Just joined the PC master race. Recommend me some vidya Sup Forums.
Currently playing neotokyo
Just joined the PC master race. Recommend me some vidya Sup Forums.
Currently playing neotokyo
All you're gonna get is console ports
>AOC monitor
>20bux "speaker" set
>master race
At least the PC has a Bluray drive.
Farming Simulator
i5 6500
GTX 1050ti
8gb ram
Pic unrelated btw, forgot to mention
Blue Rabbit's Climate Chaos
>i5 meme
>didn't get the 1080
>8gb meme, not 32gb masterrace.
just putting this here so it's over with.
>i5 6500
>GTX 1050ti
>8gb ram
>master race
My PS4 Slim runs games at higher specs.
>GTX 1050ti
nevermind just play whatever you want.
Why a 1050Ti? If you wanted something budget-friendly AND good, you should've gotten a 1060 6GB.
I have a PS4 for that thanks
I got it given to me for free brand new by a friend
Should've sold it off and save for a better GPU desu.
I'm not planning on playing every game on ultra. Games on medium are fine enough for me
not true
Spend a week modding Skyrim and then delete everything
Emulate most consoles and games released before the 360/ps3
Wolfenstein The New Order is 6.59 on steam.
Just look around for stuff you like. Good Old Games, Steam, Humble Bundle are all having sales right now. Just avoid any game in early access, any game involving zombies and any game involving "survival"
1050ti is fine. You can still play most games on high, just not shit like the new tombraider game and the gay of mordor.
Free games worth playing are pretty rare. Warframe is pretty fun once you get into crafting weapons and new frames. Path of Exile is a really good Diablo like game.
>Warframe is pretty fun
I have 300hours+ in that shit and I still find if a boring grindfest.
213 hours played. It was great from hour 50 to 200. Then I got the prime weapons and frame I really wanted and the game turned into a pointless grind for pointless loot. I still stand by those first 200 hours as being fun though.
Oh that's decent then. I'm not really a graphics whore, higher graphics settings are just a bonus to me
wew lad u dun goofed
Witcher 3 I guess.
Lmao maxing every game on my i5 with 8gb and an rx 480 you fag
>Just joined the PC master race
What for? Terrible ports and visual novels? There hasn't been a good PC exclusive this century. Unless you're using it to make music, write documents or draw pictures then you've wasted your money.
Ehh that's not so bad then. Definitely better than the first gpu I started out with.. the i5 will be a good processor for a while, and ram is so cheap so upgrading to 16gb or 32 gb will be cheap by the time you absolutely have to do it. I'd definitely upgrade the gpu at some point though, but it will be totally fine for the next year or two
Hello Terry Crews.
20+ Posts in and people are still debating specs rather than talking about games, goddammit Sup Forums
If you're an mmofag FF14 looks great on higher settings.
>Dark Souls 2 Scholar edition,
>Dark Souls 3
>Chivalry Medieval warfare
>Valkariya Choronicles
>Grimrock 2
>All of the Trine games, they're gorgeous
>Banner Saga 2
>A story about my Uncle
To run shit games better than your shit console does.
>running games
lol, I stopped playing games years ago faggot
just buy EDF 4.1
the power
of a pc
EVE online
Total War : Warhammer
The PS4 GPU has more memory with 60 % more bandwidth than the 128 bit gimped GTX 1050 Ti
The GTX 1050 Ti has a 768/48/32 ComputeUnit/TMU/ROP configuration, while the PS4 has a 1152/72/32 configuration.
As a result, the PS4 can use higher texture resolutions and produce a better image quality, especially because its power is not gimped by the inefficient Windows operating system.
if you're only playing at 1080p you should be OK
but eh RX 470 blows the FUCK out of a 1050ti. You literally just threw money in the trash on that
anyway, Crysis 1, Witcher 3, GTA V, and Metro series are my go to high graphics quality vidya
FEAR, Doom, Witcher 1/2, Modded Oblivion, Thief Series, Mount and Blade Warband, Hotline Miami, Age of Empires 2, Civ Series are the best pc-exclusive gameplay I can think of off the top of my head
if you are into video games -- any hobby, really -- wouldn't you seek out the best possible way to play with the most games that aren't restricted to any gen + dirt cheap prices? you shouldn't make PC an exception, you massive mouth-breathing plebs, and a build is available for all price ranges. look what you've become -- talking about something you have no idea about
>but eh RX 470 blows the FUCK out of a 1050ti.
