What went wrong?
What went wrong?
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Nothing, I just wish they had spent the time making a new game instead
It's not Eternal update from Isaac 1.
Didn't add enough good things to compare to all the bullshit things it did.
Added unlocks for beating bosses on hard mode, but they're the shitty fucking co-op babies.
It wasn't wrath of the lamb
The Keeper is just not fun to play
Will Afterbirth + be good? It adds official mod tools
It'll probably be just like afterbirth and be two steps forward and one backwards, possibly two steps depending on what Ed decides is too enjoyable.
Mod support basically means if you're willing to wait everything stupid can be fixed, so arguably several months after plus finally drops it will be the best version to date for that alone. Until then, enjoy the steak
Greed is shit, lost is bollocks, angel rooms mostly suck and sacred heart is rarer than rubies in a septic tank, same for almost every other good item, Issac is the only one who can fight RNG, game has enemies with too much health and it makes it unfun to play as anyone without damage like Azazel or Phill Fish, loads of useless fucking items like beans, bobs brain, getting items unlocked can be a pain, devil rooms are objectively better than angel ones, guppy is the only good transformation and sacred rooms are inately rarer and less rewarding, no LIBERO NE TU SALVU for chapel and music for bosses is less intense, and generally, why nerf items steakmund.
$10 DLC for a $15 game that should have included both for $10
>dude let me spawn 10 enemies, shoot shit everywhere, and zip around my tiny room at 400mph lmao
Satan you fuck, quit being a bitch
no vita release
Nothing other than greed mode is crappy. Everything else is good. Most people are shit at video games and found keeper and other crap to be difficult.
>paying for a flash game
making people pay for the same thing 3+ times
Curse of the Blind
>bean items
>bobs brain
>getting hit items
>lost being a pure 1 hit new run
>HP inflation
Cmon lad, sometimes you can't be that wrong.
>every enemy has too much health
>enemies split into smaller enemies that also have too much health
Don't forget pic related
Beating a Hard Mode run for Boss Rush/Hush requires you to not get completely shit items on a run. Hard Mode increases the occurrence of shit items and curses, so most runs turn into "hold R".
it's too easy
not enough good item synergies
Danny Baranowskie didn't do the soundtrack
Edmund asked on Twitter a while back about what people thought were shitty useless items, so some of them are probably going to be buffed by the time AB+ comes out.
Why you have to pay for it? Thats stupid, making free would actually boost aferbirth sales.
The Drowned Hives can suck a dick. High hp, constantly spam drowned chargers, and leave behind a drowned charger when they die. Then all the drowned chargers have high health and release bullets when they die.
>not enough good item synergies
This is fucking true, plus the Technology hit boxes are still dog shit.
>most runs turn into "hold R".
lmao only if you're a complete shitter mate
>boost aferbirth sales.
Why would they need to boost it? It's been very successful.
>add 8 new transformations
>they're all shitty
>add new boss that can heal itself, spawns minions, and fires fast homing shots
>give it as much HP as Monstro
>spend half of dev time on a new mode
>it's insanely breakable
>make a lot of new items and a character
>lock them behind an arbitrary DRM ARG because you're mad about people eating your steak
>make 2 actually cool new boss fights
>fuck them up due to HP scaling
Afterbirth had a lot of good ideas executed poorly.
Satan is a lil bitch compared to a floor 1 no damage ragman.
Why did he make shit items to begin with.
Who though holy water, common cold, bobs brain, headless baby, spider revenge, all the fucking babies, the shovel, the pickaxe, the rainbow babby, fucking antingravity tears or intensity tears only working in one direction, I mean, all of the holy items but wafer, sacred heart and the god items are shit.
They were made shit on purpose. He made and coded holy water, why?
>something fun happens
edmund is a hack
>free flight for using Devil Rooms
Everything else is accurate tho
The ARG would be a good idea if the reward was just the greed plush. Also what will you do when modding comes?
Right, sometimes it's all "sweet, 2 spirit hearts and flying". But they'll rarely make you make tactical decisions like Guppy does.
