Why didn't you tell me that this game was amazing...

Why didn't you tell me that this game was amazing? Why is no-one talking about this game anymore and why is everyone playing Negrofield 1?

Of course it is spoken, but Sup Forums like more shit weeb, FFXV, etc

>MFW Survive. Evade. Resist. Escape.

Hopefully word of mouth and the free dlc will help grow the community.

it would be more fun if everyone wasn't such a retard on multiplayer. I dont know why everybody else is so fucking bad at this game on ps4.

I uninstalled and refunded it. Buggy, boring.

Titanfall 2 is a slow burn/sleeper game.

It was only $30 recently so between that and the Christmas sales, it'll give the player base a huge boost.

The fire rises brother.

>This or Overwatch

Tf2 by fucking miles

I might have told you OP but the install time is so fucking long I haven't had a chance to play past the tutorial

Overwatch. No question about it. Much more longevity. This game is already dying.

Despite its low population now, I am confident it will grow over time.
Plus, the campaign is pretty damn good.

The numbers were low, but are getting larger. Which is really cool.

Definitely a poor release time,

Do you like games with fast combat and recognizably different game modes, good graphics, an amazing physics system, or children's arcade feel-good about yourself games?

OW will be supported for more than a year and will have people playing it.

Overwatch has a lower skill ceiling but more people.
Titanfall 2 has a higher skill ceiling but less people.

Everyone who played on Sup Forums has told it. We literally have multiple threads everyday.

Ion is a good girl!

overwatch will be playable for another 10 year, titanfall 2 will be dead by the end of the year

WHOAH! what a hard choice

>everyone on this game acting like this game is under-performing

no faggots its doing just fine. Their intention never was to maximize $60 purchases but just to get it out there so people buy the micro transactions which is where they will make their real money. Even the "free" maps are retarded because next week we only get 1. So instead of say COD which usually drops 4 at a time this will be like one every month or two. Fucking sucks.

Literally where are the microtransactions, I don't think there actually are any in TF2


Not him but they will be including a cash shop in the next patch.

EA was trying to fuck over Respawn I'm 100% sure

it's all cosmetic stuff which is the only way to do it in my opinion. EA probably isn't making as much money as they want though so I'm sure they'll switch to a different model soon

>Protocol 3: Protect the pilot

Oh I don't doubt it.
I bet they forced respawn to include the cash shop as well.

depends if you are good at FPS or not. at least in overwatch i have my team being shit to create a challenge to try to carry them. its stupid easy to solo carry in Titanfall 2 and there is no real matchmaking. It was fun for a week.

If you played good arena FPS like quake, unreal, etc. You will like Overwatch a lot more.

If you want a faster paced COD clone where the biggest group is a reddit group get Titanfall 2.

Overwatch has a lot higher skill cap too.