ITT: Things you love in vidya
I'll start
Tropical island levels
ITT: Things you love in vidya
I'll start
Tropical island levels
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Casino/Neon levels mostly for the jazz and MUH AESTHETIC
Anything comfy, really
Sunset levels.
I literally only play jrpgs for the ever present "bunch of guys from different backgrounds on a grand journey" trope.
>Tropical island levels music
I can feel calm flowing through me.
>music has steel drums
when locations from previous games show up in sequel games as a canonical thing and not an easter egg
>Underhand grenade throwing
Winter levels.
Big cities/hubs.
First time I went into the Imperial City I felt comfy as fuck.
Gothic/Medieval Castle levels
when it shows that the developers had great attention to detail and cared about the final product
in other words, pretty much everything before Gen7 of consoles
>coming back to Fyrestone in BL2
Pretty neat, not even gonna pretend is wasn't.
Anyway, a few things I enjoy
>game actually displays your funds as a giant pile of cash/gold
>same for your inventory
>visually appealing destruction physics
>wide variety of weapons/vehicles/etc. to fuck around with
>satisfying gun noises
>walls/bridges; you can build AND destroy them
Pic related covered a lot of these actually, along with having some fairly comfy islands like OP mentioned.
Desert levels
being able to double jump, even at the bottom of the first jump
Pre-rendered backgrounds
Snow levels, snow in general
Surreal and ambient music
This. Probably why I preferred the original Borderlands over 2
Winter Assault will always be my favorite xpac of Dawn of War for this reason, every other skirmish map had a persistent snow filter.
>Game has a Day of the Dead themed level
Good shit.
Legal trial story arc
Seconding tropical islands
Seconding Jazz
Donkey Kong delivers on both fronts
Little things that remind me I'm playing a video game. Drops that hover on the ground and rotate. Out of place easter eggs that serve a purpose. Pretty much items of interest that don't blend in with clutter assets.
I like deserts, but I like them to be very large and covered in dunes so it's easy to lose your orienteering. Though I can only name two games to have such: Gothic 3 and The Last Remnant.
This. I always find myself stopping to look at the skybox for a little bit in a game with good sunsets
i dig spooky shit in vidya.
>when a game features vehicles as a minor gameplay element and their horns actually work even though they have no purpose
This, or anytime a game has one scary/haunted themed level.
>tfw Timesplitters 2 Notre Dame
Huh, the texture improvements actually look really good here. Not a significant enough boost to warrant buying the game again, but much better than I remember the game looking.
The Shalebridge Cradle
>tfw we live in an age where vidya is trying to be movies and movies is trying to be vidya
Underwater levels.
>spooky shopping mart in sun/moon
>tropical island level tune
I hope next gen monster hunter has tropical islands.
emergent gameplay
Best level of DKC
When a game's world has a myriad of species and races and you're not the human everyman. This is very rare outside of MMOs.
Low gravity levels
i've just been through that part, what the fuck was that weird room at the back of the shop?
Also did anyone found the purpose of that house in the swamp in XY? Or that goth ghost girl waiting for someone that isn't you in the main city?
Original borderlands was actually comfy af at times because of this. Riding around in your car, shooting skags and just having a good time.
Fishing mini games that aren't bullshit.
Breath of Fire 2 had a good one.
Animal Crossing fishing was good and relaxing.
That GameCube Harvest Moon had good fishing.
The original Monster Hunter on PS2 had nice fishing.
Stardew Valley fishing is okay, a bit bullshitty.
Not dedicated fishing games. Those are horrid garbage.
I really love those oldchool spooky vibes in games, like undead nightmare for rdr and that zombie dlc for the first borderlands. It feels so campy and neat.
>spooky graveyard area
>comfy beach level
>neat jungle level
>straya vibes
This game had everything
Top tier is underwater cities and shit. Then comes desert and science fantasy ruins. Huge motherfucking fields are cool too, but dense forests are absolutely disgustingly bland and boring.
Towns/Cities/Villages in the cold snow.
They remind me that not everything is a blazing inferno hellscape like Las Vegas and Phoenix, the only two places I've lived.
Well thought out, thematic levels.
>Winter wonderlands
>Beach parties
>Construction yards
>Haunted houses
>Whatever fucking else
When you can see the next level in the background
>cruising around in Secret Armory in those 6-wheeler SUVs
Fun times
I need to replay it, I've got a buddy who still likes to couch co-op so that might be our next on our log.
Any non-standard abandoned place (i.e. not an abandoned asylum, amusement park, or haunted house)
The only ones I can think of off the top of my head are the abandoned zoo and the empty department store from Mother and Earthbound.
Fellow Vegas user?
Gotchu right here senpai
>sudden urge to listen to K-dst on youtube
Yuup. Enjoying this cool weather we'll have briefly.
Claustrophobic space stations
Candy/Sweet levels
It was windy as fuck earlier today. Too bad no more rain for another month after this morning.
When you do something that you are sure isnt something you are supposed to do only to find out that the devs actually thought of autists like you.
Mermiad-like areas instead of standard underwater areas
What games does mountains right?
I never felt the right sense of scale from games like Skyrim or GTA.
Tropical island is really comfy but even comfier when its more fantasy in design, like that pic
What game is that concept art from? I'm guessing Sea of Thieves?
flooded/partially flooded city maps
Going to be there in two weeks for business. How shitty of a tourist trap is it? Is there a single good bar that won't just fuck me?
Overgrown ruins and old castles
Water level music
Attractive female characters
Dynamic music.
>When you get the upper hand and this starts playing
Non open-world games where you can see other areas off in the distance. (Dark Souls, Mario Sunshine, etc.)
Games that make the nighttime actually dark and force you to use a flashlight/torch.
Open-world games that allow you to keep playing after failing the main quest, or let you ignore it completely.
In-game maps that don't indicate your position and force you to navigate using landmarks or a compass.
Yeah, it'd be nice if they released a lot of Wii U games on the Switch, I think TP HD would look great on it. Don't think I'd pay full price again for it though.
>that soundtrack
You like tropical islands in video games?
If you want places to not fuck you over stay away from the strip. Shit is overly expensive because of tourism. Use yelp. There's a lot of good hole in the wall bars and restraunts.
I fucking love these and wish they were done more.
>the last level is a twisted parody of all the previous levels merged together
>The last level is a boss rush with all the previous bosses
Modern urban cities, especially with a 'hip' vibe to it.
Uncharted 3 was top tier for its desert level alone. I don't care what haters say
american small towns.
Did you play Deadly Premonition?
>flashback or memory
>its all blurry or fuzzy
>you play it
cute girls with big butts
nah thought about it though.
Carnival/Amusement park levels
Best levels.
I loved this game. Was just replaying it last week. I wish factions actually gave a crap when stealing munitions, like if there was some big base you'd have to plot a raid for and get a bunch of high-grade munitions. Only things I didn't really like was that all the guns were super inaccurate and ordnance respawned way too fast and was too prominent overall.
Mercs 3 never :(
The Sonic series is the right series for you then
Ishimura in Dead Space 2 was the tits.
I need to play both of these games.
Agreed, too many unguarded crates of missiles and palettes of cash lying around in a literal jungle.
Also, needed a day/night cycle, would've made stealth a legitimate strategy.