Are there any casual shooters that are NOT multiplayer games?
I mean theres Call of Duty but thats so narrative based.
Are there any casual shooters that are NOT multiplayer games?
I mean theres Call of Duty but thats so narrative based.
Serious Sam
Fallout 4
those are multiplayer
Those HAVE multiplayer doesn't mean they are multiplayer games
Cod also has multiplayer
fuck you no not again
still with this?
I wouldn't label the serious sam games casual at all
Hard Reset
Well, seeing how you dislike narrative based games, heres some suggestions.
Open world, easy to ignore the story and do your thing but there isnt really a big focus on combat and half the game is the exploration and RPG survival elements
Another RPG based shooter, fun upgrades and very simple objectives means theres dozens of ways to achieve the same thing, few maps by default is a bit of a bummer even if they are really big
>GTA, Saints Row, FarCry series
No real emphasis on shooting, but felt they should be included
Heavy, HEAVY focus on RPG elements but its pretty much FPS Diablo, good time killer if you dont mind the memes, feminism, and guns designed by people who have no idea how guns work
Those are some I remember, theres plenty more if you dont mind coop, Killing Floor, L4D, Sanctum, those hostage/anti terror simulators where you play as a cop, Payday, and some more I dont remember.
Also, pretty gun you got there, Im a big fan of the P90
Fallout 4
I mean that's pretty fucking funny
Shadow warrior was pretty casual.
medal of honor
brothers in arms
I can't believe nobody's mentioned Metroid Prime yet...
5/10 shooter with some chuckleworthy jokes. The game is a nonstop parody of video games and video game characters. At about 7 hours long I'd say it's a fun game for a weekend or something.
That game isn't casual.
Its possible ferals eat on instinct
everything needs to eat. what makes ghouls any different?
While I believe ghouls do need to eat, they can survive vast measures of time without it. However, the more time they spend without the average amount of human sustenance and go past the extremes with it such as the 3 weeks without food or 3 days without water measure, ghouls then have more chance of turning feral as the body starts to break down itself for energy, from acceleration deterioration, or from going mad from malnourishment and having higher brain functions shut down as a result.
>Those are multiplayer
So anything with any form of multiplayer does not count?
Its such a minor component and the co-op is just the single player levels.
Im just going by my own head canon. Its obvious that f3/f4 gives no fucks about maintaining any sort of canon.
>so we take the fallout franchise, drop it into a completely new environment so we can mold it into our own vision
>what vision is that?
>head canon
ghouls are live off happy thoughts, jet is prewar. Pretty much anyone that doesnt agree has head canon
99% of shooters have difficulty settings.