So whats your GOTY?
So whats your GOTY?
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I think I've had more fun with Furi over any other game this year. Hitman is really good and I'm still digging the new Dishonored but Furi is something special. I hope they make another one.
My nigga.
>I hope they make another one.
Me too. The dev said they don't "plan" on making one but I wouldn't be surprised if they did. There's a lot of potential in there, and I don't want to see it forgotten too soon.
N++ is the best game of the decade.
What else have they made? Was Furi successful enough for them to maybe reconsider? I got it for free on PS+ so I worry for its sales.
Nothin' but mobile games and a tactical RPG
Combo Crew was pretty fun yo
Furi was shit.
Titanfall 2
Fucking finally
Still waiting on my poster
I think you're a shitheel for not liking Furi but the fact you like KoF kind of nullifies that
Who else hype for the /notshitgraphics/ update
pic related
Current graphics
New graphics
>I got it for free on PS+ so I worry for its sales.
Sony has to pay out for every download of those ps+ games. Each contract is negotiated differently, but it's usually something like 10-15% of the revenue they'd have gotten from a normal sale. Considering how many people download them that never would have bought them, that's a decent offer. And Furi in particular got a massive word of mouth boost due to it. I think it'll do alright.
I have a hard time getting into mobile games but I have faith in them so I'll check it out.
They wouldn't necessarily need to make a "sequel." The story was so-so. I just want more of the same gameplay, maybe improved upon in whatever way they see fit.
I can't even remember what games came out this year.
>I think you're a shitheel for not liking Furi
The music is cool but literally everything else about the game is mediocre at best. It's a bad beat em up/action game, it's a bad twin stick/shmup, and at best you can say that the game is more than the sum of its parts, but two bads come together to make a meh. It doesn't do justice to either genre and the fights boil down to very basic, very simplistic and one dimensional counters to boss patterns. Charge your sword, dodge the thing, attack for massive damage. Charge your sword, dodge the thing, attack for massive damage. Occasionally they mix it up by making you charge your shot instead of your sword but you still rinse and repeat the same garbage over and over again.
If you liked Furi, you should play The Red Star. It's the same gameplay concept of combining a beat em up with shmup bullet patterns except there are actual levels, the combat actually has SOME depth to it, there's much better enemy design because there are actual enemies, the bullet patterns are actually good instead of being the trash that Furi does where you were never in a million years supposed to graze the bullets but instead slash or shoot your way through them and abuse invincible dashes to get through everything and also half the bullets are homing and never go away until you destroy them or beat the section, it's just better in every possible way. If I never played Red Star I might be able to give Furi a chance and think it was maybe okay, but because I've seen the exact same idea done flawlessly, it's impossible to see Furi as anything other than a failure.
I'm still trying to decide between Furi and the RNG shitfest that is Darkest Dungeon. I've gotten way more mileage from DD, but Furi had a bigger impact for me; I'm still listening to the soundtrack everyday. DD on the other I'm still currently playing, but goddamn when you get to the level 5 and up dungeons you're at the mercy of RNGesus. But it has good depth to combat, also has a great soundtrack and the art style is gorgeous.
I meant more actual sales rather than PS+ profits. Will the game sell enough for them to consider a sequel? If I was a developer, of course I would appreciate the PS+ cash, but I wouldn't factor it in when I was looking to see if people wanted a sequel.
On another note, psnprofiles says that 50,538 people own the game and only 33,992 people have beaten the first boss. That's nuts. I wonder how many would like the game if they actually played it. I thought it looked like shit and even gave up after dying to the jailer three or four times. I picked it back up a week later and fell in love with it. Got the platinum after two weeks of thinking it was impossible.
About 160+ hours put into it and i'll be getting many more each DLC and expansion.
I got it for PS+ when it came out but didn't even play it until a week ago. It's crazy to think that I was one of those people missing out on that experience.
I don't think Furi is as simple as you're saying but you're not totally wrong. Is Red Star really that good? I've never heard of it.
This game just screams Afro Samurai. Humans with big creepy animal masks, main characters' hair style, a clash of Japanese influence and modern/futuristic stuff. No wonder - they have same character designer.
Furi was my GOTY too.
A fucking Unity indie game.
I bought the soundtrack the second I got the chance and it was worth every fucking penny.
Go listen to Death Grips and Jason Aldean, Sup Forums.
