ITT: Worst characters of their respective games.
ITT: Worst characters of their respective games
Nice bait, everyone knows Liara is the only good romance option.
Thats not Diana Allers
Shes still shit user
agree with this
Liara's problem is her personality is inconsistent over the three games
>Liara's problem is her personality is inconsistent over the three games
her personality is really bad too
asari are dumb
As much as I like Liara and I consider her the canon romance for John Shepard, I have to agree. I don't know what the fuck they were doing with her personality in the later games. She went from literal autist who had difficulty understanding emotions and expressions because she spent decades nosing into ruins and her study, to being an action-hero information broker able to haggle/threathen information out of people, to literally I don't know what the fuck she was in 3, she was almost robotic.
But you have to admit, she is the best waifu material.
>But you have to admit, she is the best waifu material.
There's nothing to admit because that's not true.
>Not waifu material
>The chick who didn't move-on with her life like everyone else did when you disappeared and died.
>The chick who deliberately went searching for your body and tipped Cerberus the location of your corpse because she knew they could bring you back.
>Specifically became the Shadow Broker because she thought it would help you.
>Made it her purpose in ME3 to help you and humanity.
>Makes a time capsule about you to imprint your legacy forever in time.
wew lad, find better taste in women or else you're going to be a cuck for life fag. Nobody in the series can compare to the shit she's done to Shepard.
I don't know why she did all that shit because I told her to fuck off with her hermaphrodite alien coquetry in ME1.
kimahri weak ronso. kimahri cry
>horse hung futadick is the only good romance option.
is there something you want to admit user?
Redundant sassy black person with mediocre lines, until The Passing at least.
It's great that his boss fight is easier if you don't bother using him at all. Just Lancet spam for free Overdrives.
>didn't move on
>becomes shadow broker and doesn't even join you
Originally she was going to join you, but the Shadow Broker was after her head, sending troops to have her killed. The whole DLC is about trying to reach the SB and kill him.
After that's done, she decides that she can better help you by becoming the new SB, taking over his fortress, and handing you private/crucial information.
Liara is a fucking boss, she becomes the new galactic info broker
Anyone who disagrees is a heretic. And I'll cry to an Inquisitor about it
did you forget about kai leng or something?
liara is ganster as fuck and you know you want to make sweet, interspecies love to her
>did you forget about kai leng
yeah until you reminded me you dick
Its been a long time since I played SM. what did this little shit do other than quote the codex at us?
Reported Captain Titus to the Inquisition. Basically stabbing his chapter in the back.
this stupid monkey
It's not like he was written poorly, he was just young and made a poor decision resulting in Titus being INQUISITION'D
Not like Liara who has a Bipolar disorder and is incredibly shy in the first game but in the sequel the first thing she does when you see her is she threaten to guts someone and exist only to have an ayy to fuck
Jacob (Morinth is worst girl tho)
In no game is Liara the worst character, or even worst girl. I mean, she's never best girl either (That would be Tali in ME1, Tali in ME2, and Tali in ME3), but she's nowhere near as bad as you make her seem.
Yukari was a mistake.
my main nigga right here folks
*whips out katana*
*spins and whirls*
*alerts reapers to your location*
This is your..... end.
Ash is the worst character in all 3 games. At least you can tell diana to fuck off when you meet her and you won't see her again.
I think Morinth is objectively the worst girl of 2
>I'm really bad Shep
>really REALLY bad
>Shes still shit user
You're still shit user, and you'll always be
Good thing there's only one game
Her specis is hot but her in particular is tumblr sjw tier
Tali best spacefu
>inb4 some post brraaapmanda
It was never explained why Titus can withstand the Warp. He wasn't exactly wrong to adhere to the Codex and get it sorted out. When it comes to loyalty and strength of character, there isn't really a better space marine. I personally disagree with such a zealous adherence to doctrine, but his conviction is admirable.
Ya blew it
That's not a character. That's the beginnings of an idea for a bad fanfiction.
>walking codex entry
>best anything
Lmaoing at your life
this. She went from shy scientist to crazy bitch in a matter of 2 years.
But no, as far as characters go, there is the Jersey Shore girl, Kai Leng, Carth Onasi / christian grill and some others
>cute autist next door type of girl to a information broker who looks like she enjoys anal
God damnit Bioware
>best waifu
>not samara the milf
>particular is tumblr sjw tier
literally no
>Ash is the worst character in all 3 games
In what way, she is literally Dizzy to your Juan Rico
her dickgirl SFMs tell me otherwise. thank god I never played ass effect
By being an insufferable racist cunt, basically says fuck you in 2 and looks like a goblin in 3?
