Game has story

>game has story

>game has no story

I want to fuck May!

>game is only story

>story has a game

Me first!

>game has no plot development

>"game is totally fun user, it's the most action packed game of the year!"
>10 hours of cutscenes

Well who is bigger, May or Mei?

>the entire story is comprised of background lore that you absorb through the environment, item descriptions, and short dialogue.

>game has story that you could only find online

A story is not necessarily bad but the story should be built around the gameplay not the other way around.

>story has a game

>play game
>music starts playing


Fuck you guys i saw her first!

>game has no gameplay and is basically a shitty fantasy story

>game actually has a pretty decent story and lore surrounding it
>not one single person pays attention to it other than you

Don't you fucking dare m8. I can't remember the game which brought me as much satisfaction from the ending.

>game has story that is better than most TV series
>doesn't get a TV series

this one didn't happen to me but what did happen to me was

>game actually has a pretty decent skill ceiling and in-depth mechanics
>only 30% of the playerbase gits gud at it
>developer eventually start making changes that hurt the good gameplay because they don't even know about it

game is elsword btw

>game has astonishing design ideas and soundtrack
>it sucks at everything else

It was such a pain to play it, seeing how amazing ideas are butchered by mediocre performance.

Fucking bloodborne
Fucking destiny

>the story is shit but the gameplay is great

I'll do her after you guys

>Gameplay is shit but the story is great

Why the fuck do they do this?

Gonna be a long wait.

The game is a game, but the story is a story. Cutscenes are story, game is game. Just like pulling a card in Monopoly is not game, but story. The story interacts and changes the game, but the method of telling this is not something the player can control (in a video game). So they are two seperate entities made adding to the sum of its parts, "the game". We use this shorthand reference to make it easy to talk of the whole.
So game with just cutscenes would be movie.
So game with just game would be game.
So game with both cutscenes and game would be game.