'Member No Man's Sky?
>goty is an indie game, two years in a row
really makes you think
There are so many of them there's bound to be some diamonds in the haystack. Almost all AAA titles nowadays are playing it safe.
I deleted my post because I decided not to start flinging shit in a good Furi thread but I hate both of those artists. Except for that song about the boots. Pure music kino.
I actually think Furi is a great game, but I don't like the soundtrack as much as everyone else has. I was expecting full on balls to the wall synthwave like Hotline Miami 2 had, but the soundtrack overall feels kind of flat and unmemorable compared to HM, with only one or two tracks standing out for me.
Cue me in, what was GOTY last year?
I didn't realize The Witcher 3 was an indie game.
It's a fucking hidden gem of the 6th gen. It was in development hell for-fucking-ever and had zero advertising so it was basically pushed out the door to die, which is a shame because it is an incredible game. It goes from 3D beat em up to bullet hell seamlessly nonstop and both feel great. One thing I will say is that the controls are pretty fucking dated which is kind of to be expected from a 6th gen title so there will be a lot of things that will throw you off if you go in expecting a modern game, but the controls work really well once you get used to them. There's a pretty basic combo system for melee attacks and you unlock a couple weapons to switch through so while it's not the most complex action game you'll ever play, there's still something going on that you can sink your teeth into and figure out what is best to deal with the current situation. It throws the basic enemy archetypes at you in the beginning, guys with shields who block bullets, guys with guns who run away, melee dudes who rush you down, etc and as the game goes on those archetypes get remixes that are more than just reskins, you get real enemy patterns that you need to learn how to deal with from standard enemies and how they put these enemies together is some of the best beat em up level design and enemy placement you can find. The bullet hell sections are very classic in design. You don't really aim your gun outright but rather most of your shooting will be done with a lock on because the shmup segments are not about how well you aim but rather how well you dodge bullets, and the bullet patterns are pretty fantastic if you're a fan of shmups. Typically (but not always) the camera will shift to a top down perspective for the bullet hell segments to give you super precise dodging which is great.
I could go on, but yes, Red Star is that good. I wish more people knew about it because it's one of the best games on the PS2.
Either Furi, Doom, or Owlboy
DS3 didn't really grab me like one or two
Overwatch is disqualified imo for not having a single player campaign or mode
Thought this year was pretty good desu
Titanfall 2
I've seen some mixed things about Owlboy. Some say its really freaking good and others say its just....good. Not outstanding but still worth checking out at the least.
I loved the shit out of Hyper Light Drifter, no other game came close.
Olwboy took 8 years to be made and 8 days to be forgotten. Could been GOTY if the last half wasnt underwhelming.
holy shit someone on Sup Forums with actual taste
youre fucking retarded if you think anyone is reading that holy shit
Okay, you've piqued my interest. Def gonna check this out tomorrow..
Its major downfall is its length for its price, its 6-8 hours for like 25 dollars. Some people also thought it wasn't very challenging, but I was so engrossed in the story I didn't really notice. everything else is fantastic
Gravity Rush Remastered
Xenoblade Chronicles X was Indie? I didn't think Monolith was ever considered an indie company.
God forbid someone explain a game in detail.
Your passion has convinced me. Haven't had a reason to use my PS2 in a while. If it's as smooth as Furi then it sounds like I'll enjoy it. I'm assuming the iOS version is shit?
Rabi Ribi. Furi and Owl Boy are a strong 3rd and 4th, respectively, though.
>30fps lock
How do people fuck up fundamentals so badly? Didn't he also make the game easier through patches after people complained there were no Iframes?
god forbid someone autistically write a wall of text on their favorite game without using line breaks
I never even bothered to look into it because emulators exist and if I wanted to play it in other capacities I could do that. I would NEVER want to play it with touch controls though that sounds horrific.
Wasn't any issue for me but it's 60fps now.
Doom was a really close second
Whats this game? also, whats second
okay user, you convinced me to emulate this shit.
I'm sorry
let me
for you
it was 30 fps lock because gamemaker studio forces it aka they were too lazy to actually make an engine themselves
it's 60 fps now but it's still a boring, shallow, and extremely short action game
>30 fps lock for no reason whatsoever other than incompetence
>get the gun
>shooting controls are fundamentally bad in some way that i can't remember
looked forward to the game for like 2 years and it took less than 5 minutes to shit the bed. it really does amaze how people fuck up basic fundamentals.
