ITT: Unexpected bros
ITT: Unexpected bros
ayy lmao doggo is pretty cool.
>Tfw using full heals as he gets low on hp, but high on defense
Pokemon spam isn't allowed. There are already over 5 threads currently.
fuck off to your furry general
The groose is always fucking loose
I really didn't like it when it was announced but I caught one and named it Shadow ironically but it grew on me.
The game isn't very old these threads will go away soon. 5 threads is nothing when 8 for Overwatch during launch or an update is considered regular.
>TFW most people don't have the best bro of Gen7
Pic related
Picked this guy up at the volcano while looking for salandits, proceeded to solo mellows trial, I think I'll bring him to the end, anyway to make him evolve without trading?
Nazi frog's in Pokemon?
Fuck nintendo.
No, and you don't get the item needed until way later
Yeah I kinda figured that sucks
This, also pic related for cuteness sake
Do wild magbys still have the chance to hold a magmarizer? Slim as it was, that's how you got it in D/P.
Dem eyes
Nope. spamming isn't allowed. Fuck off
He's a souless contruct created in a lab, but I still love him. The whole Zyguarde side quest was cool, finding the cells and cores. In truth I didn't really start using Zygarde till post game, he was party filler at best, but in my next run I think he'll be my token pseudo/ low tier legendary I take to the E4.
Guy in seafolk village gives it to you
Bewear is a monster. I regret swapping him for Kommo-o late game, even if my Bewear had gimped stats and a shit ability.
>caught the non evolved horse near the miltank farm
>it immediately shit stomps on the rival fight
>stupid dumb blonde haired edgy man fights me
>shits on him too
>literally taking like, 4 damage from his type:null
Stamina is such a fun ability.
What's a good nature for Zygarde anyway? I don't plan to actually use him til post game since I already have Nebby with me but I want to use it to battle Necrozama
They weren't exactly clear about Bewear's height in the advertising leading up to the game. But shit
You're not kidding. That's a monster.
They look so fucking stupid though. I can't use either of them.
Bewear looks alot better ingame than in it's art. Same goes for Alolan Muk.
It has what I think is the most fucked up pokedex entry in any pokemon game. And that's a hard thing to have considering all of the fucked up dex entries over the years.
>"This Pokémon has the habit of hugging its companions. Many Trainers have left this world after their spines were squashed by its hug."
Still looks pretty stupid.
>cute redpandas
>look stupid
it's like you hate the best animals
Also this fucker. He's slow as shit and has bad stats in general, but with a thick club, a good moveset, he can be petty good.
this is my new favorite water type
can't wait to abuse the shit out of it on stall teams
Nah, Gengar's new entry is the most fucked up
>a vaguely bear shaped balloon
>good design
Gengar's makes me think that the theory of Rotom just fucking with you is true
How's the new Marowak compare to the old one? OG Marowak is my favourite pokemon.
That rotom is a dick, I wouldn't put it past him.
Reminder there's an abandoned Stufful in that one motel and you can't do shit about it
is n3ds or n3ds xl better for this game?
>obvious red panda prevo
>panda mixed with red panda as the evo
Nah, they're great user.
Switch is the optimal system for it.
It doesn't matter for any game. Just decide if you want the extra screen
whats the best moveset for A-Muk? i assume Adamant is still the way to go
basically he's OG marowak with different typing
Fire ghost is not an original combo but it still looks cool
I'm gonna laugh so hard when Pokemon stars turns out to be some bullshit companion app like that animal crossing on the Wii U
>to reduce EVs you either have to grind berries on Pedo island or grind moronic repetitive soshul shit in the Plaza until RNG gives you the right restaurant
I eventually replaced it with Golisopod by the elite 4 but Araquanid saved my ass multiple times.
Muk is legit one of my favorite Pokemon. I caught a shiny Muk back when HG/SS was the new game.
He's been with me every gen since.
His typing and coverage make him a lot better than the original
I have both of those on my team at the same time and the shit speed doesnt even matter with buffed leach life. Bug types are best type.
>obvious red panda prevo
>a vaguely dog shaped balloon blob animal
yeah, real obvious.
The little shit shouldn't be so hard to find then
And Olivia's room being full of them, because she's a lonely middle age woman.
It's a literal totem battle. The game tells you where to catch it.
