>literally almost as accurate as a mouse
>Sup Forums hates it
What happened?
>literally almost as accurate as a mouse
>Sup Forums hates it
What happened?
Because it's still worse than a mouse for games you play with a mouse and also worse than a normal controller for games you'd use a controller for.
>literally almost
You said it yourself champ. It is literally not quite there.
Lack of a proper d-pad really kills it for me. It's still nice though, just far from perfect.
This. It's a botched halfway house that excels at nothing other than web browsing from the couch.
I heard it has chink shit durability.
>worse than a normal controller for games you'd use a controller for
In other words, you haven't tried it. Fuck off and kys.
What other controller provide the same or better level of precision as the Steam Controller?
>muh dpad
Get with the times, grandpa.
haptic feedback >>>> the shit archaic tech known as dpad
That's a consolefags meme.
>using your thumb to control a mouse
Fucking stupid
It actually feells really cheap. Cheap plastic.
all the e-celeb morons who reviewed it ignored the gyro
trackball mode + gyro = much closer to mouselike accuracy
Sup Forums is full of idiots who don't want to invest some time to get better at something and brainwashed semesters who regurgitate the shit those idiots say.
Steam controller is leagues better than any controller currently on the market, but the steep learning curve means that a lot of people that try it will hate it because they couldn't get used to it in 5 minutes.
It's really this
So just like literally every controller in existence.
brought the hardware bundle on steam
i wonder if controller feels like the vive ones
Why should I spend more than five minutes learning to use something? I already have a mouse and a controller, neither of which takes more than 5 minutes to learn how to do and both of which do their jobs better than the steam controller.
Since they added the activators and stuff it's become beyond awesome, can do so much shit with it.
>tfw can't tell if actual Valve shills or Sup Forums having some fun pretending to be retarded
it's worth buying a Steam controller just as a wireless mouse
It's worth noting that compatibility can be broken with this controller when games use anti cheat measures. The system can think this controller is cheating
Not when you can customize how it reacts. Touch pad + gyro is second only to mouse only.
I like the buttons on the bottom. The track pad felt awful in the games I tried it in. This was right after launch though so I can't speak to how they may have improved it.
You're confirming their observation. The mouse is still better, may as well stick to it
Still like it, main function of my 360 pad is to gather dust since i have it.
Would buy again if it breaks - dropped it a few times, still not kill.
Having no Dpad is a viable point to not like it, but i have an arcade stick to do my fighting shit anyway so i'm ok.
The Steam controller makes it possible to at least be competitive while playing on a big TV
And basically fully effective as a team mate in co-op games like L4D
A lot of PC players are moving away from 27" screens, there's no reason not to have everything on one large display (if one values size & resolution over framerate)
>A lot of PC players are moving away from 27" screens, there's no reason not to have everything on one large display (if one values size & resolution over framerate)
So you're saying a lot of consolefags are trying to turn PCs into consoles. Right.
would rather have a trackball for the right stick.
also has the worst dpad in fucking history.
So does a small table on roles where you can put your KB+M on and an USB extension cord.
Doesn't make the Steam controller bad tho.
It does manage even complicated flying sims pretty well since you can program mod switches and is more comfy in 3rd person stuff, where being able to control your movement with a analogue stick is more important than being able to have full mouse aim - since the Steam controller can come close to it anyway with pad+gyro.
I actually played Fallout 4 on the steam controller, comfortably sitting with my hand in my lap helped me through that piece of shit.
I don't even know what you're saying. I use a big 4k tv as my pc display and prefer playing from a couch. it's not uncommon
If I wanted a mouse I'd use a fucking mouse, otherwise an xbox pad is way better in every way
I honestly think most of Sup Forums isn't capable of configuring it correctly, there's more shit to configure in a Steam controller profile than there is on a fresh install of Windows. I don't use mine much, last time I used it was in DDDA for ~300h, where it was much more comfortable than m/kb to me and actually allowed me to aim spells and arrows.
It's vastly superior to any analog stick in any game that involves camera control or aim and it's actually usable as a mouse in mouse-driven games. There are a few genres where a traditional controller would be better, maybe 2D platformers becasue of the dpad, fighters, potentially twin stick shooters too, but that's about it. It renders analog sticks completely obsolete in any 1st/3rd person game. Still not as good as mouse+kb for precision though, but much better than a 360/PS3 pad if you're going to play a game on TV or play a title that has a shit control scheme on PC.
