What are online games without Russian players?
Tip: You can't name any
What are online games without Russian players?
Tip: You can't name any
Console games, since they're not economically viable for 99% of Slavs.
No man's sky.
The one good thing about Aus servers is that you don't really get any Russians or BRs. Only the fucking pinoys.
King Of Fighters 14
German players are pretty annoying to
Left 4 Dead 1 and Natural Selection 2.
I've never really had too much trouble with russian players.
>intensely swears in his own language
Dragon's Dogma Online
Fuck off suka blyat.
You better not drop that opinion in a sonygger crowd.
You mean console ""games"", since the only normal way to play real games is via gaming PC.
I've seen some russians running around the temple though.
I'm a slav. Nike is superior.
Russians and Brasillians are the cancer of the online world.
Reebok>>>>>everything else
You're not a real slav if you don't like/own adidas.
>have german nickname
>other germs always write to me in German
>reply in English acting like I don't understand
what do you expect?
What are worse, BRs or RUs?
personally I think BRs but that's mostly because I live in Uruguay and any south american server is filled with them (and I don't speak portuguesse), also, US servers have the same ping for me.
this is a thread about russian players, why do fucking germanfags always feel the need to bring up their shitty third world country whenever possible?
Get out of your own ass user
its always germans falseflagging about other germans. that shit works like clockwork over there.
if you see a "germans are shit" post, its with a 90% chance made by a german.
I'm Russian player and i am in your thread.
Monster hunter
I like russians irl. You're okay in my book chuvak
now would you please stop ruining my online games
I'm only making your games better, i hardcore pro player.
There are some MMOs with region locks, so locks out a big chunk of them out.
I'm a slav and rekt entire teams in Killzone 3, saw plenty of other Slavs as well.
Fucking traitor.
Yes yes, go for the capitalist propaganda you fools, how do you not see?!!?
>Someone makes a Hitler joke when playing Battledfield 1
>These 3 Germans get really butthurt and beg him to stop the "hate speech".
>Ever letting someone online know that what they did upsets you
>implying germans would do that
nigga pls. you dont have to make shit up to fit in.
german schooltime is 90% hitler jokes
if anyone makes hitler jokes, its germans
"Not a single German has ever gotten upset by Hitler jokes" - user 2016
It's true. The guys I played dota with probably knew more jew jokes than Sup Forums
I know plenty of Germans who make jokes too, I used to live in Germany. However there will always be Germans who get triggered by the mere mention of his name.
Maybe our teacher at school would get upset but we would always hold our fingers under our nose while making the "hitler gruß" just for shit and giggles also most of my friends are right leaning but thats probably because i live in thüringen
You wish. I bought myself a PS4Pro recently and have had PS3 and Vita for years.
That's true for any country that doesn't speak English.
That's what the capitalist pigs want you to believe.
>What are online games without Russian players?
You see, good Russian players blend in so well you're unable to tell they're there unless we get on the mic with our thick slav accent.
I guarantee that there are at least 4 ru anons in this very thread.
>good Russian players blend in so well you're unable to tell they're there unless
I hate this dumb meme. Usually the best Russian players have cyrilics in their name or have a russian word/name in written in latin. The only difference is that they don't talk, usually they don't talk at all.
there are slavs in this very thread right now
and nothing can be done
You won't hide from me pidor.
I don't think ruskies are allowed to play any games deemed anti-russian by daddy manlet putin
Implying he gives a fuck. He is having fun In Aleppo.
>Maybe our teacher at school would get upset but we would always hold our fingers under our nose while making the "hitler gruß" just for shit and giggles also most of my friends are right leaning but thats probably because i live in thüringen
This is a textbook example how propaganda brainwashing fires back: They bred a generation of edgy Hitler lovers.
that's because germans fucking hate each other. in every single online game there is at least one german in your team who refuses to communicate with the rest in any other language than german, starts insulting everyone either in german or in very broken english and is generally a toxic fuck. granted the same might be true to every other country as well, it just gets all the more annoying when you actually speak the language.
t. german
im learning russian so i can actually communicate with you fuckers in-game
Based Vasya
Do you play Dota 2? If yes, i have a question
fock of ivan we all know you can't afford a PS3, go back to squatting on the corner
>that's because germans fucking hate each other. in every single online game there is at least one german in your team
>being German
>playing team-based games
>not following your Fuhrer
Artyom is literally bro-tier
The guy in your pic is obviously a spy, not a real slav.
Fighting games are less popular than other genres on average because we didn't have many arcades, and most people only know Mortal Kombat and play the new ones for nostalgic value.
I don't get how the british one is offensive. It would make more sense without the 'v'.
Fucking brits.
british one comes from older times when the french captured the longbowmen they would chop off the two fingers (so they could never use the longbow again) so using the 2 fingers was a fuck you to the french, and that is what the V means, fuck you
Иди нaхyй, пидapac.
germans are the normies of europe
A нy, чики-бpики и в дaмки
That's silly.
not really, you could imagine in massive battle the english longbowmen insulting the french with the V before releasing their arrows and reking their army.
Morale is an important thing in war.
Most little things in english culture relate back to older times. Slang words, swear words, nursery rhymes.