>ripping on holy water
>not mentioning Lemon Party
I'd take holy water over lemon party any day of the week
>reaching boss rush with kidney bean, cube of meat, harlequin baby, bob's brain, cursed eye with weaker characters
Part of it is skill, but the other half is getting good items early on that boost damage to reach boss rush in a timely manner. Hush is another problem altogether.
>the pill version of Lemon Party is much better than the actual item
On original isaac bad items were much less important.
>rainbow babby
user pls
When we are talking about sinners, bringing in the Anti Christ is redundant, course he is heretical, its the pinnacle of sinning.
You're using "fun" as a way to say "makes me op lol xD so my shit ass can beat the game xDDDD" he should make the game much harder, it's already super casual tier.
>one rare instance that leads to fun and funny things happen
Original Isaac was a solid game. The people that programmed Rebirth/Afterbirth are known as lousy developers that add a bunch of bullshit, and add to that the designer's ability to do fucking anything now that he has broken away from the limits of Flash (which actually made it a better game -- limits make you push your design and rethink your crazy ideas) and added bullshit artificial difficulty, unavoidable damage, and fucking shitty bullet hell.
Should I buy this and the base game or Wrath of the lamb?
>Original Isaac was a solid game
>slippery smooth 10fps
Rebirth without dlc is a solid game if you ignore tanooki suit.
>added bullshit artificial difficulty, unavoidable damage, and fucking shitty bullet hell.
>flash good
just lmao my shit up neo Sup Forums
Isn't that kinda the point of Isaac? The whole sensation of ascending into a ridiculous unstoppable killing machine is why people play it, balance be damned.
If you want a challenging and unforgiving rougelite there are plenty of other less silly games that do just that.
Ed needs someone to tell him when his ideas are shit and don't work.
Lost gets buttfucked by Mega-Fatty, too, since he flies into the air at Mach speed and lands just as quick. Daddy Longlegs/Triachnid too since they just randomly stomp every two seconds.
Also the Bloat is bullshit.
>dude shoot you the instant you walk into the room unless you're moving in a direction immediately lmao
>can only shoot it from behind
>jumps up into the air to try and crush you when you're behind it
>ends up being at the top of the screen so you don't have a safe spot anymore
>you have to wait and hope it decides to jump again
Make sure they tell him vocally since he's actually dyslexic.
Okay, bitxhing is fine and all, but let's talk about what we enjoy now.
Phill Fish is the best character, Belial best active, lasers are the best tears and psychic is the best tear nodifier, prove me wrong.
Wrath of the lamb only. For bullshit synergies, just watch youtube videos, it's not fun to play.
>two bloats in a long room
>they hop to opposite ends and spam blood beams just out of sight
fuck me sideways what kind of bullshit is this
ok but why
Best song pre-rebirth? I'd opobly go with the chapel, I loved the Latin choir.
Necropolis. The slowdown and rewind is fucking great.
>lost being a pure one hit lost run
"The Lost now holds Holy Mantle"
So how long until someone makes a mod that re-buffs the items Eggmund nerfed, removes Hush/Ultra Greed HP Scaling and actually makes the game fun without Pressing R because you got some variation of the Bean?
Every new item is a fucking baby.
Still too many worthless spacebar items.
Dev realized he's a shitter so all future projects of his will be Isaac related.
I realized I'm a shitter and I'll never see a lot of the content.
I hate retrovision so much
Judas took a huge nerf in Afterbirth. Deserved, but he could use a small buff, like a soul or black heart. These days I prefer Cain. Lasers are OK, but sometimes scale really poorly and don't interact well with many items. Psychic tears are largely shit (barring lasers/brimstone); they tend to swerve towards a target too late and throw off any sort of precision shots.
I think Daddy Longlegs has had bugged hitboxes from day one. Also Peep/Bloat's eyes have retarded-huge hitboxes.
Harder and more rewarding, and ost is much better
>Playing Blue Bomber first time
>Kill It Lives
>hole in wall opens up
>oh cool I guess this is where I need to go
>blue hole in the ground
>golden rooms around me, I got enough keys
>Okay this cool guess there's a boss ahead
>The Hush
>the fuck
>do no damage
>my bombs can only do so much
>die after getting him to 1/3 health
>weep bitter tears
Retrovision should have made the game look like original Isaac, using common emulation smoothing filters. It would make more sense and it would be a less obtrusive effect.