Forced to use Big Picture to do anything with it.
Xinput doesn't see it outside of steam because it's a kb/m retard device
Triggers are trash with 10mm of throw
Software sucks ass
Useless for many games
Extremely buggy response/behavior in games
Often isn't detected at all by games if you have any other controllers connected
Worse than mouse/kb for games that it's supposed to replace aka turn base strategy or slow games that require no movement
Worse than every other gamepad for all other game types
It feels cheap and the tolerances were awful. Mine has ridges where the halves join because they don't meet flushly. Fortunately it's right where you hold it so you're permanently uncomfortable holding it.
It's just a shit device for people who use livingroom pcs somehow and are also too stupid to realize they make wireless keyboards and mice and ps4 and boner controllers.
The only benefit I got from it is that it didn't work in osx at release so I will get all valve games for life.
They're never going to make another game
>literally almost
That's what happened.
The thing is completely pointless.
>Forced to use Big Picture to do anything with it.
>I don't care about framerate
>I connect my pc to a 4k tv
>I don't care about input latency
>A gimmick controller is good enough for me!
Sure hope you at least have a 1080. Kill yourself if you're connected over hdmi 1.4b
>How to configure your steam controller
>Enter Big Picture mode
Great macro you got there.
>Forced to use Big Picture to do anything with it.
true and shit decision
>Triggers are trash with 10mm of throw
Never had any problem with them, actually they are as customizable than everything else about it
>Software sucks ass
Definetely true for the first few version but it greatly improved - no problems atm with it.
>Useless for many games
Useless for everything you wouldn't want a Dpad.
>Extremely buggy response/behavior in games
>Often isn't detected at all by games if you have any other controllers connected
Never had that problem and even if, you just could map it differently to avoid that problem
>Worse than mouse/kb for games that it's supposed to replace aka turn base strategy or slow games that require no movement
Of course it is - so is every other controller.
>Worse than every other gamepad for all other game types
>It feels cheap and the tolerances were awful. Mine has ridges where the halves join because they don't meet flushly. Fortunately it's right where you hold it so you're permanently uncomfortable holding it.
Can't confirm that either, and i have one of the first ones.
>The only benefit I got from it is that it didn't work in osx at release so I will get all valve games for life.
Actually had a shitty macbook for work years ago, still had installed steam on it at some point and got everything free without being annoyed by it, nice addon.
But that's literally not true, stupid memester.
Are you dumb? You literally don't have to enter BPM to configure it.
Fuck, I got mine months ago and I seriously haven't touched BPM more than once. It's been working perfectly without it, literally just power on the controller and launch a game in your library with your mouse as usual and it'll work as if you launched it from BPM and you can pull up the configuration menu in game and everything,
You're straight up wrong.
I can't use a mouse on the couch
The early days of the Steam controllers software support were a mixed bag, they improved it a lot since launch.
Someone who isn't using it anymore wouldn't know.
Its pretty bad and I regret getting one.
The track pads are cool and I think they work well at what they do, but the damn things are too close to the select and start buttons. Its easy to trigger the track pad when trying to press start or select.
The frame of the controller feels cheap and the face buttons along with the triggers feel like cheap plastic. The finger tip bumpers feel solid though. The triggers felt very loose and can jiggle in place. There's a good few degrees of an arc you can press the triggers before you feel resistance.
Big picture is fucking garbage. The software would regularly forget my configurations and half the time not even recognize the controller. I'd have to restart the controller and big picture upwards of three times to get the damn things to sync up.
I'd really recommend passing on it.
Build all the strawmen you want, they won't become your friends.
>What other controller provide the same or better level of precision as the Steam Controller?
WiiU pad's gyro feels a bit more consistent, but I don't know if that is related to games being designed for it or not. PS4 gyro also seems on par with the steam controller, but I have only used it in Gravity Rush which does not require enough precision to be able to tell. It seems to at least always turn the same amount regardless of moving the controller fast or slow, which is what is important.
Either way, the steam controller still does well and the track pad is a better combo with gyro than analog. I don't care which controller is considered the best. I just want console players who have not used gyro to realize what they are missing out on so developers will actually start implementing it more. It is vastly superior to analog aiming and I would actually consider it more fun than mouse even if it is not quite as precise.
