New patch is out!
>Pink Guy nerfed
>Fake Frank nerfed
>Chin Chin buffed
>Tap Brother #1 added
>First data of Safari Man found
>"Jew Central" Arena added
New patch is out!
You are the reason why Frank hates his fanbase.
He needs to get a damn haircut already.
I wish there was some means to prevent retarded little youtube kids from coming here.
Frank is an asshole anyway so who gives a shit?
You should unironically kill yourself.
fuck off fuck off fuck off fuck off FUCK OFF FUCK OFF FUCK OFF FUCK OFF FUCK OFF FUCK OFF FUCK OFF FUCK OFF!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I am so sick of seeing you motherfuckers posting shit threads on MY BOARD!!!!!!
If I find you in real life I will stab you!!!!! I WILL STAB YOU!! I WILL STAB YOU! I WILL S T A A A A A A A A B Y O O O O O U O O U O U OU UO U OUUU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
What about Joji? Does he hate me?
Yes. If only there was some way to prevent retarded little youtube kids from coming here.
XDDDD LE FILTHY FRANKU HAHA take my upboat sir here area some (You)s :)
this but he's also a faggot for pandering to people he hates with those "EPIC WACKY FACES" and LOL LOUD NOISES add bullshit he puts out. the man's walking cancer.
Filthy Frank isn't funny
>makes videos based on retarded cringy humor and memes
>oh no why are my fans cringy retards that like memes
Check this 5.
I was as handsome and as good at making music as joji desu
>activated almonds
Nice try, you should check this 5 instead
Yeah it's weird. I wonder what the video that made people say "Yeah I totally want to subscribe and see more"? Maybe the one with terrible sound and video quality where he shrieks and dresses up in a skin tight outfit, or maybe one of his awful raps?
Yo check my 8 homies
Any source of him saying he hates his fanbase?
Are you talking about this 8?
You mean this 2?
The new Negi is the best generation. Roast God a best!
check em
I don't fuck around
>Frank and his fanbase are le terally cancer guise
>*Posts random digits*