So is this the best game in the genre?
So is this the best game in the genre?
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that would be modded diablo 2
new league when?
This friday.
400+ hours and i cant play this game anymore its just tedious and annoying
Post 'em.
I started in CB so it's not counting all of it.
D2 > Titan Quest > PoE > Grim Dawn > T2 > D3 > Van Helsing
>using steam to play a non-steam game
i get to maps then get bored and quit, and then get a hankering to play again several months later when the league is about to end so theres no reason to play
repeat every league
+ some standalone. roommate has overk 5k + 2-3k standalone though
forgot pic
lol no
they had a great idea and continued to improve it, but the original engine was pure and utter garbage, resulting in garbage gameplay no matter how much cool shit they duct tape to it
d3 is better now, and d2 is miles better than all of them.
>d3 is better now
Hah! Sure it is ;)
+ around 1500 hours on standalone
>new league comes out
>play it for a couple days
>die to some stupid shit / realize the build sucks or is just boring
>quit for the rest of the league
d3 gameplay is polished and feels smooth
poe gameplay is like riding a bike down a flight of stairs
Marvel Heroes is my fav
fastpaced gameplay
decently demanding classes (even if most of them just have 1 or max 2 specs)
challenging endgame
only downside is that you really, really, really need to buy equipment stashes or you'll quickly run out of space
>he only played normal difficulty
Get some attack/cast/movement speed and it will feel a lot smoother.
>Have to play a character for 200 hours until you can run the build you want
I'm good m8
What build are you gonna play in Breach bros?
Im going full meme wormblaster this time.
D3 doesn't have range checks on attacks. It is a fundamentally broken game.
Sacred Gold>Rest of Dungeon Crawlers.Period.
you can easily reach maps in under 10 hours if you know what you're doing
D2 = PoE> Post Reaper D3> Titan Quest = Van Helsing = Grim Dawn> Torchlight 2>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Pre Reaper D3
D2 is still one of the best, but Path I think is the closest to it in quality, modded D2 is better.
Post Reaper Diablo 3 is very enjoyable nowadays but isn't as serious as the top 2, there's less customizing but the combat is probably the most fun out of the others(PoE can have way better combat but you need a ton of money to not have a boring build or be insanely lucky)
Titan Quest, Van Helsing, and Grim Dawn aren't the most pretty or fun games out there, but they have a nice theme going with them and the combat isn't bad enough to outright dismiss them.
Torchlight 2 was a pretty disappointing game. The Visuals were nice and all but the combat was so bad and boring that it was just something you forgot about.
Pre Reaper D3 was a mess that wasn't as fun as it was just frustrating on how everything was handled. People outright buying power because they couldn't get lucky with loot from people who either got really lucky or just exploited a few bugs early on that made them unkillable.
you forgot Median XL
I've tried so many times to get into this game but just cant.
Its some combination of the aesthetics and really disliking the passive skill tree. I absolutely love the gem and skill-link system though.
I'm thinking of giving it another go soon though. Should I just blindly follow a skill build? I heard bladestorm or w/e the new melee skill was good. Anyone got a link? What should I level with until I get that gem?
why do you play on steam? i have like 3k hours on standalone
if i go on steam will my hard earned achievements transfer over?
Torchlight 2 had everything else to be good except for classes. All of the skills were uninteresting and by the time mods could have fixed it everyone dropped it. Grim Dawn to a certain measure also has this problem not putting enough effort into skill trees.
Going to try out an occultist firestorm trapper for a start. Depending on rips I'll do about 2-4 builds.
I don't like how boring and not adventuring like these games are.
There's no dungeon crawling nor resource managing. They don't give any sense of exploring, it's entirely dilluted to click everything that moves without skillshots nor THINKING and grabbing gold and yellow items.
They're as in depth as a pachinko slot machine.
that wasn't his concern m80
>can basically do skill fusions where you combine and make new variants of skills with multiple modifiers, skills are a drop
>new skills added all the time
>every league season that starts is like a mini expansion because it introduces some new mechanic
I think the genre is shit because it's basically a disguised cookie clicker but path of exile is the best of the genre. Like how can people actually say something like diablo 2 is better?
