Buckle up, Sup Forums. I said the other day I was gonna take you on a ride, and I intend to make good on my word.
Buckle up, Sup Forums. I said the other day I was gonna take you on a ride, and I intend to make good on my word
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I don't know if I can survive a third time.
I'm including any advertisements or dividers if they seem relevant enough.
Well that's been the most interesting part of the thread.
Okay then. usually when that happens it's just the thumbnail that fucks up.
Oh well. I'm getting a duplicate file error, so here's page #13.
Huh. It's been a while since we've had a serious comic dump. Are you saying you intend to keep this up long term?
Most likely. I was thinking M/W/F from 8:00 PM to 2:00 AM EST.
Reminder that if you aren't reading Sonic as Jaleel White, you're doing it wrong.
Reminder that if you read Robotnik's dialogue in a voice outside of Long John Baldwin, you're doing it wrong.
Damn dude, good luck! I'll be reading along.
Man I remember when I was really into sonic and read these all the time
I also remember that sally changed colors like 3 times
Pink with black hair was the best one
End of chapter #0. On to Sonic Special #1.
>swirling eyes = robot
Kind of low standards for the meaning of the word.
This bit is amusing if you've read later in the series.
I'm ready.
Chapter #1 done, moving on to #2.
Yes breathe in the caustic missile gas. This cannot fail.
Wait, is that eye an edit?
Torpedoes aren't missiles though, so it's okay probably maybe.
The first of countless magical macguffins.
I'd say take a shot but I don't want to responsible for all the liver damage.
Admittedly. The Archie Sonic Comics aren't really my thing. But these old issues are amusing.
The old issues can at least be funny as a gag comic.
Once Penders starts writing it becomes a make you gag comic.
Nobody's here to be genuinely intrigued in the story. Nobody will probably care about these dumps until we reach issue #50 or so when Penders takes over.
kek, it's "Baldry" m8
My bad. Going off memory.
Fair enough.
Keep it up OP. I'll have an eye out for these threads.
Even before then Penders starts writing a secondary writer around issue 16 I think.
Even with other writers you can already start to see Penders going to crazy town.
>the power of freedom vs. the power of pollution
I feel the need to sing the national anthem as well as Captain Planet's themesong.
>reading them with the different voice actors depending on the era
though during 160 onwards i tend to read sonic as ryan drummond more than griffithhe works better with shadow imo
at least i'm consistent with eggman/robotnik
Griffith was always shit.
Maybe it's just my mid-2000's forum fanboy posting, but even today I can't stand listening to Griffith's performance.
So... nothing became of Robotnik knowing where Knothole is?