Are convenience stores comfy?

are convenience stores comfy?

Really any kind of place where you can shop for stuff is pretty comfy.
Bonus points if its a horror game and its one of the few safe places

No, 99% of the time they are owned by a foreigner and they stare at you while you shop, dear god you misplace an item and they'll scream shoplifter at you and ban you from the store for life.

No. Theyre full of annoyed employees, Cranky pharmacists, Drunk homeless people, and drug dealers. Just go to the grocery store where normal people are and they dont care if you spend 3 hours at the magazine stand

Only if it's after midnight and you're on a road trip.

>Really any kind of place where you can shop for stuff is pretty comfy

Consumerist troglodyte detected

No, I have nothing but hate for shopping and stores.

Fucking inept clueless cunts blocking whole isles with their carts and having a conversation at the entrance to isles.
I'm sick of having to stop myself from asking
Excuse me could I get past please ..because your fat fucking ass is in the way and you've block the path for everyone else by having your cart sideways across the whole fucking isle while you chat to your friend.
>Dumbasses that don't know what they are doing.
If i'm at the shop I know why i'm there, I go through each isle and see what I want aswell as get what i'm there for.
What I don't do is constantly backtracking myself going back and forth, doubling back and retracing my steps getting in everyone way.
The amount of times i've been walking behind someone who then stops in their tracks and turns around because he went the wrong way now is trying to get past me is just fucking stupid.
>Old people
I hate old people, and kids. neither have any spacial awareness, some retard just stopped in their tracks and now stops everyone behind them while they fuck about with their bag or phone or something? Old person. Slow as shit, can never reach anything and they are always in the way, half of them smell bad aswell.
Kids crowding around their parents cart and wandering around getting in the way.

Fucking hate shopping.
No, I actually don't hate shopping I hate been held up by retards not knowing how to conduct themselves in public

He didn't say actually purchasing. Quit your autistic tantrums when something doesn't fit into your narrow minded world view

Then the old fucking faggots like to wait until after work, or on the weekends to go shopping because they're so fucking lonely and want to be around other people. They're never at the store during work hours, during the actual week

Oh sorry, I didn't realize "shopping for stuff" didn't include actually purchasing anything.

Dumb commiecuck

Sup Forums really is swarming with these psudo-intellectuals who really think they're deep huh

anyway hell yes especially in GTA games and dead rising

plus dawn of the dead is easily the comfiest zombie movie ever made

>What is Window Shopping?

A misnomer.

I find marketplaces and market-alleyways way more comfier than supermarkets.

No. Independently owned, and constantly have expired items.

Hold up, I haven't play San Andreas in years but I never remember going inside a 24-7?

Is this a mod or beta screen shots?

I always liked that little shopping district in mega man legends

>The chirpy music
>The people walking about.
>Kids playing tag.
>Kicking cans into stalls.

Definitely comfy.

Japanese 7/11 are the comfiest shit ever. I want to go back ;_;
