Now the dust has settled, what went wrong?
Now the dust has settled, what went wrong?
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Casuals started playing.
White has a huge advantage for going first, and black has nothing to offset this.
White advantage.
So it's too realistic?
Computer lines.
Overpowered queen
>No single player campaign
>so many physical dlc skins you'll never own them all
>gender tropes for all main characters
queen needs a nerf, king needs a buff imo
also they need to get rid of retarded castling rules which seem so arbitrary
Who was in the wrong here?
Choices were too black and white.
Schneizel just made an illegal move in chess, so it doesn't make sense that he could say checkmate, he might possibly say check but the use of the term here is wrong. The only way this could be a legal move is if this were blitz chess, also known as "Fast Chess". However, in this scene, it is never declared they are playing "Fast Chess", and neither of the players are using clocks to time their turns in the game. (Source: Sup Forums)
God, I hate women
The unfortunate design flaw that enables stalemates.
Go fixed it with half point komi at least in the recent centuries, but chessers don't have the option.
>t. scrub who was winning and got caught in a trap
>casuals will never understand the castling meta
Feels grandmaster man.
nah, I'm just a go player shitting on chess.
it's convenient for tournaments when games have results instead of 80% of games being stalemates.
Synchronous Chess should've caught on to eliminate first-turn advantage
>Karjakin going for a draw again.
Tower is best waifu
Not necesarily true
This is bait.
>Not necessarily true
>literally statistics showing white wins over 60% of the tie
Too game-y
black needs to git gud
>12 games of world championship chess
>Tie 10 games
Nice game you have there.
>Literally drawed on move 30
RIP Chess, we hardly knew ye
it's 2016 and chess boxing still isn't a thing
Dumbed down version of pic related.
artificial difficulty
Computers ruined it. There's no spontaneity left in chess, no magic. Everyone just plays safe, boring ass Stockfish lines to a draw. Hell, Carlsen is known for being one of the more "fun" and creative players left and look at how boring and defensive he's being in the championship. What have they played, like 6 Ruy Lopez games so far? What a joke, chess has 20 years left at best before it's completely solved and everyone gives up.
>The only way this could be a legal move is if this were blitz chess, also known as "Fast Chess"
as a chessplayer of these whole copypastas that pic has spawned this part is the only one that really fucking annoys me because it's plain wrong
How do we make chess great again?
Whoops, forgot pic
Nakamura is trying to be Tal and he fails every time, too. When he wins he's pretty amazing, but when he flops, he flops spectacularly.
Play rapid and blitz and keep in mind that the constant drawing and monotony of openings are only exclusive to highest level play. At club-level play and between players of rank lower than GM, everything is fair game.
>chess has 20 years left at best before it's completely solved
that's not remotely true but your larger point is correct, we already have a very good idea of how and what to play in too many situations
I think barring rule changes there need to be much shorter time controls
He probably think he stand a better chance against Magnus at Speed Chess
that looks dope as fuck
how does one get a set/find a chess program to learn to play?
To combat computers, we should add some complexity by adding one more row and column.
Well, now we need some more pieces but we can come up with something...
Ah fuck it, just play shogi.
just play chess960
Normal chess is boring and shit. Play the mods
Computers solved chess. It was a great game but I think we should stop taking it seriously.
People will be playing chess long after the last computer has rusted away
Checkers are better, Edgar Allan Poe self insert said so.
Queen is OP, but also mai waifu
yeah and plenty of 8 year olds still play tic tac toe, doesn't mean the game is treated as a serious competitive endeavor
chess is no longer a truly competitive game. it had a good run but people need to move on.
Chess is unbalanced shit, that's went wrong.
>mfw my pass expired cause I don't want to support gook and his reducing of server bandwidth
though he prob has my details anyway...
i've been playing chess for a while, who has the balls to try me?
Yes it is. Whites have the initiative. The only way blacks can win is by whites fucking up.
It needs an element of luck to it, otherwise the biggest aspie always wins.
Go is more realistic. Black goes first but the white man has points in reserve already.
Needs a randomised loot generator with each game you win, plus level up systems for your pieces.
All the patricians have moved on to 4D chess. I don't know how any adult person can keep himself occupied with the standard version. It's like a toy.
>two best players face off
>play seven games over nine whole months
There was a time before the 1500s in which the chess queen was actually very weak (IIRC, it could only move 1-2 squares in any direction or something). The game was very slow, and so people buffed the Queen.
Incidentally, castling was added soon after, because the new Queen put tons of pressure on the middle.
