet?
Know that feel. When you know you could beat the game as is but you'd be having more fun playing another way.
I would just bite the bullet and start over.
>No HP/MP restore on level up
>You don't even get the HP/MP your stats raised by
>Bishop from NWN2
>Virgil from Arcanum
>Bastilla from KOTOR
>yfw you picked a fallout 4 perk that sounded good but it was garbage
what's its name Sup Forums
nope, I'm at the >onsen level
maybe I get better grinding options later but I want to use the robot waifu already
Kratos in Symphonia was my biggest fuck you
>equipment sell prices are a tenth of equipment buy prices
>but I want to use the robot waifu already
>character joins mid game
>level 6
>most interesting character has the worst synergy with you and the rest of the party
>you have to fight them soon after
>characters gain exp when out of party
>they don't get stat gains if they level up out of party
>character betrays you mid battle
>but you took all his equipment away and gave him shitty skills
>Get EXP even you're dead
Tales of fucking symphonia
>finish game with tons of potions, power ups, poisons, bombs and traps in pocket
>Playing Fallout 4
FE does that. Everyone gets a little bit of exp when in a fight, but only the unit with the killing blow gets anything worthwhile.
Dark Souls
>Use AoE spell
>Enemies all left with less than 20 hp
>Nobody is left to attack with
>They either rape you or heal to full next turn
>you have to fight a clone of yourself
>clone has same skills and stats
>Exclusively only use party members that you want to fug
>They all have terrible stats
You'll love post game, then.
>have 5 characters you've used most of the game
>good synergy, good team
>oh no, class door for a class you don't have
>you need to level and equip someone so they don't get instagibbed or rest one of your regulars, losing somewhere between 1-20 levels
It wouldn't be so bad if catching up underleveled people wasn't a pain in the ass. I loved DT2 but man did it have some annoying mechanics.
You jump by pressing the same button twice though.
>W isn't a button
Thats the price you pay for thinking with your dick.
Unless you're gimping yourself, you don't need a dedicated healer 90% of the time.
lloyd a best
I don't remember it being that bad. Then again I never used Yuna much.
It's not if you play with a controller.
The alternate jump option for 2 and 3 makes you sprint with B and jump with LS
If by best, you mean the worst, then I agree.
Oh yeah I forgot, I never use that.
You don't really need to grind or change characters for the main game though.
And in post game you get exp by the tens of thousands, there's even a seal book that increases exp gain if the monster is higher leveled.
>antagonist makes a personality-flipped copy of the protagonist
>protagonist is such an asshole that everyone leaves them for the copy
>Die in Dungeon
>Restart at the first floor
its by chinzurena
>EV's and IV's
>Game gives you a new party member
>instantly after you have to fight a battle with the bad guy
>Party member asks you to use him in the next battle
>he even has a special dialogue if you use him
>he's underleveled and does 1 damage to everything
or for that matter
>upgrading party members makes them go back to level 1
>game still gives you new party members who can be upgraded near the endgame even though they will do 1 damage to everything and you won't be able to kill anything with them
fucking Shining Force
>get new party members
>none of them is interesting
>at all
As if I am Setsuna wasn't shit enough
>As you progress through the game you can acquire passive skills that allow your non-party members to gain 25%, 50% and 100% of obtained xp.
>last boss is your highest leveled party member
>can do shit he didn't do while in your party
>rejoins your party afterwards and still can't do that shit
>skills allow you to share character exp and skill exp
>acquiring skills for your benched characters still costs money, meaning money is now your limiting factor
Thanks DDS.
>happens during battle
>receive attack that damages based on total hp
>wouldn't have killed you before level up
>boss lv 1000
>joins your party
>lv 1