It's also way more expensive.
He's asking for game recommendations you niggers, stop jerking yourselves and give recommendations, it doesn't fucking matter what else it runs on, the man wants quality vidya to enjoy.
Faggot play whatever you want. We don't know what you like.
I'm glad somebody said it, I mean jesus christ OP only asked for games, he's clearly not that bothered about high-fidelity graphics, he's just interested in worthwhile games to check out. I can understand anons asking for his specs in order to better determine what games may be appropriate, but a 1050ti can easily handle normal or high settings on most modern vidya, so it covers most games. Of course, you elitists focus on the fact he didn't buy a 1080, or wait for a 2090 in 2019, or whatever the flying fuck you're all meme'ing over this time.
This is Sup Forums - the vidya. Keep it about the vidya; don't be a spec whore.
Xcom 2 is good. That's the best pc exclusive in my opinion. But also now you can truly enjoy fps like csgo now that you got kb+m
rabi ribi
>Xcom 2 is good.
>That's the best pc exclusive in my opinion.
>pc exclusive
user someone that's willing to spend 2 grand on a PC will sure as fuck have the cast to get a console if they wanted one, this is a silly analogy. This also assumes people exclusively use a PC for gaming, which is also rather silly. You're right about their obsession with specs, though, it's actually quite obnoxious and some do legitimately forget that the point is playing and enjoying videogames, not stroking your e-peen over specs.
Why play modern games on your new PC? When you can play 15 year old mods ))
>This also assumes people exclusively use a PC for gaming, which is also rather silly.
Gaming, Twitich, YouTube, Facebook, Leddit, Sup Forums shitposting.
This is what mustards use their PCs for. They can't afford any real productivity software, so cheap $60 video games and shitty freeware must suffice.
That's not true, I personally use my PC to produce music from time to time as a hobby, there's many PC users that enjoy videomaking as a hobby (often vidya-related), or programming (again, often vidya-related), but I guess you can wallow in your own ignorance on the PC platform.
I don't play exclusively on PC, btw.
I know these people, they don't play video games and can usually be seen with Macs.
wew, yet more ignorance and assumptions. I suppose I should expect less from a consolewarring twat.
I'll just throw some personal favorites at you, OP
Vampire: The Masquerade - Bloodlines
E.Y.E Devine Cybermancy
DIRT games
Divinity 2: DC
Divinity: Original Sin
Disgaea PC
Earth Defense Force 4.1
Endless Legend
Fairy Bloom Freesia
Fallout: New Vegas + mods
Fortune Summoners
Hyper Light Drifter
Touhou series
Grim Dawn
Orange Juice games
CAVE games
Shadowrun Dragonfall and Hong Kong
Deus Ex
just stop replying to him. The absolute best thing you can do against console war shitpost is to ignore it.
>use my PC to produce music from time to time as a hobby, there's many PC users that enjoy videomaking as a hobby (often vidya-related), or programming (again, often vidya-related)
Just how it was for C64 and Amiga, where people pretended they were doing all this creative productivity shit and of course "programming" it.
While in reality they did nothing more than insert the most recent pirated game floppies.
I would even have believed your music production, but with "programming" you gave it away as typical made up shit by neckbeards.
Unlike you I know people who are into music production and they know how a PC gaming shitbox is worst thing you can get for that task, so they get something different.
Really, this is the same story since 35 years and has nothing to do with "console wars" at all - just with pretend faggots.
so you think nobody does any programming on Sup Forums, like ever?
Have you never seen /agdg/ or Sup Forums equivalent threads?
You're right that a dedicated gaming rig is not what a musician would be generally after (though it does vary depending on how seriously they take their hobby), but that doesn't rule out gaming for them altogether, either.
Yes, the majority probably will just use a PC as a shitposting and youtube machine with occasional gaming, but you talk as if nobody can use a PC for anything other than games; you also glossed over the videomaking example despite the fact everyone and their mother tries to make some autistic youtube series these days at some point.
What kind of games you like OP?
Personally I saved these games for when I finally got around to updating my 3.5 year old PC:
- Dark Souls III
- Witcher 3
- Tomb Raider & Rise of the Tomb Raider
- Deus Ex HR + MD
- Entire Batman Arkham series
- Dragons Dogma
I just upgraded from something that could barely run any newer games at 1080p/30 to:
- i7 6700k
- MSI GTX 1080 Gaming X
- 34" 1440p curved Samsung
It's been a long wait for some of these but come Friday I'm goin' in.
this so much. Fuck i got baited so hard. Crysis was kinda fun for a couple of days but it got boring.