It's not "solved," only "solvable." Please get this distinction correct.
Computers still go toe-to-toe with masters.
What went wrong is that the game devolves into memorizing sequences of board configurations beyond the basic level. The game then essentially becomes a matter of having memorized the most sequences or if you go to world level a matter of preparing a tactic that counters the tactic that you think your opponent will use. World titles have literally been won because someone went "fuck it" and decided to just try something he'd never tried before. He played worse than usual but the sheer fact of him going completely off the book of what his opponent thought he was going to do allowed him to obliterate his otherwise equal. Just because he decided to just try something different.
Hell, during the cold war the ussr and usa were constantly spying on each other to gain intel on what strategies the opponent was preparing. In one instance this paranoia got so bad that there was an uproar over a big player asking for a bowl of yoghurt during an important match - maybe it's a signal, did they have other flavors prepared for different signals, was there a significance to the turn it was delivered on, to the person delivering it, to the time on the clock? This went so far that the player could only get a set flavor of yoghurt at a set time delivered by a set person.
TL;DR you only need basic skills to play chess, nolife on memorization and pray that your opponent doesn't have countertactics prepared.
If black got two moves on turn two only would that help alleviate the issue or just flip the advantage to black.
doesn't the top chess software have something like an estimated 95% chance to beat the best chess player in the world?
what if each turn every player gets progressively more moves
It's not Chess 2
Hmmm, you're right. I don't know where you're getting the 95%, but it seems like we've come a long way since Deep Blue:
just make both players do their moves at the same time
there, fixed it
What happens if two computers play each other in chess?
it was some kind of guesstimation I read in an article somewhere. But I can't for the life of me remember where.
That article has a ranking of the top (as of 2014) chess engines.
They play a normal game; just extremely fast. It's not like every program will move in the same exact way given a certain configuration; I believe there is some element of randomness (among equally "good" moves) to prevent exploits.
White wins.
Okay, but what if they're both running the same engine?
This is what I'd expect desu
Turn based is shit and is never fun in a competitive setting.
It's fairly comfy solo, but always miserable in multiplayer.
It's actually the same as with human matches; computer vs. computer matches have a measured advantage for white at between 52 and 56 percent.
As said the rule still applies to computers so basically white wins 55% of the times.
Right now we don't know what happens if both sides play perfect games though, whether it ends in a white victory, a draw or black victory. Chess is theoretically solvable, but solving it would take fucking forever with computing as we know it.
>buy a chess set
>google up chess club near me
>find some friends to play with
What triggers me about this scene is, if you want to say you resign, just say you resign. Don't make illegal moves and expect people to run with it, then you could just use your knight to knock off all the other pieces and say "King me" as you declare victory.
White privilege.
Putting your opponent in a position were they can't move, but are safe leads to a tie.
Push the Dragon Sicilian back into popularity
>only two factions
>they're literal recolors of eachother
What were they thinking? This is why I never fall for the Kickstarter meme.
High level play is based on which player can memorize the highest number of best possible moves from the opening positions.
Chess960 is superior.
I really like turn-based strategy video games that have the feel of chess/etc.
Games like Advance Wars. The problem is that there are too few games like this - they all feel the need to put in "RPG-elements," or otherwise get far too complex in breadth of mechanics (think of all the turn-based wargames out there).
Advance Wars is great, but it has bad AI, and finding games with humans is hard. Most such games are like this, I've found.
Does anyone know of any games that fit the small niche I'm talking about?
>playing chess
I really want to get into Chess960 for precisely this reason. Anything with memorization is shit.
>queen is the most powerful piece
Fucking feminist SJW bullshit
Synchronous Chess960
>In the game shatranj, the ancestor of chess included only male figures, the closest thing to the queen being the “vizier”, a weak piece only able to move or capture one step diagonally and not at all in any other direction. The modern chess queen gained power in the 15th century in concert with traditions of queenly rule in Europe. Examples of this power shift would be the "end of chivalry" by which Queen Elizabeth I ended the tradition that any knight could create another and made it exclusively the preserve of the monarch.
11/8 post
Isn't mahjong mostly a game of luck?
no dumb dumb. I can't play 64x64 chess with custom pieces with my normal set
anyone sell extra fairy chess special pieces? I know how to put 4 boards together myself
To an extent. There's a ton of different winning hands so you have to take several things into consideration. What you're missing, what others are discarding, what they're taking, do you go for a "safe" hand that's low points or go for the big plays, etc.
Why the fuck is this shit not the default rule yet? Those are some really solid points against traditional chess.