Titanfall 2 Angel City



Who /hype/ here?

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is that a new titan?

>Can think of two other TF1 maps I would rather have
Oh well, at least it's free.

I wouldn't use the word hype but I'm glad Titanfall2 is getting free maps. The game is fun.

Grappling hook fills a tiny part of the hole that Tribes left.


Hope they release this on steam for a fuciking explosion of players.

Origin sucks

looks like Tone

Just Ion Prime skin

Isn't there a free multiplayer weekend this weekend?

Origin sucking is a meme

Finally a decent map that isn't eden. Maybe this game won't get so repetitive now

>not using the evolved control scheme
Do you even go fast?

New scorch chassis?



>not using mouse and keyboard

*teleports inside you*
pssh...nothing personal, pilot

Ion is my maim. paid cosmetic DLC by the looks of it

>keyboard for movement
Slowfag detected

>not using mouse and keyboard
no, not for this game, this is better on controller, even one of the best player in the world reks PC fags with a controller

It's not a meme, it's fucking cancer just like UPLAY.


I'll use EVA-8 and you can't stop me !

It's sad to think that in any other shooter, this would've been roughly $5-$10

i dont see it anywhere
i would love it though but im still going to buy the bf4 because it has more players on pc

Free weekend starts for all platforms Dec 2nd

Jesus christ, what the fuck is up with that animation?

That looks fucking aweful

Yes, if you click the link you will see that

Oh fuck, we're getting Mecha-Shibata? FUCKIN SOLD

Who /L-star/ here?

I really hope they bring back the other maps from Titanfall 1 - A lot of them were huge and were a godsend for the parkour.

It looks like fucking plastic?

What went wrong?

buying the game tonight desu. I've been wondering you can call down your titan but you can also die during that time, what happens if you die?

1st thing is the game needs to be alive

Your titan stays waiting there for you until you get there. If you take incredibly long getting back it will just go on auto

Your titan drops, and enters auto titan mode, it will start fighting other titans around it and run towards you.

You respawn and hurry to your Titan so it doesn't get its ass kicked when the bubble pops. The default Titanfall gives you a bubble shield to surround your Titan, it's not worth it to use the other one that makes it faster because you're not protected.

It's very alive.

The Titan uses it's AI to fight until you get back to it, like the first game.

MechaGodzilla DLC when?

couldnt they give us three new maps already? 1 is not enough, this game hardly has any maps. how hard is it to make a fucking mp map?

>First titanfall 2 map that has actually decent level design and great flow
>It's a Titanfall 1 map
And people keep saying that it's not a fucking mess?

If only the MP was as good as the campaign...

>people itt hate the multiplayer

But it is great, it just needs more maps

It's like a CoD mp, it's enjoyable but has too many problems to be good
>TTK damn too low
>Customization not even a shadow of what it was in the original
>map design is awful
>Titans are paper-thin
>Fucking boosts instead of the awesome burn cards
>Only 2 weapons instead of primary, secondary and anti-titan
>titans don't have regen shields
>Rodeo is gone to support the new battery mechanic (which is awfully implemented, although not an inherently bad idea)
>Gun balance not nearly as good as the near-perfect balance in the first game

Just to name a few

Use stim my man, hook is not fast enough

Original models look better desu

I see you too are a man who likes to top the scoreboard

>playing as a fucking robot

>playing as a FAST robot

I've been using the sidewinder on players and it's actually fairly viable. Who else /grenadier/ here?


I probably would if I was better at aiming. I am terrible at FPS.

It's fun but I wish it did a teeny bit more damage to Titans and Spectors

>explosive weapons
>precision aim
Pick one.
Seriously though, just spray in their direction and you'll pick up some kills.

I know right, it's great.
mmm softball

>People don't realize that the softball's grenades stick to things
>bullseyeing people in the air
>blowing up wall runners
>laying siege to hardpoints and banks
>completely erasing bounty hunt areas

Softball is best ball.

>origin is bad

This doesn't apply anymore in current year. Origin has actually improved and has become a less shitty steam but has not enough vidya.

Titanfall 2 would most likely sell better on Steam though.