>is probably a virgin
>is 10/10
>will never score
100% sure tapu lele cursed her out of jealousy
Red pandas are just cats basically user. Stufful is a red panda. Beware is a panda+Red panda.
They're cute and practical. (well beware, dunno whether stufful's really practical.)
I know where it is, it's the encounter rate that's the problem.
Are you blind?
Yeah I don't think so boyz
I remember using a Muk for Gale of Darkness. Pretty useful.
Also Aloan Raticate was good too.
>Hard totem pokemon
>Super Fang
>Super Fang
>Super Fang
Couldn't agree more.
First time using him and he's great.
Caught this mother fucker eating some berries and named him Tyson.
We now have a bond deeper than brotherhood and I'll never look back.
I always think of Rocky when I see it.
>deeper bond than brotherhood
I can't blame you. He's a pretty handsome guy.
>(Y) Cry
>have to have a ghost type on my team per tradition
>the one gen 7 ghost that interests me the most is mimikyu, but I already have a fairy on my team.
>catch this boner condoner early on
>first to max out five hearts and get a friendship ribbon
>surprisingly becomes one of my most bulky pokemon due to eviolite
>not letting Misdreavus reach its full potential
unexpected? Alolan Muk has a brilliant design. He was one of the main mons I wanted, he was a fuckin bro from the beginning
dude was practically my starter
looks like it belongs in ben10
>Not letting it become perfection itself.
He's actually been kicking ass on showdown for me. Lightning rod actually works amazing on it, with tapu koko running wild and there's very few safe switch-ins.
with thick club, adamant, and 252 ev's in attack he can ohko toxapex with EQ.
The little grin when you try to pat her ethereal head is the best.
also sweepin' with mismagius once you find the move reminder
I couldn't get the pelago to upgrade so I can randomly find a dusk stone, and besides that I'm not into Mismagius's design. I don't like the mouth, sudden witch theme, less rounded look or the bright purple.
>"Toucan Sam used Beak Blast"
This thread makes me sad.
Right now is my 100% bro and the Pokemon I was most excited to use when I saw the leaks first, but this thread reminds me that there are so many other Pokemon that I'll never get to bond with in the same way
>not only does his evolution take forever to get, but it's absolute shit and dumb looking
>catch a Rockruff because cute puppy is cute
>oh, wait a second
>this thing is Adamant
>obliterates everything in her path as soon as she starts learning rock moves
>got Sun, so I got the fast Lycanroc
Thing is beastly.
>catch pick related because i felt so bad for it
>expecting to eventually replace it because it seems like it will suck
>its ability is great and its stats are deceptively good
>learn about non-attack Z-moves
>try out Z-Splash
>instantly stronger than my adamant golisiopod
wtf i love mimikyu now
I feel your pain. My man Cutty was the fucking bomb and then I get to victory road and he turns into a fucking mentally retarded abominable snowman.
>these new pokemon are shit
>suddenly find this adorable guy
>holy shit ice is my favorite type
fuck yeah. Ice T is my favorite mon
where's the best place to find one? Trying to find one with poison touch in hau'oli but there's like a 1/9 chance of encountering it
Is mimikyu a physical or special powerhouse?
>Z-Splash meme
when will it end
my second unexpected bro ever, first being mawile in ruby. Had such a hard time capturing it that this little fucker grew on me .
>mfw someone saved the request I drew
It's physical is higher than its special, but its not anything amazing, but it also has decent defenses and a 96 speed, so couple with 1 completely free +3 attack from disguise+Z-splash, it's a very fun gimmick sweeper.
>swords dance +1 is a meme
>wasting a moveslot on a Pokemon that could use more anyway
>wasting your ONE Z MOVE on a move that you won't use again
If Serebii isn't lying, that should still hold true.
Swords Dance+Life Orb does more damage than a Z-Splash and you don't waste a move and item slot
my life orb is on golisiopod for HP trickery and big damage, and i dont really have any other pokemon that i wanna use the Z-move on, and regardless Z splash just makes me smile so whats the harm doing something thats not optimal if its fun?
Shame about the Fire and the Fighting completely obliterating him, two very common move types.
Ice is so awful defensively.
I've always viewed ice and steel as opposites
Which isn't good for Sandshrew
How do you fucking level up in the post game now?
Aren't most of those toys
>Chain Cubone
>Find a Kangaskhan
>Look up the rates
What the fuck
hope you caught it
Only one of them is real though. The rest are toys
Well yeah, that's the logical option.