>MGS V is bad meme
It was actually really fun to play, fuck you tasteless plebs.
>MGS V is bad meme
It was actually really fun to play, fuck you tasteless plebs.
Sup Forums prefers cinematic experiences.
Gameplay was fun. Everything else was shit.
I had fun. I still go back to it once in awhile and just fuck around.
Empty and boring maps, boring mission structure, unfinished and tons of cut content.
I got it for $5 so I thought it was okay enough
What "cut content" are you referring to? How can content that isn't created be cut?
Also hope you die.
>It was actually really fun to play
For 15 hours. Then it becomes work. I don't buy Metal Gear expecting a fucking mobile game with asscreed tier collecting.
>t. "MGSV was my first MGS game" babby
inb4 dummies posting concept art and calling it cut content
Nah I also played MGR ahaha dumbass.
this to be quite very honest
contents like the Kingdom of Flies arc where you fight Eli. And the fancy tank was supposed to be usable, though take up a companion slot and requires resources to mantain, if it was destroyed you basically have to make a new one.
I played literally about 80 hours in the first 5 days of it being out. I did nothing but wake up, play MGSV, go to sleep for a full week. I think it's a great game.
It could have been the greatest game of all time though. It still hurts. Why didn't he finish it?
>It could have been the greatest game of all time though. It still hurts. Why didn't he finish it?
I was born in a small pachinko village
>HRC and the entire establishment got absolutely fucking fucked.
This will never not make me happy. As I become homeless soon and eventually kill myself, I can die smiling knowing our country rejected corruption, globalism and liberal fear mongering.
but dude it didn't have 5 hours of cutscenes and LE FEELS COLD WAR STORY so it's shit xD
MGSV is the perfect example of why everyone here who says only gameplay matters and that everything else can suck a dick is wrong.
It's not bad. It's just disappointing because the final Metal Gear Solid is an unfinished game with a terrible plot and none of the charm of Metal Gear.
How many layers of shitposting are you on right now dude?
This. I would certainly have received it better if it wasn't a MGS game at all, especially the one that was supposed to bring a satisfying final note to the series. It's like going to the final tour of your favorite band and then they're just covering some other band from completely different genre than they have played before.
>terrible plot
>kojima's game
wow dude that's a shocker
This. The gameplay was fantastic (I'd actually argue it's the best gameplay in ANY Metal Gear game) but everything else was bad.
Why did he spend so much time on frivolous bullshit like sunglasses deals instead of spending it on finishing the fucking game
>yfw in hindsight Kojima wanted to make this point
>just to shut up Carmackposting
>This. The gameplay was fantastic (I'd actually argue it's the best gameplay in ANY Metal Gear game) but everything else was bad.
Music was great.
Yeah, it was. For a while. Then you realise that there's literally nothing else to it. You just repeat the same formula over and over and over again. Dropped it around mission 25.
>YOU SPIN ME RIGHT ROUND while drifting and slashing africans on D walker
>KIDS IN AMERICA while throttling child soldiers
>REBEL YELL as you call down an airstrike on the russians
The game was unfinished. About a year unfinished. Act 2 wasn't suppose to be Act 1 missions on very hard. Even suppose to be an Act 3. Plus this shit.
The game is still amazing but it's a damn shame it was never finished. Fuck Konami
Does that include idling for development?
I loved 1-4 but V was a great change of pace and a fantastic game. 2 is still my favorite but people acting like V was bad are retarded. I got 150 hours easy before getting bored. Most fun game in the series to actually play, for once in the series I was more excited to play instead of watch the next scene.
>good music and sound direction in-game and on-tapes
>well directed cutscenes and good art design
>nice graphics and solid 60 FPS performance
>good themes and good memes
The only thing it did bad was the story and that's only because it was incomplete and had too few characters.
People who think of videogames in terms of gameplay and story are fucking retarded. Story is just one part of aesthetics.
It's not that it was bad; it was unfinished.
You're right; the gameplay is the tightest it's ever been, with tons of weapons, items, and decent selection of buddies.
However, there's a lot missing from the standard MGS game, as well as what we were expecting from all the hype.
For example, there's something like two boss battles, Quiet and Sahelanthropus, in the whole game. Three if you count the Skulls. This is a series with some of the most memorable bosses in vidya; each previous game has a respectable boss squad. Even MGS4 had the Metal Gear duel and the final Ocelot fight.
Additionally, none of the bases we got were ever as really as well-designed as the Ground Zeroes base, which plays more into level design and other open world problems.
There's also a shit ton of story stuff that was obviously cut.
People argue about whether it was Kojima having too much budgetary freedom or execs being cunts (probably a mix of both), but it always stems from the game not living up to its hype and promises.
Mostly infiltrating FOBs, sure there is like ~40h of idling to get offline resources processed until online procuring and processing got superior and you didn't have to leave yourself in the back of a truck going over checkpoints throughout the night.
>gone home is bad meme
It was actually really fun you tasteless fucks
There's the Eli fight if you want to count that as a boss fight.
Why would you idle for development?
The ones that requiere you to be ingame to develop are few and are only 2 hours long.
The rest go on even when you are not in the game.