>L-shaped room
>two Forsakens or whatever undead Haunt is called
>won't come out of invulnerability until both of their skeletons die
>spin Brimstone at the same time in opposite directions, or are so close to the wall that you can't sneak past it
I mean I can usually burn one of them down before it starts spinning but fuck that room.
Just cause its fixed doesn't mean the offense of fucking it all up is forgiven.
Week at best
I still play him perfectly fine, and I like the lasers going apeshit on psychic. Plus, Guppy my man, guppy.
I actively avoid Guppy because it makes the game intensely boring.
You can already modify the game files to get items/characters back to prenerfed states
You can also edit the files to give characters items such as There's Options, More Options, and No! to have more control over your items over a run.
There's probably some mod that fixes hp scaling.
There's a website that specifically has Binding of Isaac Mods, and some of them actually change up the game a lot. You could probably find it with a few seconds of googling.
I remember when /ntg/ was a thing. People were making nice soundmods and reskins etc.
Then it died because no updates forever, and endless circlejerking.
I'm not sure what to expect, after that shit.
Are you me?
>oh this door opened cool
>oh neat
>oh well this kind of sucks I kinda have to weave in and blow up on him
>oh well shit
Apparently you can cheese Blue Bomber, Brains, and the like by taking a Devil Deal that would kill you, Alt-F4ing as you hold the item over your head, restarting Isaac, and continuing. You hear Isaac die and you get a continue screen. Pressing continue restarts the challenge as Isaac instead of ??? so you can pick up red hearts instead of hoping you don't take damage.
>let's talk about what we enjoy now
Breaking runs are fucking EASY now. I love Diplopia(so fucking good on Double Triple or Quad Shot or on Steam Sale, The Relic, Incubus, Meat Cube or Ball of Bandages, Sac Dagger or Guardian Angel).
Your last run as Azazel.
>psychic is the best tear modifier
That's not Explosivo, you fucker.
Finally I can use this edit I made, back when /boig/ was a thing.
>slow detonation
>pin and half bosses are immune
>less DPS if you have poison/burn/etc
Not to mention the unreliability of it. Explosivo is trash.
They stopped caring.
>not experiencing the sadistic joy of watching your Explosivo tears build up on enemies more and more, dodging enemy shots and avoiding them completely, knowing they're already fucked and there's nothing they can do about it
>not baiting an enemy with an Explosivo tear or two close to exploding, near a wall where you clearly can tell there should be a secret room, and timing your shot knockbacks so perfectly that the enemy explodes just close enough to open the secret room
>not having fallback items and damage sources in-case a boss or enemy is in fact immune to Explosivo
Get good.
This is what you Afterfags will never experience.
>but it's fun: the post
Is there something wrong with that? Care to explain?
>Unused hierophant
>holy water
I'm not seeing much I'm missing.
First, welcome to Sup Forums. The amount of fun you have does not make it a good item because subjectivity is not objectivity. Anecdotes aren't proof.
Upcoming in mod :^)
Some people find getting their balls kicked fun, but dont imagine everybody else likes it.
>Co-op baby
>Just reskin of the normal enemy
>29 new item
>eternal pin
>eternal famine
>eternal babies
Your iteam are really bad
Fuck this bullshit mode
This went way too far
But Eve is a god tier char so I don't need anything except devil deals
So do you guys like NL? I used to watch him and stopped, but now i am watching him again and wzatching like everything he puts out. I like Nick, Rob and most of his crew. I guess Cobalt is okay, but he always complains about how he doesn't have experiences like everyone else because he lives in his basement all day.
Anyways, is there a more broken character than Isaac?
That D6 yo.
I got tired of NL a while ago. I still watch Nick.
>enjoy something
>want to see more of it
>use money to incentivize the creation of more of this thing you like
It's called Capitalism you filthy communist fuck
Tear of grace is the only guy I watch nowadays, sincerely makes me laugh.
You're in the middle of a good run when you run into this guy
what do you do?
I just don't pick it up.