>he joined master race
user it's really not as great as the shitposters will tell you.
>playing neotokyo
god damn people still play that?
maybe I'll redownload it
Honestly you could not have joined the master race at a worse time. Of course there's the timeless classics and emulation but I can't say there's any modern games worth getting on PC specifically.
Kill yourself user :^)
i5 meme? Is hyper threading in games mainstream now?
8 cores are mainstream in consoles now.
PC has fallen behind.
Or they bought a good PC for work, played games for fun, and actually knew it was worth their money because they weren't morons.
>Videos (1)
>i7 cucks
>all this post-purchase rationalisation
lmao i'll keep maxing shit with an OC'd 4690K
Nobody buys outdated gaming desktop towers for work, senpai.
>Videos (1)
He is a Humble Bundle faggot.
Dont wanna make a thread for it so I'll ask here
What prebuilt PC or laptop should I get? Don't have one currently and my mom for some reason feels the need to get me one for Christmas, but doesn't want to order parts so I need a prebuilt
Any good ones or are they all just over priced garbage?
Thanks to all you anons that actually recommended me some vidya. I can only play vidya in the free time I have between work and university, so I really don't care about graphics for now you spec whores.
As long as a game is playable and I have fun, that's all I care about. Damn you elitists
not OP but just curious
I tried out endless legend and was confused as fuck. Is the learning curve of that game just CK2 level or what? I liked the company's other game 'Dungeon of the endless' but wasn't able to make an inch of progress in Endless legend.
You should get the gothics
Played the first one and after the learning curve for the weird controls it was so much fun
Depends on the nation you're playing since they all play very differently
pic related right retard?
Don't expect Red Dead 2 until Red Dead 1 comes to steam, most likely NEVER EVER
>Giant realistic fucking Spiders
>just ordered a GTX 1070
>started looking for games I want on Steam
>none of the games interest me
D-did I fall for the PC meme?
OP, grab Brigador. Real underrated isometric mech game. It's fun how quick the tides can turn in it.
I tried playing the dust robut race. They were the only ones with an attractive design imo
MGSV came out for PC and its prequels never did
Get a buttplug to complete the set.
>Investing in a PC without researching what you want out of it
>just ordered a GTX 1070
>started looking for games I want on Steam
>on Steam
There are great games out there.
They aren't on Gaben's video game facebook though.
And a GTX 1070 is useless for them.
Okay but can you please delete the last line on this post thanks
>started looking for games I want on Steam
>none of the games interest me
>plan for Skylake/Pascal upgrade since 2014, because nVidia Fermi toaster sucks
>put games I'm interested in on Amazon wishlist
>over 20 titles already on there
They are all for PS4 and few for PS3, because nobody makes physical PC games anymore.
>delete PC parts wishlist
>put PS3 SuperSlim and PS4 Slim into the cart
>398 €
>let's start with four games (Read Dead Redemption, Sleeping Dogs, Tomb Raider, Witcher 3)
>Enjoy the heck out of it since October.
Best upgrade ever, not looking back.
What kind of games do you like? You'll be surprised how much enjoyment you can get just trying out different types of games
I pirate all my software, just like my games faggot.
Fighting games, rpgs, action games in general.
I'm butthurt that KoF 14 isn't on PC and that all fighters on there that I like are dead.
But I'm realizing that PC is literally made for shooting games and strategy. I'm hoping Starcraft 2 isn't dead
>I pirate all my software, just like my games faggot.
You can't pirate stuff beyond shitty word processors, because real productivity software it's protected by dongles and online activation. And you can't afford it either, because it costs much more than a gaymen PC.
>I'm hoping Starcraft 2 isn't dead
It is. It killed the genre.
Well Skyrim is worth it for a PC anyways. That alone should give you tons of enjoyment with all the mods, also even if it's overkill you can always play any older games and emulation
Even though I don't play much strategy games, I'm still confused on how they can mess up Starcraft. I haven't played 2 yet but it's almost impossible to not make it a good game unless it's handed to another developer
>PC has no games
A bunch of shitty console ports, and games a decade old...if not older.
I've pirated ableton, fl studio, tons of vst effects and instruments, sony vegas, and photoshop. I also regularly use my pc for creativity you nigger