'Member when Square made great games?
'Member when Square made great games?
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No I was born in 1994
mo. i wad born in 1984,
Pic unrelated?
Secret of Mana was NOT a good game.
Yes it was and the sequel was even better
Secret of Mana was terrible and so was Seiken Densetsu 3.
Unless you made the mistake of thinking Secret of Evermore was the sequel to Secret of Mana. It isn't, but it actually IS a good game.
How can anyone hate Secret Of Mana and SD3? They were amazing adventures. I feel so sorry for you
>'Member when Square
>Hates Secret of Mana and Seiken Densetsu 3, but considers Secret of Evermore good....
wat. The logic behind this is fucking baffling. I could understand liking some more than others, but this has to be a fucking troll.
How's Secret of Mana compared to Chrono Trigger? I often see them on the same "best of"-lists, but never tried them.
>Secret of Mana was terrible and so was Seiken Densetsu 3.
Well that's the shittiest opinion I've read on this board today.
I'll be the first to say that the partner AI in Secret of Mana is dogshit but that doesn't make it bad at all
What type of dumbass question is this, just play them both for 2 hours and see which one you like more
It's hard for me to answer objectively because SoM was the first RPG I ever played, and nothing can recreate that feel. Both are journies you must take
>SoM was the first RPG I ever played
See, Final Fantasy Adventure (aka Seiken Densetsu 1) was my first RPG (and first Game Boy), but even still I'd admit that Chrono Trigger blows this franchise out the water
You get the Mana Sword back yet?
Overall I'd probably agree. I'd be more inclined to replay CT than SoM.
It took me some time to warm to turn based combat. SoM felt more engaging at the time because of its real time combat, and somewhat similar to Zelda games
just look at it
Speaking of Secret Of Mana, what modern RPG comes closest to it? Witcher 3?
>Square made great games
>Enix made great games
>Square Enix makes bad games except for Dragon Quest
what went so right
Hyperdementia Neptune is the one
Man shutcho lying ass up
so, the important question here, is there a seiken densetsu 4 ?
3 was excellent and i always wanted more
Google "Secret of" Franchise
they all suck after sd3. they were drunk when they made legend of mana and its been down hill since.
The question was actually more of a are they good ?, an translated
fuck the metal gear shit
I never played Legend, and was turned off by the idea that it's very different to SoM/SD3, but I hear good things about it, even on Sup Forums
I've never heard any good things about Dawn/Circle/Children/Heroes etc however
There's the recent remake of FFA (SD1) that's meant to be decent, I hope that comes to Steam
Ys Lacrimosa of Dana
They are VERY different games, nut I enjoyed both. CT is definitely more story-heavy but that's due more to SoM being almost completely without substance and what little there is has sense become a troupe.
Mana series is awesome.
so secret of mana isn't considered to have a very good story? that's strange to me, almost all the praised early jrpgs i see seem to be praised for the quality of their storytelling. so what exactly makes secret of mana so great then, if not the story?
Secret of Mana managed to pull of some of the best music on the SNEs.
The story is fine for its time, it's just a bit cliche;
>chosen boy hero
>legendary sword
>giant beast threatening to destroy the world
and so on and so on
I still loved it
SD4 is Dawn of Mana (Garbage). Play SD 3.5, Legend of Mana (garbage gameplay, fantastic everything else).
Something like 40% of its story had to be cut and then the English version used a large font which cut down on dialog even further. Its a great game but almost everything is a cliche and very little character development even for the 3 mains.
SoM was amazing. I still have the cart I think. Music is still stuck in my head decades later.
Was it too hard for you?
Bet you couldn't finish Secret of Evermore either.
I 'member...
I always hear this argument for SoM but it really doesn't apply. SoM is either RNG or grindfest. You attack, you wait for the opponent to stop being invincible, you attack again and hope it didn't start a different invincible animation in your reaction time. Its not hard its just unfair. Even if you use weaknesses or debuffs or what have you it all comes down to whether the AI RNG rolled a spell
Shoutouts to the final boss for making you grind a fucking single spell which is only useful for fighting the final boss. Shit made me mad.
My memory of playing SoM is that it was easy to the point of being broken once you got magic. Any boss was trivialized because you can just stunlock them down with damage spells until they die.
questionable class choices.
It was still a very revolutionary game for its time
It brought forth a large number of rpg mechanics that were not seen in its time.
I'm personally very glad it was released for that progress that was made.
That's nearly true. Sprite had everything she needed to wreck house but god forbid you run out of MP because you can't carry more than what, 2 walnuts? And I hope you leveled up the spirit this boss is weak against.
>but it actually IS a good game.
stopped reading there
i just got out of dragon's hole. i think im headed toward the last boss but now i can collect seeds for the final armors and weps so i stopped until i do that.
with the fix patch, duran's shields work. even though i've been swapping them by area, it really hasn't helped except for a few boss battles. angela cause i like magic and never did a light side for her. carlie for standard healer. i did grind some but nothing has been really tough so far.
Is that the hardtype patch? With the stat rebalances and AI changes and such?
its the fix only version, by the same guy. has all the same fixes but no adjustment to other mechanics like enemy damage.
>There will never be another good Mana game
>There will never be another Crono game
>Breath of Fire (I know it's Capcom and not Square) is fucking dead too
Why are so many of the transformative RPG franchises of my childhood fucking dead or on permanent IP vault status?
It hurts bro, I just want more JRPG's with high fantasy themes without in shoving anime in my face
>Stopped reading at the end of the post.
You do realized you read the whole thing, right?
>CT is more story driven
>silent protagonist
I don't know how people can stand this game, honestly. But really, I'm 20 hours in and it's just time travel and some even guy in the future so we gotta stop him
None of the characters or parts of the story are interesting, and the shitty Toriyama art makes it worse. Don't know how people can like it desu
yeah, that's why I wrote
>stopped reading there
What game is she from? And what are some other Japanese games with cute kemono characters?
>ARPGs before 3D graphics became a thing
no thanks