The amount of content and variety in builds just btfos any other game.
dude for your first character just follow a build guide
go to GGG forums and look at the build section, try starting with a witch build
look for up to date builds tagged with [2.4] and soon to be [2.5]
When I say D2 modded is better just assume things like Median XL
I actually started on the steam client and moved later to standalone, so dunno about about achievements.
what is the benefit to doing this?
What will the FOTM build in the next league be once they nerf Pathfinder and BV into oblivion?
>Get some attack/cast/movement speed and it will feel a lot smoother.
Like riding a bike down an oil-slicked flight of stairs instead.
I found that updates downloaded faster/on time with standalone, also I like my games disconnected from steam whenever possible anyway.
>That feel when melee will be forever shit
Same. I love the game, and it's criminally underrated. It's too bad the launch was so bad no one gave it another try.
Blade Flurry
Bladeflurry Assassin courtesy of Mathil
Man this brings me back to being unable to handle Atziri that well with my retardedly fast attackspeed life leech build. While my friend and his flavor of the month trap build was nuking here
being a melee cuck is suffering
Grim Dawn is the best one I've played so far and I used to play a shit ton of D2.
What's a fun build? I keep restarting because none of the skills are fun.
another similar game like poe or D3 for PS4?
Depends on what you like in ARPGs. I personally like summon builds so I go full summoner witch build. If you like melee Soldier and Nightblade are pretty satisfying.
You have to go pretty far in some of the trees to get the really cool shit too so if you restart ten levels in then you aren't grabbing the right skills. You are putting one point in everything and pumping your mastery or maxing out skills along the way?
Builds really start to shine at around lvl 30. Until then, yeah it's a slog. And there's tons of fun ones, my personal favorite being a TSS build, start hitting and the sky comes crashing down. And it doesn't stop.
>decide to try CI/flurry shadow
>reach lionseye
>remember the pains of leveling
>it plays like this up to 70
Play with some skills until you find one you like, or look up build videos to see what they play like at map level
>Diablolikes on a console
What the fuck are you doing?
>f2p Diablo lite
>neckbeards and neets flock to it because they're poor and can't afford a real game and if you pay for games you're a cuck/jew/shill/goyem/nu male/whatever buzzword
Diablo 2 LoD > Diablo > Diablo 2 > Diablo 3: Ultimate Evil Edition (consoleablo) > PoE > Diablo psx > Diablo: Hellfire > Diablo 2 MedianXL > Diablo HD > Titan Quest/Grim Dawn > Marvel Heroes > FATE/Mythos/Torchlight > NOX > buncha clones > steaming pile of liquid shit inside a feed tube > Diablo 3/Reaper
pic related
this ranking also heavily weights how much funfun the mp component is/was/will be as it's basically the single most important aspect of the genre next to the gameplay itself.
shaman, put 16 points into primal strike as soon as possible and smash your way through the game
little else required
Which would make it dead wrong because you put Nox at the bottom of the list when it has the absolute best multiplayer of all of these.
unfortunately the mp was the only good part as the gameplay itself was below average compared to say diablo single player
This sorta
I really tried to like PoE but the combat and animations felt really clunky
Talent tree is a neat idea in theory tho
>Sacred Gold
I started playing it at Closed Beta and quit shortly after Release. Did it get better since then?
>People still trying to say D2 is the best
It's really fucking outdated now & the new patches have only hurt the game
Classic 1.0 & LOD pre 1.09 are quite solid though, shame you can't play them anymore online
L-lost Arc soon g-guys.
Which one of those games should I play, Sup Forums?
Divine Divinity
Sacred Gold
Din's Curse
Marvel Heroes literally killed my last PSU, had to replace it
They somehow managed to make unreal engine so demanding somehow that even on lowest settings that ugly ass shit game kept my GPU and CPU both at 100%
I've never seen a game in my life so unoptimized. It was like I was rendering a 4k video in the background at all times.
Yes, undeniably.
t. Someone with like 5k hours in d2lod, was #1 on melee duels ladder on jsp, and
>can't play them anymore online
Yes you can you retard.
the only thing outdated about it is the rez, framerate and dupe protection
it's superior in every other way