>Someone who isn't using it anymore wouldn't know.
Eh, that's no excuse really. Only retards run their mouth pretending to know what they're talking about when they are aware their information could very well be wrong.
Steam defense force in full damage control mode today?
>In other words, you haven't tried it
I wasted my money on one, spend a long time trying to make it work before giving up and giving the controller to a friend. It's shit.
Do you know where you are?
>someone shilling dead gimmick ware
I have this thing since day one, i can at least see where he's coming from.
Than again I started gaming in an era where mandatory peripheral config was both dreaded and praised. So fiddling with a controller until he does exactly what i want isn't anything new for me and i rather have a convoluted config than no config at all.
I think that is what liking or not liking the steam controller boils down to.
It's worse on default settings than another controller but better when you spent the time to find out how to config it.
I'm holding out on valve releasing a 2.0 with some general improvements. I think I'd like it but from what I've heard it could definitely be improved upon so I'd hate to get the inferior version.
Well... i don't think they will release a 2.0.
They seem to try to fix everything through firmware updates.
A mouse is better than this for any game you'd use a mouse for, which is nearly every genre except Platformers, Fighters, and Racing.
A regular controller with a D-Pad is better for Fighters and 2-D Platformers.
This controller is pretty much only good for racing games, but most racing game fanatics already have a whole wheel + pedal setup, so this controller falls short there too.
There's no here of game where this controller ends up being the best. Therefore, it's pretty useless.
Oh, I'm well aware.
>I think that is what liking or not liking the steam controller boils down to.
Probably, yeah. Default config is unusable/shit, but a good profile is far, far better than a regular controller. So much better that finding a decent community profile and tweaking it a bit is well worth it, it's not like you have to start from scratch, even if the devs didn't provide an official config.
xbone controller is the superior choice and only slightly more expensive
>When you think your config is the pinnacle of everything found in the community but nobody uses it because it is convoluted as fuck
Every fucking time.
hi gaben
Is it fucked up that thanks to mouse aiming I prefer modern 2d games on k&m over controller?
Super Metroid feels aged when you can't control Samus' gun arm with your mouse.
It's hard/impossible for a config to pick up on popularity once another profile is already established on top of the list. I'm pretty sure there's essentially no word of mouth about this shit, so nobody is going to scroll all the way down to a profile with no users.
>still unable to configure multiple shift modes on the same button panel
>modern 2d games
Depends on what kind of game they are.
If they're a shooter platformer, Mouse + Keyboard wins by miles. Aiming Samus's shots would be amazing.
If they're just a 2d Platformer, ala DKC2, MMZ2, Sonic 2, etc. then mouse doesn't help at all.
Well like somebody said earlier - you pick an ok-ish profile and tweak it to your liking anyway most of the time.
But i actually did some of the first ones for a few games.... still i like to bind half the keyboard on that thing, so nobody is actually going for them.
>literally almost as accurate as a mouse
So it's not as accurate as a mouse, so why the ever loving fuck would I use it over a mouse?
Sure it's better than analogue sticks, but no game is at its best with an analogue stick. It's either dpad, mouse, or joystick all the way.
>Getting this emotional about a controller
That is literally Big Picture launched in its own window though. There's no proper configuration menu in Steam's regular UI.
>They didn't make a different looking UI for non big picture config
So what?
Yeah, I had a complicated profile for DDDA too, had like 2-3 users, one of them was a friend.
That's completely irrelevant. BPM is a pain because it takes over your entire main monitor and is pretty shitty to navigate. This is just a regular window you can open quickly and it takes you straight to the config you want, what it looks like doesn't matter.
It might be better than a standard controller but it dosn't change the fact you need your thumb to use it. That's like saying we should use coal over nuclear power because how much more efficiently we use coal now.
>tfw your dumbass fucking country won't use nuclear power despite being the perfect place for it AND having natural reserves of fissionable material
How is the m570? Still using the marble
Also how is the Steam controller compared to a trackball?
nobody wants a controller as accurate as a mouse, they'd just use a fucking mouse
it fails at being a controller for games that require one and that's what matters
Actually the trackball mode emulates the feel of a real trackball pretty well.