>yfw Liara raped Shepard before his run to the beam, got pregnant, had a kid that will show up on Andromeda
this. she got the tits and the hips and she's being super cute all the time
>insufferable racist
yeah ok sweetheart
>basically says fuck you in 2
they both do you fucking idiot
>looks like a goblin in 3?
yeah ok honey
That's not Diana Allers or Kylo Ren though, OP.
I always picked Miranda or Jack.
The ships in Andromeda launched before Earth's final battle though.
Liara was rather dull in the first game then got rewritten afterwards.
Still better than any of the nu-bioware characters though
Single handedly ruined Witcher 2 for me.
For you
tfw no turian bf
Well I mean she just got kidnapped by Letho until the end of game so I don't feel like it's a big deal
She brainwashed me into leaving my wife so that she could rape me at the start of the game.
Shani is shit as well though
That was the wild hunt
Triss just slid back in
Triss is the fucking worst
I liked her in W1 where she was emulating Yen, but W2/3 she was awful
Reminder that in the two years between Mass Effect and Mass Effect 2, Liara cucks Shepard.
Reminder that asari are canonically unfeeling, self-serving megalomaniacs who are only capable of amusement and mild interest. Their partners are like pets or temporary experiments for them.
They live for 1000 years, who knows what Bioware can hamfist
>Shepard I'm a Reaper doomsday device.
She's not racist in a good way buddy
You don't need to quote my post three times "sweetheart"
>they both do
Who are you talking about? Liara? At least she had a reason, ash is just "lol i dont trust you shep"
Worst part about Ashley is that they named her after the greatest movie character of all time and then made her a boring, unfunny soldier.
It's not like there are a lot of other options. You're not going to take a dick like some kind of fag, and Kelly is going to give you Space-AIDS.
>ash is just "lol i dont trust you shep"
Thats what they both say you fucking dolt, Kaiden and Ash
fuk u m8
Traynor is remarkably decent.
If she had been in ME2 instead of Chambers, she might have a chance.
And where did I say that kaidan is a good character you triple nigger?
They were right to do it though
The choice to have Ashley/Kaiden completely distrust Shepard in ME2 was moronic. Literally everyone else trusted you, except for your human squadmate, whom you served with and dealt with the death of the third with.
Undermines any sort of bond that they built up in ME1.
> playing non canon tumblarina gulag shep
ok senpai
I think he's cute :3
Then I found out his face model is a gay huehueBR with the same last name as me
It's great.
>You could be working for Cerberus, I can't trust you
>Human councilor trusts you
>Highest admiral in the Alliance trusts you
>literally everyone else trusts you
>Playing Meer "I can't act my way out of a small brown bag" Shepard
You are literally fucking autistic, dont respond to me
His entire personality in 3 appears to be "Hi, I'm a slightly awkward Canadian. Did I mention I was from Canada? Because I'm from Canada."
>Wanting robotic Shepard over Buzz Lightyear Shepard
The worst taste
>robotic Shepard over Buzz Lightyear Shepard
You fucking wot
Hale is angry Shepard.
Meer is robot Shepard.
At least get your VAs right.
The reason why they fucked up the writing with whoever character survives Virmire is that they couldn't be arsed writing around the variables
>Playing female shepard over autistic shepard
Absolute shit taste
>they couldn't be arsed writing around the variables
It's even worse with ME3.
Did you know that you can conceivably carry over only 2 squad members from ME3? They could even be the DLC characters. Imagine having to write around that.
End yourself you fucking waste of space
Male shepard for first self insert playthrough, femshep for second, interesting RP based playthrough.
We all know that Ciri is worse.
one of many.
Everything you just said makes her an excellent character, nobody in this game is as loyal to you as Liara
Garrus is bro for life. His end of the world dialogue is way better than Liara's as well, even if you romance her.
why is the way faces were designed in F3/NV with the shitty potato face Oblivion engine so much better than the way they look in F4?
It's always one step forward two steps back with these fucking assholes.
I always bang the first human male that shows up. Won't be doing that in Andromeda because he's black
Liara's romance with Shepard in 3 feels like the most natural romance in the game, particularly if you pick affectionate dialogue options in Lair of the Shadow Broker.
However she is a boring autist in ME1 and it does not make sense to romance her there.
Miranda is my favorite female, but the path which comes across as most natural/well-written to me is romancing no one in ME1, fucking Kelly in ME2 but hinting there might be something there with Liara in LotSB, and then getting with Liara in ME3.
That said, why is LotSB so much fucking better than every other mission throughout the entire series? Why couldn't the guys who designed that mission design all of ME3?