I fucking love E P G

>rehashed titanfall 1 map
wew, some quality "free dlc" right there

>There are people in this thread RIGHT NOW that go slow and ADS with assault rifles

Hope we get atleast 1 more Titan in the next DLC. I need a kung-fu mech

>there are people on Sup Forums RIGHT NOW who still post the reddit frog

>everyone goes slow in pilot vs. pilot and hug eachother

Pilot vs.Pilot is just the worst mode.


>Titanfall 2 will host a free trial of the game's full multiplayer offering. The trial* will begin for EA Access and Origin Access members on November 30th, and become available for all players starting December 2nd on Xbox One, PlayStation 4 and Origin for PC. This will feature a full offering including all maps, modes, weapons and more including brand new content from Angel City’s Most Wanted DLC on December 3rd.
>Trial is available until December 4th with unlimited play time. Click here for more details.

When can I play as BT with default loadout in MP?

>Tfw discovering the EPG


Wait, can you like rocket jump or go faster by shooting near you with it? If so I have been using it all wrong

How does Ions shield deflect work? Is it enough to stop holding the button to send bullets back or do I need to double tap the shield button? It seems it's not always working for me.

deactivating the shield launches everything you've caught with it.

It sends projectiles back when you let go.

Release the shield aim to at the target and it reflect the bullets. You'll see the bullets floating on your shield.

You can't reflect energy weapons.

>titans dont regen shields

I swore i saw it in game but they removed it after awhile apparently since babbies were whining about not being able to kill good titan pilots

oh thanks user

no, also the epg is garbage
only use it if you like handicapping yourself

>Don't play for a few days cause busy
>Play again yesterday and today
>Moving around super slow feeling like I'm a snail since I haven't played
>Somehow still 1st or 2nd on my team most matches

Is there a surge of new players? I noticed a lot more slow moving invisible dudes and even some holo players. Also I feel like I'm doing awful yet I'm still winning a lot.

What's happening?

So what are the chances that the dewritos stuff will be in the store?

Wow it's A map. 1 map. 1 rehashed map. They really are showing up Call of Duty with their 1 free map. Should we expect another free rehash in 3 months?

There was a huge surge of new players on Black Friday and Cyber Monday, so much so that the servers crashed because of how many people were trying to play Attrition.

I want to believe this, but I feel like it's a lie.

It's not. I've been playing everyday for the past few weeks, and I saw 26k people on Black Friday, and there was 5k people on Attrition last night, which is what caused some games to crash.

>tfw convinced 2 friends to buy it
Nice, gonna wreck some scrubs with the boys

That is what I thought

Where dem WebMs lads


>Shitting on Tones with Scorch
Mah nigga

>tfw won't buy titanfall 2 on the flash sale because i'm worried they will add shitty mp trophies.

lol at Respawn using every single trick to make Titanfall 2 seem faster paced than it actually is in the trailer, presumably to avoid negative comparisons with the first game.

If you watched the two Angel City trailers, you would think Titanfall 2 was the faster game when, in reality, it's not even close:

If you're not able to go fast in Titanfall 2, it's your own damn fault

>I couldn't go fast, therefore no one else could achieve fast

There's 3 multiplayer trophies.
>Win a multiplayer match
>Customize a multiplayer loadout
>Join a multiplayer network

Probably because it's a trailer that's paced to be able to actually show things off. No one's even bunnyhopping in the trailer.

So fucking glad to hear the game is picking up some steam like a lot of anons predicted, it deserves it

is that a trial for people who own the game or for everyone?



Is there a way to pre-download the game now? Don't wanna wait for hours this saturday

No, that's bullshit. The game is far slower-paced and discourages using the movement mechanics. Playing Titanfall 2 the way you successfully play Titanfall 1 will just get you rekt. It's not just the movement - the bots/grunts now take longer to kill and nerfing the satchel to uselessness slows the whole game down massively.

(And I still haven't managed to get a score above 200 in Attrition on Titanfall 2 despite the far higher score limit and those 5pt bot things)

I was skeptical, but I bought it last week and I've seen the light.

To reiterate/paraphrase what said...
>I'm bad and can't adapt therefore the game is slow

This game crashes half the time when I rodeo a titan, which is annoying as shit. I hope they fix it in the patch, and that they have some sort of telemetry shit going to detect these bugs.

Turn down your textures to medium.

There's a massive pop in problem with the textures in game.

In 2 they've never regenerated. The only way to get more shield is battery stealing