Damn this nigga love his vidya
Shit, user. Literally me.
I completely forgot that game came out
>it was 30 fps lock because gamemaker studio forces it
no it doesn't.
>shit user you're just like me who has played 2 AAA games and arguably the highest profile indie game released this year
wow what a scoop
Is NG+ worth my time? Also did you manage to get the no deaths achievement? I've managed to beat all
the main bosses without dying but I think I'm still a ways away from navigating the entire game with one life. Seems crazy.
Also I haven't broken 500 dashes yet, much less 800. Console trash here.
I'm gonna be the weirdo and say Civ VI.
I've had so much fun with it ever since I got it. Over 80 hours into it basically right away. I'd be playing it right now if not for a fuck ton of class work.
I'd probably give it to SMT4 Apocalypse.
Ruuner up is Deus Ex MD.
Is Furi good with mouse and keyboard?
Rabi Ribi. Metroidvania bullet hell action game. Entire game can be completed in any order, except for the last 2 bosses. Music is fantastic, gameplay is stellar, and exploration is great.
My 2nd place was Civ VI
>80 hours
I'm at 249. It's the game I sunk most of my time into this year, after Xenoblade Chronicles X.
Are they still on sell? Been looking gor one copy badly.
came completely came out of nowhere for me and I've been hooked on it ever since.
deadly tower of monsters would be runner up.
>I'm at 249. It's the game I sunk most of my time into this year, after Xenoblade Chronicles X.
How is that possible if the year only has 365 hours hmm???????????????????
>nobody played wuppo
>everybody played hld and furi and doom and shit
y'all sad.
Yeah I don't generally like mobile games but either way it's no longer available for iOS. Hopefully I enjoy my PS2 copy. If not you owe me ten bucks.
>mfw I play every game 1 year late
witcher 3 is fun
I cheated.
Check Bandcamp, but you're likely SoL.
I genuinely don't think it would be possible to not enjoy the game. Fair warning though there are two playable characters at the start, an average build chick with average stats in everything and a big hulking tank dude with a massive spear thing, the guy does way more damage than the chick does but is incredibly slow and the speed will be a problem in the later stages where you have to move perfectly otherwise you'll be eating bullets. I prefer playing as the dude but if you're expecting super fast dashy Furi gameplay that dude will bring you suffering. Play the chick and then beat the game to unlock the 3rd character and then never play either of those two again because the 3rd character is better than both at everything.
>I genuinely don't think it would be possible to not enjoy the game
I have that game. it was a'ight.
not this tour deforce you're making it out to be.
While I was playing Furi, I think The Beat was my favourite boss because the scrolling and platforming felt the closest to a full fledged game instead of a boss rush
Red Star sounds right up my alley, though
I'll check it out on Ebay
Thanks, user
Damn this game is hard
>it's not super dashy
>aka the thing that would make such a game fun is not present in this game
it's so funny when people sperg out over some 6.5/10 game made by a nobody developer that nobody else played
You're looking at about $100 for the vinyl on Discogs but it's there.
Ys VIII: Lacrimosa of Dana.
You can always lower the difficulty.
Well I'm overselling it because I really really like it, it's one of my favorite games. I'm a big fan of arcade style games and this in my opinion nails two genres at once. I think it would be safe to say that if you enjoyed Furi you would probably enjoy it as well.
So like do you think Streets of Rage/Final Fight and Gradius/Dodonpachi etc are bad games because they don't have mechanics like that?
do mods count?
I wish macross delta was better. Cool shit like the villains teaming up with the hero is ruined because they didn't give the villains any screentime at all.
How can The Beat be your favorite? She's so easy and plain compared to the other bosses. Not bad but the least engaging part of the whole game.
I can ? until now I used the help the game provide when you suck too much and I barely make it.
The nieve boss fight was a huuuuuge pain in the ass.
I dunno, I think they already ran dry with the first game. As it neared the end, bosses just got steadily worse and more forgettable. The shining examples of what the game can be are all within the first 5 fights.
Furi is amazing, but I think having any more of it would just sully the whole thing. I'm fine with it being a one off.
>do i think early 90s beat em ups are bad games
uhh yes because they were
your game and furi have nothing to do with actual shooter games