>it fails at being a controller for games that require one
That's the thing though, it really doesn't. Maybe if the game requires a dpad, but if it requires analog sticks the Steam controller is better.
>falling for steam/volvo trying to make a hybrid console pile of shit
Consoles are garbage and you should feel like garbage for supporting them.
>Using a controller for an FPS
You're right. That image is dumb as fuck.
A far better option is Xbox One controller with Xpadder. After a few minutes on YouTube, you'll figure it out. I use mine to play WoW in all specs (yes, even healing) and GW2. Just takes some tweaking and patience. There's advantages and drawbacks to this obviously, the biggest being using an analogue stick to move the mouse pointer. The trick is to have multiple configurations for each game, and (more importantly) each spec because some require you use the pointer a lot (healing) and others you can rely more heavily on tab selecting (dps). Healing requires moving the pointer slow and controlled. DPS it needs to move a lot faster to select a specific target. But if I can learn to play WoW using a fucking controller, imagine how easy it would be to use it to play most other games.
I appreciate what Steam tried to make, but it's not quite there yet. Build quality needs to improve and a bit more fine-tuning and I'll try it. Carpal tunnel is no fucking joke and, for some of us, mouse/keyboard gaming is NOT an option.
I'm not using it for DH2, I just opened the config window.
>being this desperate
Hahaha holy shit user. Curb that autism. You wasted your money, get over it
>Product has people who think it's shit
>Product has people who think it's good
>Spergie has no arguments left
Lol Autism
>a normal day on Sup Forums
It's awesome. I use my wacom tablet (CTH-480) as a trackpad when at my desk and the trackball when away from it (surf web/movies). A must have if you own a HTPC. Don't even THINK of buying a windows remote with this being an option. Build quality is high. Just make sure and pop out the ball every so often and clean the 3 small rollers inside.
I can't really compare it to a Steam controller because I don't own one. And from what I'm seeing on the net, gaming with a trackball is entirely dependent on the individual. It's a niche way of doing it, but if you want to save your wrist, might be worth a try. Getting the sensitivity of the ball/pointer perfect is what will make or break you.
Are there any plans for an updated or "elite" version? I want one but I dislike the cheap build quality and wanted to wait for an update.
A lot of people here show unreasonable hate for controllers, you'll understand the value of ergonomic controls when you've played video games for 30 years and start developing RSI and carpal tunnel
Have you tried using a controller with gyro aim? It is better than analog since you have the same advantages a mouse has. Consistent controller movement translating to consistent cursor movement allows for intuitive snap aiming. The Xbox controller is pretty much inarguable the worse controller for a game that requires aiming due to the lack of gyro.
I don't know if they stepped down in built quality in later models but the one i have is kinda strange.
It looks and somewhat feels like cheap plastic, but it really isn't.
I can't really put my finger on it how that is even possible but the first impression is rather deceitful on how well it's built.
its a neat idea
When you move the left joystick and press the d pad in a direction simultaneously, the d pad glitches and has a spasm. Anyone else know what I'm talking about?
>That's the thing though, it really doesn't. Maybe if the game requires a dpad, but if it requires analog sticks the Steam controller is better.
If the game uses an analogue stick then a mouse is better.
If the game uses a D-Pad then this controller is shit.
It's a middle of the road controller that doesn't do anything well.
Honestly, never heard of gyro aiming. Guessing this is something Steam controller does. I'll have to watch a few YouTube videos. Sounds interesting.
It doesn't really make sense for Valve to build two different interfaces for it.
There are third party tools though, but as usual they're Linux only for the moment (thanks to its superior input support), they'll probably arrive for Windows at some point.
If any of you play dark souls with a steam controller, try to move while changing your weapon or equipped item.
>he actually bought it
I found it uncomfortable because of the shape. I don't think its bad, but for Souls combat I prefer the 360 controller
Well i played ED with that controller, left trackpad was 1/2 of the flight control and stick was targeting stuff... never had this problem even once.
Well it's a valve shill so it's more like he's paid to buy it.
Holy shit. Buy two 15 dollar logitech flight sticks for six axis in a spaceship game.
Does everyone here buy a wrench and use it as a hammer because it's also heavy and has a flat metal surface?
I just was curious if it would work, calm your tits, i have a hotas around.